Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan have been in Hong Kong City recently, but they have been a little busy recently.

Bai Liu often came to the Song family before, but now he has changed from a guest to a host, which is still a little different in nature.

Before, she and Tangdou usually stayed in the guest room in the main building in the middle, but Lu Pingwan felt it was not serious enough, so now she and Song Jiaying were asked to move to the east building, while Tangdou moved to the west building.

In fact, you still have to go back to the main building to eat. There are only five people in the three generations of their grandparents, so it is not impossible to live there.

Just pay attention to the sense of ceremony.

Bai Liu thought it was a little funny, but psychologically it was indeed very different.

For example, now, the housekeeper asked her if there was anything she needed to buy, and she really started to think about it seriously.

The housekeeper would say the same thing before, but Bai Liu felt that he was not suitable to make requests, and mostly shook his head. Now he finally regarded the Song family in the middle of the harbor city as his home.

"Let me take a look and tell you later." Bai Liu nodded to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper followed Bai Liu with a wink and listened to her arrangements.

This housekeeper is also an old man from the Song family. He is probably in his forties and is very loyal. The previous old housekeeper, Uncle Yuan, was old and rarely worked anymore. Some time ago, he returned to the mainland and was busy repairing the Yuan family's old house.

The east building and the west building are connected to the main building but independent. The east building has three floors above. Bai Liu and Song Jiaying's bedrooms are on the second floor, and their respective study rooms are on the second floor. The third floor is a small library and leisure area, where they can read, bask in the sun, and admire the flowers in the yard.

The first floor is a large living room and a small reception room, as well as an entertainment area.

"When father and mother usually have meetings at home, is there a small conference room in the main building?" Bai Liu looked at the entertainment area on the first floor.

"Yes," the butler responded, "There is a conference room in the main building, and we also have a conference room in the side building, which can be used to organize banquets and entertain guests. The main building will entertain some distinguished guests. Mr. and Mrs. pay more attention to the private area."

Bai Liu set her sights on the side building. She didn't expect the Song family to be so particular about it, so that was fine.

She nodded and pointed to the entertainment area: "I want to build a home theater. I don't know if it's more convenient on the first floor or the third floor. By the way, does our home have a dedicated sports area?"

The housekeeper thought for a moment: "When we renovated, my wife specifically asked us to install the most advanced entertainment equipment. The home theater and fitness equipment are placed on the first floor."

"My husband has an outdoor golf course, a tennis court behind the house, and a training ground on the side of the course."

Bai Liu was convinced, it was really comprehensive.

She was a little curious about the security issue: "Sorry, I want to ask how many workers there are in our family."

The housekeeper said without thinking: "There are forty-six people in total. They are scattered on various floors and in the yard. Don't worry, they don't usually show up. Mr. and Mrs. don't like having many people at home, but the area is relatively large, so more are always needed." Someone cleans. Of course, you just ring the bell and someone will show up."

The servants live in a small building not far away, and everything is in order.

Bai Liu felt a little unreal. Only when she came to Hong Kong City did she feel like a young lady from a wealthy family.

Well, that's amazing.

She nodded: "I understand, but do I usually have a driver when I go out?"

Going down the mountain alone is inconvenient.

"Of course, we have three cars on hand. Usually everyone is too busy. We finally welcome you." The butler said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Bai Liu thanked him with a smile. The housekeeper shook his head cheerfully: "It's no trouble. Mr. and Mrs. have helped many of us. Everyone hopes that the Song family will be better."

Bai Liu suddenly understood that it did not seem difficult to integrate into the life of a wealthy family.

The Song family is managed very well by Lu Pingwan and Song Jingyun, and there are less messy things. Even though the servants have more work due to their arrival, they still welcome their arrival sincerely.

Yes, having a few more young masters means the continuation of the family, and it also means that everyone can continue to work in the Song family for a long time.

There are many rich people in Hong Kong City, but few treat their servants as human beings like the Song family.

They need each other.

Bai Liu spent the whole day looking around upstairs and downstairs. Frankly speaking, the villa was more suitable for living than the courtyard house. Even though their home in the capital had been renovated many times, it was still not as comfortable as the villa.

If her home hadn't been in the capital, life in Hong Kong City would have been really comfortable.

In the evening, Song Jingyun and Lu Pingwan came home one after another and specially asked her to come and have dinner with them.

At the dinner table, Song Jingyun asked her how she felt: "Are you getting used to living there? If you feel uncomfortable, just let them change it. You're welcome. You are also the master now, so you don't need to see anyone outside."

She was instantly amused. It turned out that her previous "seeing outsiders" was very obvious.

"Of course, I have to learn to be the master now," she said in a different tone, "but there is nothing that requires major changes. It is very comfortable here. If I hadn't just become more ambitious, I would really want to start living my life from now on."

She didn't hide her thoughts.

Lu Pingwan laughed when he heard this: "That's not possible. A person's responsibilities are directly proportional to the benefits he enjoys, unless someone helps you bear the burden. Your dad and I also think about retirement every day, but we don't dare to rest. If you just go on strike, Sugar Bean will be very tired later.”

It’s a very real problem. It’s not that we don’t want to rest, but that we don’t dare to rest.

Bai Liu nodded "painfully": "That's the truth, so I can only think about it."

She laughed as she spoke: "It's not just for this reason. I always think that it is a very lucky thing for people to strive for their hobbies and continue to work hard. It can prove the value of life. There is an old saying, 'The truth is in the warehouse. Know etiquette, have enough food and clothing, and know honor and disgrace', people will have higher-level needs after getting food and clothing."

Song Jingyun nodded frequently and laughed at the last word: "There is a similar theory in the West, called Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory. There are related books in the study. If you are interested, you can read it."

Bai Liu smiled and nodded: "Of course I'm interested. If you don't study, you won't be able to keep up with the times."

"Yes, at my age I still have to learn new knowledge every day," Lu Pingwan turned her head and suddenly said, "Bai Liu, you and I will go to a banquet tomorrow, the Rong family's banquet. Mrs. Rong is your grandmother's good friend. At that time, they had another good friend, Mrs. Zheng.”

Bai Liu suddenly realized that she had heard Mrs. Zheng talk about their friendship.

"I'm going to the banquet?" She felt a little sudden, even a little nervous, "Do I need to prepare anything?"

It was rare for Lu Pingwan to see her nervous, so she pretended to be relaxed and said: "Don't worry, you are our Song family, and this is your business card. Just choose a suit of clothes tomorrow, and I will take you with me."

Bai Liu took a deep breath, thinking that she had also met emperors and empresses. Are these wealthy families more terrifying than the royals?
  No, at least they won't take human life lightly.

"Can you tell me the basic situation of the Rong family?"

Lu Pingwan nodded and spoke softly.

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