Why do we have to come to Northeast China to talk about it face to face?

What result could make Lu Pingwan choke and Song Jingyun hesitate?

Two question marks appeared in Bai Liu's mind at the same time. She looked at Lu Pingwan and Song Jingyun who were a little excited and felt that it was inappropriate to talk while standing on the road.

"Our home is inside, why don't we go back and talk." She took the initiative and reminded Song Jiaying with her elbow.

Although Song Jiaying had never met them, the test results were related to Song Jiaying, and——

She had a little guess in her heart, and she was afraid that the results of the blood test would surprise everyone.

Song Jiaying took a deep breath and said, "Let's talk about it when we get home. Today is the day when the neighbor's children have a banquet for college entrance. We don't want to overwhelm the guests."

If someone else came, he would definitely not be qualified to say such things, but it was him and Bai Liu who were looking for him, so that was a different matter.

Lu Pingwan and Song Jingyun agreed immediately. Song Jingyun was about to talk to the county magistrate, but the county magistrate came over first: "You——"

"Thank you very much. Please bring us over. Wait..." Song Jingyun glanced behind him at his assistant, "Wait a minute and you guys will communicate with the county magistrate to see if there are any projects in Yongning County that need help."

When people come to help them, they can't treat those who help badly.

Song Jingyun arrived in a hurry and went directly to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hong Kong and Macau to contact relevant personnel. He troubled many people at every level, and some etiquette must be done more carefully.

Bai Liu didn't squint his eyes, welcoming Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan home amidst the curious eyes of the people around them.

"Jangdou," Song Jingyun hesitated for a moment, "Let Tangdou stay too."

He didn't know whether some words should be heard by his children, but considering that they were the closest blood relatives, they couldn't hide it from their children.

Tangdou saw that the four of them were distracted, so he went to get a cup and fill it with water first.

This family really can't survive without her.

A door can cut off the curious sight outside, but it cannot cut off all sounds. They listened to the noisy sounds coming from the left and right, but they felt unusually calm.

Fortunately, there were not a few people staring at each other.

Song Jiaying felt uncomfortable when Lu Pingwan looked at him. He subconsciously touched the bruise at the corner of his mouth. Could it be that he was looking at the injury at the corner of his mouth?

He thought for a moment and didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, so he spoke first: "You just said that the results of the blood test have come out, right?"

When Song Jingyun came in, he didn't ask his assistant or driver to follow him. He just took a briefcase from their hands, and presumably it was in the briefcase.

In fact, the result was in Song Jingyun's heart. He put his hand on the briefcase but did not open it. He suddenly raised his head, showing a hint of determination.

"We got your blood sample before and sent it abroad for testing. I am more optimistic about genetic testing. It has received a lot of support in recent years and has a specialized laboratory. After sending it there, the other party directly made an overall comparison without any instructions. We—" Song Jingyun rarely said so many words in one breath, and even explained the cause and effect, but in the end he still found it difficult to say.

The past is always painful to look back on, especially now that the truth has been discovered. This was due to his incompetence as a father.

But Lu Pingwan couldn't bear it any longer and said directly: "We are biologically related, son, you are our child."

Bai Liu and Song Jiaying were stunned at the same time, and even Tangdou who came over was startled.

"Pa—" The snack box in Tang Bean's hand fell to the ground.

"Aren't you hurt?"

The silence among the few people was broken instantly, and they all scrambled to help Tangdou pick up the box before sitting down again.

Bai Liu winked at Song Jiaying.

Song Jiaying pondered for a moment. He still didn't understand what Lu Pingwan meant by "our child." From the information he knew, he was at best the son of Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan's sister. Whether this was true is still open to question.

"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean." He was too lazy to think about it himself and directly asked the question to Lu Pingwan, "So I am related to Mr. Song Jingyun by blood, right?" In fact, this is not the question to ask Lu Pingwan, whether it is from a wife From a perspective, or from a family perspective, it is too cruel.


Song Jiaying looked at Song Jingyun again, only to find that Song Jingyun had been staring at him.

"No, not just," Lu Pingwan was a little excited.

Song Jingyun patted her hand: "Let me tell you," he turned his eyes to Song Jiaying again and breathed a sigh of relief, "We compared you with all the samples, and the results confirmed that you are my son, and -"

Lu Pingwan suddenly interrupted: "He is also my son!"

Once you have said the first sentence, the rest will be easier to say.

Song Jingyun explained: "Our previous guess was wrong. Someone probably secretly changed the child, and you are our child. I have sent people back to Hong Kong City to find... the relics left by that child. As for whether he has the ability to persist Validity uncertain.”

"I only gave birth to one child." There was a hint of trance in Lu Pingwan's firm tone.

If the child was mistaken from the beginning, who was the child she thought had not lived past his first birthday?
The appearance of the baby is not much different, it was too messy and too young at first, but now that we know the result, it is even more ridiculous at the time.

"You are our child, this is absolutely true." Song Jingyun said firmly.

He seemed to feel that he was not convincing enough, so he immediately opened his briefcase and handed a thick stack of documents to Song Jiaying.

The test report was written in English, and there were some obscure professional terms that Bai Liu couldn't understand, but she understood the final conclusion.

Song Jiaying is really the son of Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan.

This is ridiculous.

Not to mention that she couldn't accept it right away, it was Song Jiaying... She looked at Song Jiaying quickly.

Song Jiaying still looked calm, but his hand holding the document was trembling slightly.

It turned out to be wrong from the beginning?

Even if he was unintentional and heartless at this moment, he could not help but feel a surge of hatred. Who should he hate?
Bai Liu was a little worried about Song Jiaying's condition, but because Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan were present, he was a little at a loss as to what to do.

Who knows, she has been ignoring her parents-in-law for so many years. Forget it was fake before, but now they are real parents-in-law standing in front of her.

What should she do?
In fact, what she didn't know was that Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan were also confused. They didn't know how to treat their son and daughter-in-law.

Among the few people, only Tangdou felt at ease, but she didn't know how to comfort everyone.

"Bai Liu, Song Jiaying, Liu'er, Tangdou..."

Huang Fenglai's voice came from the gate, and Bai Liu woke up from a dream: "My mother called me, I will go and have a look."

She wanted to run away from the scene so badly.

As soon as he opened the door, it was not only Huang Fenglai but also Zhao Kuifa and others who were confused.

"Is nothing wrong?" Huang Feng looked at her expression and asked, "Do you want to eat? It's already noon..."

Just as Bai Liu was about to speak, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"This is Tangdou's grandma," Lu Pingwan took the initiative to extend her hand, "Hello, in-laws, I am Song Jiaying's mother."

Huang Fenglai's eyes widened.

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