Song Weidong is very happy recently. He feels that his bad luck is over, and he is waiting to divide the family property.

If you want him to say that he shouldn't be blamed for what happened in the first place, Song Jiaying is dead if he is really dead or pretending to be dead. The Song family pinching someone to death is just like playing.

In the end, his father insisted that he go to the Northeast to take a look. What could he find out?
If he goes, can Song Jiaying really come out?

You should have reported it directly in the first place, why take a detour.

In the end, he reported it and found out that Lu Fei was Song Jiaying. Now Song Jiaying was most likely shot. Different paths led to the same destination, and there was no need to pin the responsibility on him.

And that little girl Song Weiping, in the final analysis, she was jealous that her mother gave him the family's old house, and deliberately put him in a shit basin.

Song Weiping has a bad mind. What is the relationship between their siblings?Those are brothers and sisters from the same mother!

They are half-brothers and sisters with Song Weiguo and Song Weihong!
Don't think that he, Song Weidong, is stupid. No one can be stupid like him. He has long seen that Song Weiguo and Song Weihong are not from the same mother as him.

It is said that their mothers are biological sisters, but if we say that their relationship with Song Jiaying is closer, they are still half-brothers.

Not too close.

His father, Song Jingzhang, was Song Jiaying's uncle, and his mother was Song Jiaying's biological mother. In the end, he still killed Song Jiaying.

Song Weidong felt that he saw very clearly that his parents wanted Song Jiaying to die, and then let that Cuihua come over to inherit Song Jingyun's mother's ancestral property, and then kill Cuihua.

Sending him to the Northeast and then saying he was incompetent when he came back had nothing to do with him at all.

But my parents are different. They have calmed down after such a long time.

When Song Jingyun's ancestral property is divided, his mother has said that he will definitely be able to give him a big share!

Calculating it this way, it's not a loss for him to swallow his anger during this period.

But wasn’t the humiliation he suffered in the Northeast in vain?
Song Weidong felt that his mind was extremely clear today, and he suddenly figured out the key to the problem - all the mistakes were Bai Liu's fault!
That shrew really hurt him!

"Damn it, don't let me see that bitch Bai Liu again in this life. If I ever see her again, I'll have to skin her!"

By chance, Bai Liu was following him not far away from Song Weidong. Seeing this guy smiling from time to time, he suddenly felt that Song Weidong's IQ was hard to describe.

She vaguely remembered that she might not need to embarrass Song Weidong. When Song Jingzhang fell into despair in the future, Song Weidong would definitely live a miserable life.

Why not let him be happy for a few more days?
Just as she hesitated, she suddenly heard her name being mentioned.

Bai Liu: ...

Are you so stupid, big brother? You and I are nothing like each other, and you still want to take my skin off after all this time?
Bai Liu didn't know what Song Weidong had been through during this period, nor did she know that the Song family had cut benefits for Song Weidong, but she didn't care about the cause and effect. The point was that she couldn't be scolded for the truth.

Why should she be scolded?
Still peeling?
Really good, Song Weidong.

Since Song Weidong was afraid and hated her, it wouldn't be too much to dazzle her in front of Song Weidong's eyes.

Bai Liu lowered his head and looked at his clothes. Well, it was useless. It was definitely more fashionable than when he was in the Northeast, but it should not affect Song Weidong's recognition of the wrong person.

She looked up and saw that Song Weidong had a smile on his face again, as if he was picking up money.

It's good to be happy.

She moved, running toward Song Weidong in a hurry and with messy steps.

Song Weidong felt someone bump into him from behind. He immediately lowered his face, turned around and cursed: "I don't have eyes or a brain. I don't know there is... someone in front of me?"

What's going on? The woman who hit him seemed a bit pretty.Bai Liu lowered her head slightly when she ran over. How should I put it? In her previous life, she had learned the trick of trying to stop talking, so she knew how to show her most satisfactory state.

She wasn't sure whether Song Weidong would recognize her now, but no one could refuse a beautiful woman who looked a little weak.

In fact it is.

Song Weidong's scolding stopped suddenly and he looked at the woman blankly.

Bai Liu appropriately raised his handkerchief to wipe his tears: "Excuse me, have you heard of Song Jingzhang? He is the director of some textile factory in Shanghai. Please take me to see him."

Song Weidong's expression froze, huh?His old man's woman?
Should not be ah.

He knew that his old man had a lot of fun when he was young. Especially when Song Jingzhang was a child, he was raised by the old lady at home. Everything was done according to the old eldest son's customs, including the girls who lived with him and the girls who slept with him... Because of this nonsense, Song Weiguo himself Mom was probably mad at the whole thing about men and women.

But later his father married his mother and caught up with the new society. His father now practices a gentleman's approach and the relationship between men and women is very clean.

If nothing else, if his father is a bit of a philanderer, his mother won't let it go.

This woman is looking for Song Jingzhang. Could it be that the old man finally couldn't bear it anymore?

Song Weidong murmured in his heart, but he was able to live well in the Song family and was quite favored, not just because he had an extra two ounces of meat on his crotch.

The point is that he has a sweet mouth and knows how to please his parents!

In a very short period of time, Song Weidong had already figured out how to deal with the woman who came to his door.

Killing someone is not that difficult, but it is not too simple either. Their family should keep a low profile now... The most important thing is that it is a pity for such a beautiful woman. Song Weidong can't bear it.

But then he thought, he couldn't let the beauty run in front of the old lady.

Although the old lady never likes people to call her old lady, she is 60 years old this year. What is she if she is not an old lady?
The more this happens, the more unhappy the old lady is when anyone mentions the topic of her old age. If the beauty goes to the Song family, it may not cause other disputes.

Instead of sacrificing beauty and angering the old lady at home, he might as well just please the old man at home.

The old man has always cared about his eldest son the most. When the Yuan family's confiscated property is obtained, the old man will most likely give more to Song Weiguo.

It's better for him to get there first.

Song Weidong was a cheerful person, and his face changed several expressions in less than a minute. Bai Liu saw Song Weidong's expression out of the corner of his eye.

The distance between Bai Liu and Song Weidong is about half a meter. There is not much difference in height between her and Song Weidong, but Song Weidong likes to walk with his head held high, probably trying to make up for the lack of height by using his perspective.

She had never met Song Weiguo. Song Jiaying was indeed half a head taller than Song Weidong... The more he looked at him, the less he looked like a brother.

Song Weidong cleared his throat: "Are you looking for Song Jingzhang? I know where she is. Come with me."

Bai Liu retracted his thoughts and said excitedly: "Really? Thank you so much."

"It's okay. After all, it's not easy for you either." His father is not young anymore. To serve such an old man... you might as well just follow him.

Fortunately, Bai Liu didn't know Song Weidong's inner thoughts, otherwise he would probably hit someone before he could reach the front door of the Song family.

The Song family is holding a family meeting tonight, and it's not easy for Song Weidong to take Bai Liu to other places.

I was so cruel that I was going to take it to the door of my house and call the old man.

Bai Liu took a look and saw that it was just right. (End of chapter)

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