Lu Pingwan was unusually kind today. Even though her attitude was still strong, she was no longer determined.

Bai Liu couldn't help but look solemn. She didn't know whether Lu Pingwan compromised or had other ideas.

"Jangdou, do you want to stay in the capital or go to school in Hong Kong City?" Lu Pingwan asked Tangdou and then looked at Bai Liu, "The basic teaching content in Beijing is very different from that in Hong Kong City. I think you can probably imagine. If you start from In the long run, I would recommend going to Hong Kong City to attend middle school, and then send her to study abroad at university, but..."

Obviously Bai Liu couldn't agree easily.

Bai Liu did not express her position when she heard this. She immediately looked at Tangdou: "I leave it to Tangdou to decide. I really don't want Tangdou to go to Hong Kong City to attend middle school. My idea is for her to stay in China to receive a middle school education. As for going to college, … That’s a few years from now.”

It is not suitable for Tangdou to go to Hong Kong City now, not because she is worried about Lu Pingwan, but because Tangdou has been exposed to the prosperity of Hong Kong City too early and may not be able to study quietly.

Life is still a long road, and a rich man may lose all his wealth overnight. Tangdou should not rely entirely on others and pin his future on others.

She hoped that Tangdou would lay a solid foundation first so that he could be at peace with the glitz and noise for a long time in the future.

Lu Pingwan was all right, but she also looked at Tangdou.

Facing their gazes, Tangdou couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She took a deep breath and finally expressed her thoughts.

"Grandma Lu, I have already thought about it. I want to learn the knowledge you taught me, but I don't want to go to Hong Kong City. Is it okay if I stay in the capital to go to school? If possible, I will go there when I have time during the holidays. you……"

Tangdou's idea was a bit bold, especially when it was said in front of Lu Pingwan. It was so unbridled that it made people feel ignorant.

A trace of surprise flashed across Lu Pingwan's face, and then she suddenly smiled.

"Twenty years ago, or even ten years ago, I would have been angry when I heard you say something like this. I felt that this child had too many demands. But now that I hear it, I suddenly feel that young people must be energetic. If a person is young, he must be energetic. It’s boring to be timid and look forward and backward.”

Lu Pingwan paused for a moment, then nodded: "I accept your request, but we agreed that you must complete my exam, otherwise I will punish you. If you violate the agreement, you can't blame me."

Tangdou breathed a sigh of relief and agreed immediately.

Bai Liu hesitated for a moment. She thought about whether to ask Lu Pingwan to help find a school. She currently wanted Tangdou to go to the High School Affiliated to Beijing University. It was not easy. Maybe Lu Pingwan would be more convenient.

But Lu Pingwan did everything for her. Isn't she very incompetent as a mother?

Remembering what she had said to her tutor at school today, she subconsciously looked at the phone.

The High School Affiliated to Peking University was originally established for the children of faculty and staff. However, as time passed and the teaching resources were relatively good, many people tried their best to study in the High School Affiliated to Peking University.

It seems that her relationship with Peking University is not that far away. She is a student of Peking University and lives near Peking University. As long as the tutor comes forward to communicate with the affiliated high school, the problem will be easier to solve.

She was not used to relying on favors to do things, but this was a necessity in the favor society, so she had to do it bravely.

The call was connected two days ago, and she left her phone number with her tutor, who said he would communicate with the attached middle school as soon as possible and give her the news.

When Bai Liu looked at the phone, it suddenly rang, and she immediately walked to the phone.

Not many people left her number, and the most urgent thing at the moment should be for Tangdou to go to school.

"Hello... Manager Li? I'm at home... Someone's looking for me. The phone number in Shanghai... Cuihua?... Okay, ask her to write down my home phone number when you call again..."

The landline phone's soundproofing wasn't very good, and since there were only three people in their room, the sound was even louder and clearer.Tangdou looked at Bai Liu in surprise. She didn't know that Cuihua went to Shanghai before, but later she found out that Cuihua was going to her father's old home in her identity. She was worried and guilty.

After all, she is not strong enough, and she will become more powerful one day.

The moment Bai Liu hung up the phone, Tangdou immediately asked: "Mom, how is sister Cuihua?"

Bai Liu shook his head and slowly put down the hand holding the phone: "Not sure. Li Jianguo conveyed Cuihua's words and said she would call me again."

She was more worried that Cuihua would be in trouble, after all, she had never received a call from Cuihua before.

Song Jiaying had been in contact with Cuihua before, and he didn't know when he gave Cuihua the number of the Friendship Store, just to prevent emergencies.

Cuihua called suddenly. Could she be in trouble?
Sensing Lu Pingwan's confused expression, she suddenly remembered what she had told Lu Pingwan before about Cuihua going to the Song family in Shanghai on behalf of Tangdou.What did Lu Pingwan say at that time?

She said she knew, and the Song family in Shanghai was anxious to get Tangdou over because of the bait she and Song Jingyun had released.

The Song family in Shanghai wants the ancestral property of Song Jingyun's family. If Song Jiaying and Tangdou inherit it, they can eliminate possible troubles in the future.

"I haven't heard that there is any danger over there recently. The people I sent out to inquire about the news returned the news yesterday. Cuihua tortured Song Jingzhang and the others so much that they deserved it. Song Jingzhang not only wanted the Yuan family's ancestral property, but he was also worried that Song Jingyun would be angry one day. To make them angry, I want to let people who are related to the Yuan family between Song Jiaying and Tangdou inherit... They bully the weak and fear the strong, they are useless."

Bai Liu couldn't comment. She felt that the difference between brothers Song Jingzhang and Song Jingyun was a bit big.Perhaps Song Jingzhang is powerful enough in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with Song Jingyun and his wife, Song Jingzhang and Lu Qingwan are completely inferior.

It's just that she won't look down on anyone, even a small bird can shake a tree. Besides, she is weaker than Song Jingzhang in comparison.

She couldn't help frowning: "Cuihua borrowed someone else's phone number. I don't know when she will call. If I'm not at home, Tangdou, you-"

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

Almost immediately, she subconsciously picked up the phone, and her premonition told her it was Cuihua.

"...Professor Wu...Okay, then I will bring my child and identity certificate to report tomorrow...Thank you. I will take the child to thank my wife later."

Bai Liu didn't know what to say. This was a call from her tutor, telling her that she had arranged school arrangements for Tangdou.

Professor Wu's lover is the vice principal of the High School Affiliated to Beijing University. She was transferred back from other places last month. She didn't know it at first, but she accidentally found the right person.

Although it wasn't Cuihua's call, the matter of Tangdou going to school was finally settled.

Lu Pingwan understood and said with a bit of disdain: "I will arrange it even if you don't tell me. It's true that I'm not a business person and I don't know how to be shameless."

Bai Liu smiled and said nothing. She admitted that she was a bit concerned about face.

Lu Pingwan's attitude today was a bit too cordial, which made her even more suspicious.

She doesn't think a person can change themselves quickly, and she hasn't made any positive moves in their relationship lately.

Is Lu Pingwan possessed by evil spirits?Or do you have other plans?

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