When the Bai family heard the news that Bai Liu was back, they couldn't wait to run out one by one.

Good thing, Bai Liu doesn't have to go to the front to get the key.

Everyone couldn't take a lunch break, and they happened to see Bai Liu coming back with a familiar face. Everyone, old and young, showed expressions of surprise and curiosity.

It was difficult for Bai Liu to explain in front of outsiders. The two little sisters Tangdou and Fubao had endless things to say, so she and Song Jiaying went to the Bai family home first.

The children of the Bai family grew up one after another, and the next generation of children began to be born.

Dahu got married in early [-], and his son was born at the end of the year. At that time, there was news everywhere about restricting fertility, and the couple quickly became pregnant with a second child. No, Bai Liu now has two grandnephews.

It feels a bit strange to think about it, she is already a grandmother?
My aunt is also a grandmother.

Erhu will graduate from college next year. He is working as an intern in this city and is dating a female classmate from the same school. Now the two have a stable relationship and are waiting to get married after graduation.

"This is a gift prepared by my aunt for Xiaobao," Bai Liu motioned to Song Jiaying to hand over the box. Inside was a small golden longevity lock.

She is impartial to the younger members of the family. Every child is born with a solid gold longevity lock, and the nieces and nephews who have children later have this configuration.

It's still gold.

Dahu and his wife thanked him repeatedly. Both of them were workers with serious jobs, so they also had some knowledge.Dahu's wife saw that Bai Liu had a high status in the family and was fair, so she always subconsciously tried to please Bai Liu.

Bai Liu was noncommittal. She was not someone else's mother-in-law, and she could rarely help when she was away from home. She could only be generous with small things.

The family chatted happily, but Song Jiaying's two children and Erhu's girlfriend who had never seen him could not help but look at him, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

When Bai Liu and Song Jiaying walked into Erhu and his wife, Erhu reluctantly introduced: "This is my sister-in-law and uncle. My uncle..."

Don't know what to say.

Er Hu's girlfriend is a girl who grew up in the city. She was admitted to Northern Province University in the same year as Er Hu. She knows little about Bai Liu and only heard people talk about her sister-in-law Bai Liu when she was at her boyfriend's house.

Well, he is a very different person.

"I'm Song Jiaying," Song Jiaying responded calmly, "Has your marriage been decided? Don't forget to notify us then."

Erhu and his girlfriend thanked him profusely.

Bai Liu came back from the capital and brought Song Jiaying back safely. She gave gifts to everyone in the family.

After distributing money, Huang Fenglai glared at Bai Liu: "He spent money again and again. Has the work been assigned? Tangdou will need money to study in the future..."

Over the past few years, most of Huang Fenglai's hair has turned gray.

Although birth, aging, illness and death are the irresistible natural laws, Bai Liu always feels a sense of sadness every time she returns to her hometown. After all, she is a soft-hearted person.

In fact, Huang Fenglai has lived a good life in the past few years. Her children have jobs and are filial. She is not willing to live with any of her children, but her sons accompany her to chat almost every day as long as they are at home.

The eldest grandson, Dahu, gave birth to a son and a daughter. She has become a great-grandmother. She can enjoy the fun of having children and grandchildren around her knees without having to take care of the children herself... But she has been busy all her life and can never be idle.

Huang Fenglai had many things to worry about. One moment, he was thinking about his eldest daughter sending his two sons to serve in the army, but now they are not around. Another moment, he was thinking about how his second son had paid too little attention to his three daughters when they were young. What should the daughters do regardless of him in the future? My little daughter in the capital doesn’t know if she’s tired or not…

Bai Liu rarely hears these chatterings, and suddenly she felt a little nostalgic when she heard them. She smiled: "Mom, my work has been assigned. When I come back this time, I want to take you to the capital for retirement."

My mother is old. As the youngest daughter, she enjoys the care of her mother and siblings and cannot turn a blind eye to her mother's care for her.But as soon as she proposed, she was interrupted by the three brothers Bai Shu, Bai Lin and Bai Liu.

"That won't work. I'm free at home and can take good care of my mother." Bai Shu has always been extremely stubborn when it comes to caring for the elderly.

He insists that he is the eldest son and must take responsibility.

Bai Lin and Bai Yang also disagreed with Bai Liu taking Huang Fenglai away. Although they were busy with work, at least they were not far from their mother. They could see her and talk to her when they returned home.

If Huang Fenglai went to the capital, it would not be so easy for them to meet.

Bai Liu had told Song Jiaying before that he wanted to take Huang Fenglai over, but Huang Fenglai had previously refused on the excuse that it would be difficult for Bai Liu to be alone in the capital. Song Jiaying should nod to Bai Liu and step forward to persuade him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Fenglai still shook his head, but this time he was more determined: "I am getting older and I don't want to leave my hometown. Besides, I feel so comfortable here. There are old sisters that I don't even know when I go to the capital."

Huang Fenglai paused: "The capital is expensive, so you should save some money."

Don't spread your wealth around.

"That's right, Mom grew up in our Xiangyang Village and has feelings." Bai Shu smiled with a smile on his face, overjoyed that Huang Feng was willing to stay.

The city has been changing in the past few years, and there have been many changes in the countryside. The Xiangyang Brigade not only changed its name back to Xiangyang Village, but also redistributed the land according to the population of the village. Now every household works for themselves, and their mental outlook is getting better and better.

Huang Meiling has a job and a house in the city, and her two younger children happen to be studying in the city as well.And Bai Shu can farm at home and take care of his mother conveniently. Such a life couldn't be better.

When Bai Liu saw this, she knew there was nothing she could do to persuade her, so she thought about subsidizing her mother more in the future. When it comes to elder care for her brothers and sisters, the best thing is for the rich to contribute money and to be able to contribute.

Many people in the village knew that Bai Liu was back, especially that she brought Song Jiaying with her!
Tell me how powerful this person is. He died and came back to life. He was captured again and came back intact. He is really in the same family as Bai Liu who can make trouble.

Bai Liu and Song Jiaying were exhausted, but they had to make a public appearance.

What a crime.

After the lively crowd dispersed, the two of them had just returned home. As soon as they sat down, they heard a noise at the door. They subconsciously thought that someone was coming to ask about life in the capital, or to borrow money.

Song Jiaying stood up first and said with a smile: "Don't go out, otherwise you will hear some unreasonable remarks again."

In most cases, the people who borrow money from them do not want to pay it back. They keep saying that they can help us, but in their hearts they think that they can cheat everyone.

After such a person is rejected, he will always say some insulting words when he is angry, but he cannot give him a beating.

Song Jiaying was a man, so the other party would have some scruples, so it would be better for him to come forward.


"Zhou Xiangnan?" Song Jiaying felt a little strange.

Not only did the expected person not appear, but Zhou Xiangnan's appearance was even more bizarre.

The relationship between sons and daughters is good, but they are limited to neighbors.

Zhou Xiangnan obviously didn't think so.

"Is Bai Liu here?" Zhou Xiangnan smiled, "I'm here to pay back the money." (End of Chapter)

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