When Tangdou heard about foreign trade, he naturally thought of domestic trade.

But domestic trade is not that easy. If domestic trade can really help Red Star Textile Factory to "goof off", why should they find another way to do foreign trade.

In order to realize foreign trade, Gao Yongchang went to the provinces and cities countless times and got many letters of introduction and approval slips.

In line with what Lu Pingwan said, the efficiency of doing anything in China is too low and far behind the rapid development of the times.

It doesn't matter if they can't keep up with the speed of development when the economy is planned for the whole people. After all, it is the same for everyone.But now the South is apparently embarking on a newer attempt, with greatly increased efficiency.

This is a trend.

They must cater, or they will be eliminated.

After Tangdou finished asking, the atmosphere in the room became more solemn, and no one spoke for a long time.

But Tangdou was so embarrassed that she mistakenly thought that she had interrupted their train of thought, and immediately tried to find a way to make amends.

Bai Liu felt her hand being pulled, and turned around to see Tangdou looking at her earnestly.

"Mom, why do you have to do foreign trade?" Tangdou asked her softly.

She thought for a while and then carefully explained: "The textile factory was very likely to be banned because of overproduction, so it gained a place through foreign trade. We have to coordinate production according to the original Materials Bureau and the current Commerce Bureau, but We won’t be needed when there is excess production.”

The Red Star Textile Factory is located in Yongning County, a small county in the northeast. Although the Red Star Textile Factory has a history, most of it was destroyed that year.

There are textile factories like this in almost every county, and it is not difficult to produce the same thing.

To put it bluntly, small textile factories are destined to be banned and eliminated.

But Tangdou doesn't fully understand this concept. She is now 11 years old and has almost completely grown up in the years shrouded in the planned economy, but her life is not completely planned.

Song Jiaying and Bai Liu have always known how to work around the situation and can provide Tangdou with a better life than their peers even under closed circumstances. Fubao, whom Tangdou has the most contact with, also has a good father.

Tangdou has always wanted to do whatever she wants, and her parents will try to get it for her. Even if she wanted to sell hair cards on a whim a few years ago, she didn't encounter too many obstacles.

She could not understand the seriousness of violating the planned economy.

"Why do we have to abide by the arrangement? Are the clothes we saw at the train station carrying clothes arranged by the Commerce Bureau?" Tangdou didn't understand. "I guess not. There are also those who left here. , whose approval did they get when selling clothes?"

"This is against the regulations. Once discovered, it will be regarded as speculation." Gao Yongchang frowned. He felt that those people wanted money rather than their lives.

A vague thought suddenly appeared in Bai Liu's mind, and she blurted out: "The law does not punish everyone. If everyone does this, in fact, to a certain extent, this can only be done with the acquiescence of certain people."

To sell goods from the south to the north and goods from the north to the south, you must use various means of transportation and pass through various intersections.

If you really want to control it, why can't you control it? It's just that the mouth above is loose.

Gao Yongchang, Xiang Guilan and others were stunned at the same time. This idea was so impactful that they could not and did not dare to do it.

Tangdou followed Bai Liu's thoughts and nodded and shook his head: "Mom, I roughly understand what you mean. It's like selling hair cards. Because the cost is reduced, we can sell them cheaper. Think about it, it's still very profitable, but the risk is relatively high. ."

"Reselling is a way for small traders to start a business. Hongxing Textile Factory has its own business. The price of speculation is too low." Bai Liu thought that if she didn't have a job, she really wanted to give it a try and make money. "We can expand our ideas." "Why? We can only sell clothes, can't we sell other things?" Tangdou asked a seemingly ridiculous question.

Xiang Guilan shook his head helplessly: "Isn't the textile factory just selling these textiles? If we sell wood, it will become a lumber factory, maybe even a furniture factory, but now everyone makes their own furniture."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but laugh at herself: "It seems that after living in the planned economy for a long time, I have forgotten my original life. Now I can't buy things without tickets, and I don't know how to produce without a plan. No wonder Lu Pingwan said that our ideas are backward. I really can’t get used to it.”

Bai Liu lowered his head in thought, inadvertently glanced at the sofa opposite, and raised his head suddenly.

"Sister Xiang, what were you talking about just now?" She said to herself, "Lumber factory? Furniture factory?"

Xiang Guilan was puzzled: "Yes, let me compare. Everyone's life is not easy. What kind of lumber factory and furniture factory do we need in the Northeast? They all make their own furniture. Isn't your second brother a carpenter?"

More difficult furniture can be made by a carpenter, while less difficult furniture can be made at home. A set of furniture will be used from wedding to death, so if you save it, it may last two or three generations.

From this point of view, lumber mills cannot survive without the planned economy.

"It's true that no one needs furniture very often, but carpenters can't starve to death, but we can't change it into a furniture factory, right?" Xiang Guilan joked, "Your idea this time is not good."

Bai Liu didn't speak. She looked at Tangdou with a smile and motioned to Tangdou to look under her butt.

"Jelly beans?"

Suddenly, Tangdou stood up and said loudly: "Auntie Xiang, why can't the textile factory be changed into a furniture factory? Aren't we furniture?"

Tangdou pointed to the cushion where Xiang Guilan was sitting and looked at them with a smile.

Bai Liu was proud that her daughter understood her best, and she could connect with her soul with just one look.

Hee hee hee, her cub is the best!
Xiang Guilan stood up and looked at the cushion in a daze.

Bai Liu had to explain: "Just now Tangdou mentioned domestic trade, and you happened to mention furniture, which gave us ideas. Have you noticed that more people are getting married this year, and weddings require furniture. You are right, furniture can It lasts a lifetime, but who can use a cushion for a lifetime?”

"In the past, there was nothing we could do if we needed cloth tickets, but if the tickets are canceled in the future, wouldn't it be too much for our textile factory to make cushions?"

Nothing too much, that's their real skill.

After the restrictions of the planned economy are lifted, since foreign trade does not have an advantage and the demand for domestic trade increases, then domestic sales will be made.

After all, it is for production and sales. Earning foreign exchange and domestic currency are both making money, and there is no need to limit it to internal and external considerations.

Gao Yongchang and Xiang Guilan looked at Bai Liu and her daughter with wide eyes at the same time: "Is this okay?"

Bai Liu said in an almost certain tone: "Why not? The range of furniture is wider."

"We currently don't have better resources. Even if we imitate the popular clothing styles in Hong Kong City, they may not be suitable for us in the Northeast. And soon, someone will bring goods from the south to sell in the Northeast, making guerrilla warfare more flexible."

But furniture is different, especially things like sofas and mattresses, which are too expensive to transport from south to north because of their size.

Furniture will sell well for a long time.

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