Come to think of it, there are too many firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea in life, Bai Liu always has to let himself live first.

She vaguely felt that the direction of society was changing, but before there was a complete change, she needed to build up confidence for her future life.

Relying on others is only temporary after all. She had no intention of giving up her job at the Friendship Store, but she seemed to be working harder recently.

Li Jianguo admired her attitude in doing things and knew that Bai Liu would have a bright future after being admitted to graduate school, so he was more willing to give her more opportunities.

"...Before school starts, you can go on a business trip with me, to Shanghai."

Bai Liu wanted to refuse immediately. After all, she was worried about Tangdou being at home, but then she thought about it.

Going to Shanghai, isn't this a mistake?
Ever since Cuihua called her a few days ago, she had been feeling uneasy, but there was no call from Cuihua again.

She couldn't guess whether Cuihua was in a bad situation, and she couldn't help but suspect that there were other secrets behind Song Jiaying's life experience... But no matter what, as she told Tangdou before, she wanted to take Cuihua away.

Bai Liu agreed to Li Jianguo's business trip to Shanghai, but she didn't think about how to arrange Tangdou's recent life until she walked into the house.

According to her observations these days, Wan Xiang is a very caring child and has no problem with her character.

But she didn't trust Tangdou to stay alone in the capital. She didn't trust outsiders except her close relatives.

But it was not convenient for Tangdou to go to Shanghai with her. She was worried that Song Jingzhang and his family would find out that Cuihua was a fake.

Cuihua didn't bring her out at that time, and she would be in trouble if she put the jelly beans in.

"Bai Liu!" Xie Xueyan happened to be at her home, and she immediately came forward to greet her when she entered. "Cai Juan asked the logistics teacher to help find the school. Wan Xiang is going to the fourth grade, a boarding school, and has one day off every week."

Bai Liu turned around and saw Cai Juan and Wan Xiang, mother and daughter, with faces full of joy.

"Congratulations, you have finally settled down." He finally took a few steps forward.

Wan Xiang is still young and it would be shameful not to study, but going back to her hometown to study is full of dangers.

Studying in Beijing is currently the best arrangement.

Cai Juan nodded happily: "Thank you for your tips and help. When Xiangxiang goes to school, I will work hard and go to school, and strive to stay in the capital in the future. If I can stay in the capital, I will let the child and the child's father come too. .”

Although they were worker, peasant, and soldier students, as the last batch of workers, peasants, and soldiers students at Beijing University, they arrived at the school relatively late. At that time, teachers were returning to Beijing to teach, and they were different from the courses they had received before.

If it weren't for their poor foundation, they could be regarded as normal college students.

Cai Juan discussed this topic with her classmates, and everyone agreed that their future would not be too bad.

If you're lucky, you might be able to stay in the capital.

Of course, the luckiest one is Bai Liu. She is admitted to graduate school and will definitely have a brighter future than them.

Cai Juan knows how to be content, and she is already very satisfied.

Bai Liu was noncommittal. Perhaps the words of He Shengnan and Zhou Zhiyong were still ringing in her ears, and she did not regard allocating work as the only way out.

When she turned around, she saw Wan Xiang's eyes shining brightly, full of hope.

She thought for a while and reminded: "If you want to stay in the capital, you need to make plans early. Maybe you are not aware that housing prices in the capital have been on the rise in recent days."

After all, the capital is the center of the country, and housing prices will only get more expensive in peacetime.

Many people are waiting for a job to be allocated a house in the future, but when will that wait? What's more, she doesn't like the two rooms she was allocated in the courtyard. If she wants a good house, she may have to buy it herself.

Or, work your way up.

Or the former is simpler.Cai Juan seemed to understand. She said thoughtfully: "Wan Xiang's father works in the construction team in his hometown. We originally wanted to earn some money to build a house in our hometown. Wan Xiang's brother will get married in a few years, and the family lives in a thatched house. It’s a joke…”

"What if you don't go back?" Xie Xueyan interrupted, "Don't you want your son to go to college? When he graduates, he will be assigned a job and he will be able to settle down directly."

Bai Liu noticed the swing in Cai Juan's inner thoughts and reminded her: "You go back to your hometown to build a house, but you may not go back when the time comes. Is the old house for your relatives back home to live in?"

Cai Juan's eyes widened instantly, seemingly unable to accept Bai Liu's idea.

In fact, this is not outrageous. If Cai Juan and her family are away from home in the future, the house in their hometown will be just a thought to them and will not have much practical significance.

Maybe they expected to return to their roots and live in their hometown when they were older, but that would be decades later, and I'm afraid they would have another idea by then.

Cai Juan was enlightened by Bai Liu's words. She hesitated for a moment and smiled under Wan Xiang's anxious eyes: "Don't worry, I'll discuss it with your father."

Wan Xiang pursed her lips: "There are also elder brothers and younger brothers. They can't take care of themselves in their hometown."

"If you plan to come with your whole family, you must be prepared to buy a house." Xie Xueyan thinks that they think too simply. "Wanxiang has a rural registered permanent residence. You can support her by working part-time by yourself, but it is too difficult for so many people. There is also a house for your whole family. Always think about where to stay when you come here.”

Bailiu could take in Wanxiang alone, but it was impossible to take in Wanjia's entire family.

If there is no house, how can Cai Juan bring her whole family here? Even the most basic life will not be guaranteed.

At least Tangdou has an urban household registration, and she is the head of the family, so she usually has food supplies.

"I think about it again. I heard from the teachers at school that the world has changed in the future, and I want my children to study more." Cai Juan sighed, "It's impossible to be uneducated. You can only farm for the rest of your life."

Everyone knows that farmers have a high status, but no one knows how miserable farmers are.

Cai Juan looked at Bai Liu with a hint of embarrassment: "I can still live in the dormitory after Wanxiang goes to school. I'll ask her father. If they don't come over for the time being, I want to save some money and not rent a house..."

Bai Liu immediately understood what she meant: "It will be fine in a short time."

"I really don't know how to thank you for giving Wanxiang a place to stay..." Cai Juan and her daughter blushed and thanked them repeatedly.

Bai Liu had thought of this result before, but she knew that Cai Juan and Wan Xiang were not bad people. During this time together, she could see that the two of them were very conscious and winking.

It never hurts to lend a hand.

No one's life is an independent individual, so just do good deeds.

She thought about it and suddenly looked at Tangdou: "Dangdou, mom is going on a business trip. Can you and Sister Wanxiang be at home?"

Tangdou's eyes widened in surprise, not very happy: "Mom is going to Shanghai? Not taking me?"

She shook her head.

Tangdou sighed, "If you don't want to go, don't go."

Don't know what happened, Tangdou's eyes became a little strange, and he agreed faster than Bai Liu expected.

Bai Liu always felt that Tangdou had a little secret, but he didn't have time to think about it for a while.

The next day, she boarded the train with Li Jianguo and several colleagues from the Friendship Store.

Before leaving, Bai Liu went to the publishing house to pick up a few tutorial books and exercise books as one of the gifts for Guan Xiyue.

I wonder if Guan Xiyue who picked her up will be surprised.

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