Da Laizi was stunned. He suspected that he heard wrongly, but he felt that there was no need for Song Jiaying to lie to him.

So why should a rich man lie to an old and shabby man who has been in jail?
He subconsciously picked up the phone with a helpless and no-choice attitude. Anyway, he had nothing to fear now.

But when a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the other side of the receiver, Da Laizi suddenly became at a loss. His hand loosened and the receiver fell down.

Fortunately, Song Jiaying was by his side, and he helped pick up the receiver.

"It's Cuihua's call. It's inconvenient for her to call from Hong Kong City. Please listen carefully. I won't disturb you anymore." Song Jiaying put the receiver into Dalaizi's hand and gave one or two instructions.

Then left the house.

He had no interest in listening to what Dalaizi and Cuihua were talking about, so it didn't matter what the content was.

Because of the unexpected situation of Dalaizi, his departure was delayed. When the call was over, he would leave Yongning County today.

Song Jiaying couldn't help but think of Bailiu and Tangdou in the capital, thinking about how to solve the problem in Shanghai faster, and then return to the capital as soon as possible.

At the same time, Bai Liu and Tangdou were also talking about their hometown, and their focus was on Cuihua.

"...Sister Cuihua said that she would come back to see Da Laizi when she has the chance. It's so strange." Tangdou is not qualified to judge whether Cuihua is right or wrong. He only thinks that human nature is complicated.

In recent years, Cuihua has lived a good life in Hong Kong City. With the support of the Song family's special education foundation, it is enough to support Cuihua to complete her studies.

In addition to going to school on weekdays, Cuihua also stayed in the guest room of the Song family. However, Cuihua always felt uncomfortable. She preferred to live in a side building with the servants of the Song family. The Song family always gave preferential treatment to their subordinates and servants, and the basic conditions were good. .

The old housekeeper of the Song family admired Cuihua's attitude. Maybe he was more homesick because of his age, so he took more care of Cuihua, a child who came from the mainland.

Under the advice of the old housekeeper, Cuihua studied hard while using her free time to earn some pocket money, and her life became more wanton.

She had planned to find an internship job when she went to college, so that after graduation, she could join the Song family or Lu Pingwan's company, where she could help Tangdou and save more money.

Cuihua has lived a poor and boring life since she was a child, leaving Cuihua with a lack of knowledge about money. However, life in Hong Kong City awakens her awareness, and Cuihua wants to try her best for a better life.

Under such circumstances, Cuihua became more and more like an urban man and woman. Unexpectedly, she was still willing to contact Da Laizi.

Bai Liu could understand Cuihua's thoughts.

"Human nature is always complicated. Childhood is not a good memory for Cuihua, but Da Laizi gave Cuihua the only warmth."

Therefore, Cuihua is still willing to provide for Da Laizi in his old age. As long as the demands are not excessive, Cuihua will try her best to satisfy him.

Tangdou had some feelings and was about to say something when he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of Xie Xueyan pushing the door open.

"Are you ready? It's time for us to leave." Xie Xueyan urged her mother and daughter eagerly.

Tangdou nodded quickly: "Okay, Aunt Xueyan, we can go."

Today is a class reunion organized by Rong Xinyue, not by anyone else, but by a few of their classmates and their families who are still in the capital. The venue is set to be in the courtyard of Rong Xinyue's grandma's house.

I don't know why Mrs. Zheng suddenly wanted to invite everyone to be her guests. Whether it was Rong Xinyue or Mrs. Zheng, Bai Liu couldn't refuse their invitation.

There is still some distance between Bailiu's house and Mrs. Zheng's courtyard house. Before Lu Pingwan left, she specifically asked her to use a car if the distance was a little further. In the past... now, they no longer have so many scruples, so they went directly in a car.

Naturally, Tang Minghui was not the one driving the car. Now that the company's business in the capital has increased, Tang Minghui was a serious manager. It was not good to be an assistant all the time.

Bai Liu thought about the inconvenience of using a driver, and thought that now that he had handed in his resignation report, he might as well learn to drive while the approval was pending.Thinking about how she would be able to drive wherever she wanted in the future, she felt more and more that the method was feasible.

In her previous life...she had only ridden in a carriage, but neither riding in a carriage nor driving a carriage was an easy task. Driving was more fulfilling.

She has never placed herself in the category of a weak woman. She hopes that she will become tougher. If she can fly a plane one day, it is not impossible for her to learn.

Tangdou didn't know what he was whispering to Xie Xueyan. When he arrived at the entrance of Mrs. Zheng's alley, Bai Liu realized that he had arrived at his destination after being called by the two of them.

Mrs. Zheng's alley entrance is not too wide, and a car will block half of the alley when entering. It will inevitably be criticized by other people in the alley, so Bai Liu had to ask the driver to stop at the alley entrance.

"Sorry, you can park your car later and see what you can eat nearby. I'll reimburse you—"

The driver waved his hand: "Don't worry, I'm familiar with this area. There's a private noodle shop in front. I'll just go have a bowl of noodles later. We'll be reimbursed when we go out to eat, so you don't have to worry." "

Okay, Bai Liu didn't say much, then got out of the car and chased Xie Xueyan and Tangdou who had already taken the first step.

Xie Xueyan and Tangdou didn't close the door after getting out of the car, which gave people outside the opportunity to see the people in the car.

As soon as she took one foot out and exposed her head, an incredible exclamation came from a short distance away: "Bai Liu, are you Bai Liu?"

Bai Liu didn't have that many friends. The capital was so big and she knew very few people. She subconsciously looked up.

Oh, it turned out to be Ye Xiaolin and Li Yuhua, and it was Li Yuhua who just spoke.

"Yes," Bai Liu nodded.

She has a normal relationship with the two of them, but Rong Xinyue is the host today, so she must give Rong Xinyue face.

They were all guests, so there was no need for her to disturb other people's interest, but she had no intention of talking to them too much.

But Li Yuhua didn't seem to notice her indifference at all, and immediately said in surprise: "I thought I saw it wrong. From a distance, it looks like you. Why did you come here in a car..."

Li Yuhua subconsciously looked towards the driver's seat. Unfortunately, the Song family was very secrecy-conscious. No matter where the car was used, a special glass film was affixed to the owner's house.

She looked for a long time without seeing his face, and could only vaguely tell that this was not the Song Jiaying she had seen.

"Did your family send you here?" Li Yuhua asked reluctantly.

Bai Liu thought about it and there was nothing wrong with this explanation. He said "hmm" softly, briefly greeted the two of them and quickly caught up with Tangdou and Xie Xueyan.

Just because she didn't care, it didn't mean that Ye Xiaolin and Li Yuhua behind her didn't care, so she missed the wonderful expressions on their faces.

"Family members?" Li Yuhua curled her lips, "My boyfriend, just tell me, if you hide it, you won't dare to tell anyone."

Ye Xiaolin didn't say anything. She looked back at the car, and just as the car started to emit exhaust gas, she frowned and fanned it with her hand.

He said with a hint of disgust: "If she doesn't want to say it, just say it. It might be inconvenient."

Li Yuhua was quick-thinking and immediately asked: "What kind of friend is inconvenient?"

They are definitely not serious "friends".

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