From the external appearance such as clothes to the cheerful smile on his face, Bai Liu saw another world.

There are naturally poor and rich people in Hong Kong City. What she saw in the car was just the surface, but even so, she could feel everyone's enthusiasm for life.

Also, making money is for yourself. If you work harder, you can earn more money. If you work hard, you can have a better life.

How could you not be positive?
Li Tianfeng saw her surprise and explained: "The stock market crash broke out in [-]. There were always many people in Hong Kong trading in stocks as retail investors. Without enough ability, it was difficult to afford wealth. It was not surprising that all their wealth was lost. But at that time, Hong Kong The city stock index plummeted, and Hutchison, a long-established foreign company, was unable to sustain itself. Mr. Song stepped in to inject capital and took advantage of the trend to obtain a controlling stake."

Bai Liu had inquired about Song Jingyun from many aspects. As Song Jingyun's assistant, Li Tianfeng knew more.

"Does this have a lot to do with the current life of Hong Kong people?" She didn't quite understand.

There's no shame in asking questions you don't understand. She was curious why Li Tianfeng suddenly mentioned Song Jingyun.

Li Tianfeng responded with a proud smile: "Of course, Mr. Song took advantage of the stock market crash to directly own a number of foreign banks, and even re-dominated the direction of many infrastructure projects in the port city. British capital was hit hard but was helpless, while Chinese capital Naturally, those who have the upper hand will take into account the interests of the Chinese people, and the people’s lives will be improved.”

Bai Liu looked sideways.

She could not imagine that a capitalist had such a great influence on a region. Even in the ancient feudal society, the class order of scholars, peasants, industry and merchants was still emphasized.

Capitalist society is completely different, and Song Jingyun's influence is beyond imagination.

Li Tianfeng turned around and saw the surprise in Bai Liu's eyes, and said, "You're surprised, aren't you? This is the normal state of our lives. In Hong Kong, money represents status."

"It is beyond imagination for Chinese businessmen to survive, especially in the past, when Chinese were not considered human beings. In recent years, there have been more and more Chinese people, and more and more industries have Chinese representatives, coupled with...the influence of the mainland. Mr. Song has always said , the mainland is the root of the Chinese people, so we have overcome many difficulties and are willing to contribute to the opening up of the mainland."

Bai Liu was noncommittal. She wanted to believe that Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan were concerned about the development of their motherland. People are complicated.

"Is the income in Hong Kong City very high?" Cuihua suddenly asked.

Li Tianfeng was slightly surprised, but then replied: "Compared to the mainland, it is much higher. The monthly salary of female workers in the garment factory is about 1000 and 2 yuan. If overtime and other allowances are included, the annual income should be about 7000 yuan. . Of course, this is a primary school graduate. If he becomes a manager after graduating from college, his monthly salary will be more than 15, and his annual salary will be [-]!"

Not to mention Cuihua's mouth widening in surprise, Bai Liu also showed a shocked expression.

Compared with foreign countries, wages in Hong Kong cities may not be the highest, but they are definitely higher than those in the mainland.

When I was in my hometown, most people's salary was only 30 to [-] yuan. It was already very proud to have two or three workers in the family.Later, when I arrived in the capital, there were people with high wages, but after all, they were rare. It can even be said that the high ones were extremely high and the low ones were extremely low.

Now in Hong Kong City, female garment factory workers who graduated from elementary school can earn 2 yuan a year... She suddenly understood the people who traveled from Guangzhou.

"So many?" Cuihua had a thought in her heart, "Are there any requirements to become a female worker? I graduated from a primary school in the mainland, do I need a letter of introduction?"

Li Tianfeng moved his lips and looked at Bai Liu again. After seeing Bai Liu's acquiescing expression, he said: "We don't want to hire child labor. You are still young. In addition, the income in Hong Kong City is high and the expenses are also high. For example, a fast food, It’s about three or four yuan, just to satisfy my hunger.”

Cuihua was a little frustrated when she heard this, but she still didn't give up.Bai Liu advised: "You can continue studying. You can earn a lot of money after graduating from elementary school and becoming a female worker, but the promotion channels are relatively narrow. If you graduate from college, you will have more choices, otherwise you can ask Assistant Li."

Li Tianfeng continued: "So, college students are more rare, so they will make more money."

Even if everything is based on money, the cost and income ratio must also be calculated. In the calculation, it is better to study more.

Cuihua hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Li, how much is your salary?"

Bai Liu was also curious, but she didn't show it obviously. She thought that if Li Tianfeng was unwilling to answer, she would immediately stop Cuihua from asking.

But Li Tianfeng smiled calmly and heartily: "I am Mr. Song's assistant, and my salary is naturally more. The annual salary is in millions, about 200 million. Mr. Song is a generous person. Occasionally, he will work overtime and other things. There are subsidies.”

Based on this calculation, Li Tianfeng's income is sky-high.

Think about it, the average family in the Mainland may not have more than a thousand in savings, and many cadres who have returned to the city to receive many years of salary have only over ten thousand... Li Tianfeng alone can surpass thousands of people.

Bai Liu felt that she still underestimated the wealth of Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan. This was not only overwhelming wealth, but I am afraid that the foreign exchange in their hands was more than the domestic foreign exchange reserves!
Fortunately, Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan also have feelings for the mainland and have helped the country several times.

In the future, if the country wants to open up and change, Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan will definitely be held in high esteem... And in the future, can Tangdou take over this wealth?
Bai Liu really feels that ability and responsibility match each other, and Tangdou's future will be difficult.

"Wow~" Cuihua's eyes were filled with stars, her eyes full of admiration for Li Tianfeng, "Uncle Li, have you ever studied in college?"

Li Tianfeng nodded: "I graduated from the University of Hong Kong and then went abroad to study for a postgraduate degree in economics. It was during my time at the foreign school that I met Mr. Song. Thanks to Mr. Song's appreciation, I have been with Mr. Song since I graduated with my master's degree."

Bai Liu was slightly startled, Li Tianfeng was Song Jingyun's confidant.

What Li Tianfeng said today seemed illogical and even casual, but it also represented Song Jingyun's meaning.

What did Song Jingyun want to tell her?
Bai Liu thought of many possibilities, but until the car drove into the mountain road, she still didn't think about it. Instead, she was attracted by the scenery where she saw it.

Different from the downtown areas we passed before, there are very few people here, and the green vegetation is lush and lush, which inexplicably makes people feel more relaxed.

"What a big lawn~" Cuihua couldn't help but exclaimed.

She followed Cuihua's gaze and saw that it was indeed a flat lawn. Just looking at the appearance, she remembered the foreign books she had read before: "Is it a golf course?"

Li Tianfeng nodded: "Yes, Mr. and Mrs. like to play golf. This course is their private course. Including this hilltop, half of the hilltop was bought by Mr.. There are also many rich people living in the other half of the hilltop. Mr. often meets with They play golf here, and my wife said that by operating on a small scale, it can be considered as a supplement to the family income.”

Bai Liu was stunned.

After seeing the cramped living environment, and then coming to the Song family where the two of them lived halfway up the hill... No wonder everyone wants to be rich. (End of chapter)

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