Zhou Xiangnan showed unusual stubbornness in the matter of "paying back money". He insisted on pulling Bai Liu and Song Jiaying to calculate the money.

Bai Liu excused himself to hide out, but Song Jiaying, who was also a man, was dragged to stay.

Song Jiaying wanted to see Zhou Xiangnan's real calculation, and listened carefully. No matter how he calculated it, Bai Liu would make a lot of money.

They believe that there are saints in the world who are "not self-interested but dedicated to benefiting others", but Zhou Xiangnan is obviously not one of them.

Zhou Xiangnan must calculate how to maximize his interests when it comes to marriage, and will never give it to others easily.

Unless greater benefits can be obtained.

After Zhou Xiangnan finished writing, he asked them to sign the agreement. Song Jiaying and Bai Liu refused to sign. They did not think of a better idea and became more suspicious of Zhou Xiangnan's motives.

Early the next morning, Bai Liu and Song Jiaying took Tangdou directly to the county seat.

Let them see what's going on.

"Shall we go to aunt's house?" Tangdou was still yawning.

Because she and Fu Bao had something to say in private the day before, Tangdou took Fu Bao to his bedroom, and the two little sisters didn't know what time they would go to bed chattering about.

It's just that today's jelly bean is listless, looking like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Bai Liu did not tell Tangdou what happened yesterday, but thought for a moment: "You go to your aunt's house and wait while your dad and I go to the textile factory."

They wanted to ask what was going on at the factory.

Tangdou was noncommittal and sat on the back seat of Song Jiaying's bicycle and yawned again: "I heard from Fubao that Aunt Tian had been quarreling with Uncle Zhou some time ago, and it was Zhou Zhiyong who persuaded her for a long time."

"Mom, just let me go at the intersection later. I'll carry the things there. It's Sunday, and my aunt should be at home."

Tangdou spoke so confusingly that Bai Liu and Song Jiaying didn't hesitate to ask questions on the road. When Tangdou jumped off the bike and ran away, the two looked at each other.

If Zhou Xiangnan can get the commission from the army, there must be someone behind him. Could it be that Gu Xiaohui is helping him again?
This person really knows how to take advantage of relationships, so I can't help but accept it.

With the idea of ​​inquiry and "awe" in mind, the two people rode their bicycles to the textile factory.

Although Bai Yang and the others didn't say much yesterday, when they went to the textile factory with their own eyes, the atmosphere that hit them was a bit strange.

It cannot be said that the business is not good. There are busy workers coming and going from the gate, but everyone's mental outlook is not right.

The usual smile was replaced by fatigue, and sighs could be heard from time to time.

This is?

After Bai Liu saw Xiang Guilan, she also sighed in response to Xiang Guilan.

"It's hard to explain in one sentence. We are now the second largest factory in the county, but the steel factory is under the provincial management. The county relies on the tax revenue from our Red Star Textile Factory." Xiang Guilan lowered his voice. , everyone is working hard for welfare but there is no improvement, so it is right to be unhappy."

Bai Liu didn't know much about tax matters and asked in surprise: "Since we expect the Red Star Textile Factory to have good economic benefits, why should we give away the land in the new factory area?"

Xiang Guilan sneered: "Who knows who is wrong here? When we established the new factory area, we were covering the engineering base, but we also have our own business. As a result, Gu Xiaohui got the land certificate without saying a word, and then It was handed over to Zhou Xiangnan to build a house, but it happened to be a famous project, saying that it was to improve the housing problem of county workers."

The result was that the textile mills had to move out of the new premises.

Song Jiaying frowned: "Even if someone covers the sky with one hand, will you give in?" Even if he fights for connections, Gao Yongchang still has many connections, and he is still afraid of Gu Xiaohui and Zhou Xiangnan?
"It's not that simple," Xiang Guilan said helplessly. "Under the planned economy, we have to accept arrangements for everything we do. Because we changed our business before, many people were unhappy. After all, it is a public matter. My uncle wants to take care of it, but recently we have to Being mobilized.”

She regards the Red Star Textile Factory as a memory of the passing of her family elders and has been working hard to run it, but others just regard it as a job.

Bai Liu remembered Lu Pingwan's previous evaluation of Hongxing Textile Factory, which was sharp but accurate.

She thought for a while and realized that some time ago, Xiang Guilan and her second brother took turns calling her. They were definitely not asking her to talk to the boss. So they had new ideas?
"You want to dismantle the Red Star Textile Factory?" She suddenly realized something.

Xiang Guilan nodded: "Since Zhou Xiangnan has no one to run the factory, then others can run the factory, and we have to catch them together. Bai Liu, you Bai family brothers are all good. Your second brother still has skills, why can't he do it himself? furniture?"

"You and your family are working together, and it turns out that this is a family workshop. If there are still people who want to dig deeper, then you can accuse Zhou Xiangnan."

And in this way, it also left a way out for Red Star Textile Factory.

"Okay?" Bai Liu remembered that her three brothers avoided talking about work yesterday. Are all the brothers so bold?
She was in disbelief.

"Okay, we have already made plans. They can control state-owned enterprises but not individuals." Xiang Guilan admitted that he had selfish motives, "I can't just watch them bring down the Red Star Textile Factory. Times have changed, and it will be sooner or later that private enterprises are allowed." At worst, the Hongxing Textile Factory will close down, and we will be transformed and still use this sign."

After all, he is the descendant of a capitalist. Xiang Guilan is more daring to think and do than others imagine.

Of course, there is another reason. Xiang Guilan comes from a well-off family, and she clearly knows the determination of the top leaders for reform and opening up.

Bai Liu looked at Song Jiaying, who had amusement in his eyes.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

If the three brothers Bai Shu, Bai Lin and Bai Yang were dragged into the venue, she would have to help.

Xiang Guilan finally smiled for the first time today: "Yes, we need to learn from outside experience. Do you think we can learn from Lu Pingwan?"

It is said that it is learning from experience. At critical moments, having such a foreign businessman can solve a lot of troubles and bring a lot of business.

Bai Liu didn't say anything, just looked at Xiang Guilan with a smile.

Xiang Guilan said frankly: "This is not a conspiracy. Times have changed. It's not too much for us to make money, right? I trust you and your family. Let's give it a try."

Bai Liu burst out laughing and patted Xiang Guilan on the shoulder: "Okay, Sister Xiang, I agree, but it's up to people to make things happen, and it's up to God to make things happen. The success or failure depends on many variables. You can't regret it."

Nodding solemnly to Guilan, she was mentally prepared.

When they finally left the textile factory, the couple pushed their bicycles and suddenly didn't know where to start.

Song Jiaying took a deep breath: "It seems that we have really become a hot commodity. Many thanks to Lu Pingwan and Song Jingyun for raising our status."

"Hahaha~" Bai Liu couldn't help but laugh, his tone full of helplessness, "Zhou Xiangnan probably had the same idea, it was just a conspiracy."

Song Jiaying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said fiercely: "We will also clearly mark the price in the future. Money is really a good thing."

Everyone flocks to it.

Bai Liu is open-minded: "It's good to make money, not shabby." (End of Chapter)

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