Chapter 52 Decent People

"Boom boom boom——"

"Who is here so early, Lao Gao, go and have a look."

Hearing the familiar voice at the door, Bai Liu's heart tightened.

That's right, it was the voices of Gao Yongchang and his wife, she had heard them when they sold embroidery last time.

She has the ability to almost never forget, and only now is she sure that she is not in the wrong place.

Gao Yongchang is the director of the textile factory. According to the information obtained by Qiao's family, he probably has other connections.

It is difficult for Bai Liu to save Tangdou, maybe it is not difficult for Gao Yongchang.

"Bai Liu?" Gao Yongchang was very surprised to see her when he opened the door, but when he caught a glimpse of her red eyes, he immediately gave up half of his body, "Come in first."

"Old Chang, come out quickly, Bai Liu is here."

Gao Yongchang's wife heard him mention Bai Liu's name, so she called her directly.

Bai Liu breathed a sigh of relief seeing the attitude of Gao Yongchang and his wife. Does this mean there is hope?

"Sit down—"

"Uncle Gao, Aunt Chang," she stood in front of the two, but she didn't know whether to speak or not.

Chang Lihong glanced at Gao Yongchang, and asked softly, "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Bai Liu looked very tired, but his eyes were extremely bright.

She took a deep breath: "Uncle Gao, Aunt Chang, let me tell you straight, my daughter fell into an ice hole yesterday and developed a fever in the middle of the night, I sent the child to the county hospital early in the morning, but there was only one antipyretic needle in the hospital .”

"I came late, and the fever-reducing needles were not available to my daughter... I didn't want Uncle Gao and Aunt Chang to go through the back door, I just felt sorry for the children. Tangdou was not the only one that had a fever. The nurse said that the fever-reducing needles didn't know when they would come. , I can't just sit and watch the kids burn out!"

Bai Liu choked with sobs and said: "Uncle Gao, Aunt Chang, please, can you show me the way, how should I work hard, so that the antipyretic needle can be transferred earlier?"

She opened her mouth and asked Gao Yongchang for anti-fever injections, it would definitely not work.

For someone to tell her a way and show her the way, it is already the reward of meeting someone by chance.

To be a man, we must know what to do.

Gao Yongchang was taken aback when he heard this, and he and his wife Chang Lihong looked at each other.

Chang Lihong took Bai Liu's hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, you just said that the county hospital wasn't sure when the fever-reducing needles would come? There are many children with fever now?"

"Yes," Bai Liu said frankly, "I'm dissatisfied with Aunt Chang. I'm not that selfless. My initial thought was to save my child first, but if possible, other people's children are also children. Willing to lend a hand, too."

She made her point of view, not trying to portray herself as impartial.

Once Gao Yongchang and his wife felt that she was in too much trouble and flinched, wouldn't it be worth the loss for her?

The solemn expression on Chang Lihong's face suddenly relaxed, and then she seemed to promise: "Of course our own child must be saved!"

The implication is that they may not be able to help too many people, and they can only do their best.

When Bai Liu heard her say "my family", he acquiesced from the bottom of his heart.

She admits that the Gao family and his wife are good people, but she must be valuable, and the value is worthy of the Gao family's help to make it work.

In normal times, she might be up for grabs and bargaining.

But now for Tangdou, as long as they can save Tangdou, she can talk about anything and make concessions.

Chang Lihong didn't talk too much, and the solution to the problem was also different from Bai Liu's idea.

Compared with Gao Yongchang, Chang Lihong, who was originally a doctor in the provincial capital hospital, had more acquaintances, so she went back to make a call almost immediately.

First of all, they got close, and then slowly mentioned that children with relatives in the family need antipyretic needles...

"Uncle Gao, I'm sorry to trouble you." Bai Liu knew that they were bothering.

Gao Yongchang waved his hand: "I'm sorry, last time I told you to call me uncle, just treat us as elders."

Bai Liu doesn't dare to flirt with relatives at will, she knows herself well, and doesn't want to flatter her.

Oh no, but she can't cross rivers and tear down bridges.

"Uncle Gao," she said after deliberating her words, "I've been very nervous since you left your address. To be honest, I came here today with the thought of being rejected."

"Originally, I planned to come to the door again after the next year, but today--"

It's better to give her a good time and let her know how much she is worth.

"No hurry, no hurry," Gao Yongchang smiled and waved his hands kindly, "The most important thing is to take care of the children first, we will follow your previous plan, you can come back in a few days."

Bai Liu thanked Gao Yongchang for his generosity in his heart, but at the same time, he was a little more suspicious.

It won't be too big, right?

Perhaps because he was worried that Bai Liu would think too much, Gao Yongchang was silent for a moment and then said: "Let me talk to you first, your embroidery is very delicate, I wonder if you can bring some apprentices."

Bai Liu's thoughts changed, and he guessed more possibilities in an instant.

Finally nodded slightly: "Uncle Gao is not in a hurry, let's talk about it later."

With craftsmanship, and the other party values ​​her craftsmanship, she can rest assured for a while.

Anyway, jelly beans are the most important thing now, other things can be postponed.

While the two were talking, Chang Lihong also came back from the phone call.

"The investigation has now found that the hospital in our county does only have one fever-reducing needle, but the neighboring county can dispatch one, and I have asked them to arrange for it to be delivered." She continued with a sigh of relief, "The fever-reducing needle that can be used by other children must be taken from the hospital. Transfer from the city, I will go to the county hospital with you, and let them make up the application at that time, so we can't delay the child."

Bai Liu secretly praised Chang Lihong for handling this matter decently, not only giving priority to taking care of "my own people", but also not forgetting to benefit more children.

From this point of view alone, the Gao family couple are definitely not ordinary people, and they will not be ordinary in the future.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, Aunt Chang." She and Chang Lihong walked out immediately.

Chang Lihong did not go with her. She went to pick up the person who sent the antipyretic injection from the next county, and planned to talk directly to the county hospital leader. It was not suitable for the parents of other children to see the clue.

It was around nine o'clock in the morning when Bai Liu returned to the county hospital. There were more people in the hospital, and she was worried about the situation of Tangdou.

"Mom, Tangdou is asleep?" She saw her mother guarding Tangdou at a glance.

Huang Fenglai let out a long sigh of relief when he saw her: "I fell asleep, but the fever still doesn't go away. Quickly find a way to give the child a fever-reducing injection. If you keep having a fever, it won't work. If you burn out, your brain will be ruined for life."

"Damn, there's still one more shot, and a child from the leader just took it!"

She gritted her teeth angrily.

Bai Liu's face changed slightly, and she whispered a few words in her mother's ear.

Chang Lihong asked her to take the child to find a doctor Chen. She had just led the family to jump the queue, so she had to be careful at this time.

For her and for the Gao family and his wife.

Huang Fenglai immediately went to see Dr. Chen with the child in his arms.

Bai Liu was a few steps behind, and when he was distracted, he was suddenly blocked by a figure.

Zhou Xiangnan.

"Bai Liu," Zhou Xiangnan showed helplessness, "I'm sorry, as expected, someone jumped in line while waiting—"

Bai Liu asked directly: "Has Fubao's fever gone?"

She wanted to know how cruel Zhou Xiangnan was.

(End of this chapter)

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