"I want to ask eldest sister about Jianwen and Jianwu."

"I want to ask Liu'er how to deal with Song Jiaying."

Bai Liu and Bai Mian said in unison, but the content was completely opposite.

One is anxious to care about her sister, and the other is concerned about her younger sister. There is no problem in speaking reluctantly.

Huang Fenglai knew that their sisters were talking nonsense and sneered: "Really? Okay, then you can tell me in front of me and I will listen."

Ah this...

Bai Liu cleared his throat and said to himself: "Sister, you still have six years to retire. Jianwen and Jianwu have children now, right? Can they take care of their children?"

When she mentioned this matter, she continued: "Uncle Qiao, don't go to work at the scrap yard. There may be chaos there. I happen to be raising a great-grandson. Uncle Qiao has a pension. What's the point of living a few more years?" All strong."

Huang Feng came to hear that Bai Liu had heard about the scrap station, but he disagreed with Bai Liu's statement.

"My in-laws can't take care of children well. You don't know how tiring Dahu's two children are," she said, looking at Bai Mian, "What are your plans? Let Jianwen and Jianwu's children come back?"

Bai Mian was a little hesitant. Hearing his mother and sister ask this, he shook his head: "Being in the army is better than coming back. We can't make it, so I'm thinking about whether I can subsidize them young people with money. But they don't want it, and I don't know what to do." .”

Huang Fenglai sighed: "You will have to worry about being a mother. You might as well give them financial subsidies. I think the world has changed. If you have money, you can live a better life."

Bai Liu didn't say anything. She planned to send some milk powder to the Qiao Jianwen brothers. But if it was imported goods, would it affect their work?
After a moment of silence, she looked up again and found that Bai Mian and Huang Fenglai were both looking at her.

She touched her face, but there was nothing.

"What, what's the matter?"

Bai Mian's eyes were a bit sharp, and he motioned for her to follow him in. The mother and daughter walked into the main room of Bai Liu's family, and the sounds outside were completely cut off.

Bai Liu looked at the two of them obediently, not understanding.

"We want to talk about Song Jiaying," Bai Mian paused and said after considering, "I admit that Song Jiaying is a good person, talented and capable, but he is not a good husband."

Leaving your wife and children behind again and again should not be done even if there is a reason.

Bai Liu didn't speak, she didn't know where to start.

Of course Song Jiaying was at fault. She was far less angry this time than last time. She admitted that she felt a little sorry for Song Jiaying... and she didn't beat him up.

Huang Fenglai glanced at her: "I don't say anything just for your sake, but it doesn't mean I'm satisfied with this son-in-law."

Left twice!


As an eldest aunt and mother-in-law, I can only laugh because I am worried that my sister will be sad.

Bai Liu looked at the two of them suspiciously: "Do you have any plans?"

Speaking of which, when she came back this time, none of her brothers showed any abnormality, and their calmness made people feel abnormal and scared.

Bai Mian showed a sneer similar to Huang Fenglai's.

Then he turned to Huang Fenglai and said calmly: "Mom, you think she has a bad mind, she doesn't care if Song Jiaying goes too far, so why should we care?"

These words... suddenly sounded like there was no problem, but when you think about it, something is wrong.

Next, Bai Mian and Huang Fenglai changed the topic lightly. Bai Liu was beating her heart, but told herself that she couldn't pursue the question.

How should I put it, Song Jiaying was really wrong about this. She felt sorry for the man, but in fact... maybe she was wrong mentally as well.

Of course, Bai Liu's doubts and high-hanging heart soon fell away.

A few days later, Song Jiaying was beaten!
The three brothers Bai Shu, Bai Lin and Bai Yang, as well as the eldest brother-in-law Qiao Jizu, took Song Jiaying out in the name of drinking and did not come back until evening.

There was a bruise on the corner of Song Jiaying's mouth, which was not obvious under the dim light.

"Oh, I went up to the mountains to hunt pheasants with some friends today, and my brother-in-law fell down." Bai Yang said this without any surprise on his face.

Bai Shu added: "I didn't pay attention either. My brother-in-law is so good-looking. It would be over if his face were broken."

Bai Lin, who had always been taciturn, became talkative because of his drunkenness, and he also said: "My sister was attracted by this face back then. Song Jiaying, please protect your face. You can't lose it." Bai Lin was caught by the pun. The three brothers at home figured it out.

Bai Liu moved her lips and suddenly smiled.

She said why she was so calm this time, it turned out that something big was brewing.

Huang Fenglai pretended not to see it and asked the drunkards to go back to their houses. Before leaving, he gave Bai Liu a meaningful look.

With that look, Bai Liu returned Song Jiaying's meaningful look after returning home.

"Mom, why does Dad look so aggrieved?" Tangdou noticed something was wrong, but she deliberately teased him, "Daddy is so smart, this must be his first time wrestling."

Bai Liu and Tangdou looked at Song Jiaying jokingly.

Song Jiaying:......

He sighed: "It hurts a little. Do you have any medicine?"

This voice sounded aggrieved.

Bai Liu said to Tangdou: "Go to Grandpa Yao to buy potion for your dad. If you go out with such a face, you might think we are beating your dad."

"We don't care. It wouldn't be good if it spread out and let outsiders misunderstand."

Jelly beans: ...

Her father's face was only bruised at the corner of his mouth, but when he came home just now, she followed him and saw her father's subconscious actions with her own eyes.

Well, there are probably injuries on the arms and legs. This is not something that can be done by just falling.

The result was obvious. Her father was beaten by her uncles and her uncle together.

Although it was his own father who was beaten, the one who beat him couldn't say that he was wrong... Tangdou struggled for three seconds and happily decided to play dumb.

Hehe, she and her mother advance and retreat together anyway.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

After finishing speaking, Jelly Bean ran away, as if he was worried that if he stayed for a second longer, he would see something he shouldn't have seen.

After Tangdou left, Bai Liu turned to Song Jiaying, who was looking at her silently, and couldn't help but "tsk".

With this thought in mind, she took a few steps forward to observe carefully.

She really didn't expect her brothers to solve the problem like this, but——

"Ouch~" Song Jiaying immediately made a sharp crackling sound, "Please be gentle, ouch~"

Bai Liu grabbed Song Jiaying's arm, pulled up the sleeve, and then... saw the bruise on Song Jiaying's elbow.

Still, quite bright.

"You fell a bit hard today," she couldn't help but comment, "Second brother is right, luckily your face is fine."

Song Jiaying glanced at her helplessly, knowing in her heart that she had guessed what happened.

He was beaten, but this was the Bai brother venting his anger on his sister. He... what else could he do.

"My face is saved," Song Jiaying subconsciously touched her face.

His pitiful look made Bai Liu laugh loudly.

Who knows, this is the strength of my mother's family, just revenge from my uncle.

She patted Song Jiaying's shoulder: "Don't panic. Apply the medicine and it will heal quickly."

Song Jiaying looked at her suspiciously.

Just then there was a noise at the door, and Bai Liu rolled his eyes: "I'll open the door first." (End of Chapter)

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