Chapter 10 The Fox Scholar
Yuanyuan hurriedly opened the door, and pulled Chen Yimian and the three of them in.

"Brother Yimian, did you smell it? The meat they were eating smells so bad!"

"I smell it, what is that?" Shi Yuyang replied.

"My grandma said it was made for my mother's body, and she said it was a mountain raccoon."

"Eat game?"

"Yes, my grandma always likes to spend money to buy some weird game. I don't want to eat it!" Yuanyuan waved her hands hastily.

"This is the master I invited, her name is Shi Yuyang, Yuanyuan, you can talk to the master about any problems you encounter." Chen Yimian introduced.

Yuanyuan looked at the young girl in front of her, she seemed a little worried, she bit her lip, and subconsciously asked.

"Are you really a master?"

"Then you will believe everything I say?"

"Yes!" Shi Yuyang nodded.

Yuanyuan pulled her to the desk, and pointed to a pile of waste manuscripts on the desk.

"Look, look, I wrote these after I fell asleep at night."

Under Shi Yuyang's astonished eyes, Yuanyuan narrated the strange things that happened to her, and just when Yuanyuan was talking vividly and vividly.

There was a loud noise in the living room, like the sound of a bowl hitting the ground, followed by screaming.

Shi Yuyang opened the door, only to see a family of three wrestling together in a weird posture, they were gnawing each other's feet.

Pots and pans were smashed all over the floor.

"Dad! Mom!" Yuanyuan yelled in shock.

But her parents and grandma didn't wake up, they were still entangled and biting each other like zombies, blood was all over the floor.

Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were red.

He still seems to have lost his sanity.

Shi Yuyang gave Goumei a look, and Goumei immediately understood.

There is the chaotic atmosphere of alien beasts in the air. I'm afraid that alien beasts are making trouble again. If they don't stop them now, their feet may be eaten away!

"Pull them away!" Shi Yuyang ordered.

Chen Yimian and Yuanyuan hurried forward to pull it away, but the three of them had great strength, not only failed to pull it away, but also overturned Yuanyuan and fell, Chen Yimian hit his head on the wall and passed out.

I have no choice but to force it, just in time to try a new spiritual weapon.

With a thought in her mind, she summoned a leather whip, and with a single stroke of the whip, the three screamed as if they had been scalded by boiling water, but they finally stopped.

Their mortal bodies must have been tricked by alien beasts. Since their bodies are not here, beating them is not a solution.

When Shi Yuyang was in distress, Yuanyuan suddenly sat up and muttered something.

After reciting a lot of ancient poems in one breath, her eyes lit up, and she stretched out her long scarlet tongue to lick her lips.

"Don't they like to eat? Let them continue to eat~"

It turned out that the strange beast was on Yuanyuan's body!Shi Yuyang raised his hand to whip a whip, but Yuanyuan's body seemed to be teleporting to avoid it.

"Don't mind your own business!"

"You come from another world to harm people, am I nosy?" Shi Yuyang asked loudly holding a whip.


Fangs suddenly grew out of Yuanyuan's mouth, and the storm caused by the roar almost knocked Shi Yuyang down.

"Don't do this, you will kill this little girl!"

Shi Yuyang tried to arouse the strange beast's sympathy for the little girl. Through Yuanyuan's description earlier, she could feel that the strange beast had read books and did not intend to harm Yuanyuan.

Otherwise, after so many days, it would have killed her long ago, and it would not keep her.

As expected, the strange beast was stunned for a moment, and the dog girl took advantage of her unpreparedness and turned into a dog and beast form and bit it.


With Yuanyuan's cry, her body suddenly went limp and fell to the ground.

"Where's the alien beast?" It stands to reason that the dog girl should have forced out its original form just now!Why is it gone?
"Are you looking for me?" A cold voice came from behind the ear, and it seemed that a cold air spread all over Shi Yuyang's body.

She looked back and saw a "person" who looked like a scholar standing in front of her, with a square cap and wide shirt, and a crabapple flower on his temple.

His eyes are long and narrow, his lips are bright red and thin, and his ears are long and pointed.

The scholar smiled, the corners of his mouth almost reaching the ears, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

"No injustice, no enmity, why do you want to harm them?" Shi Yuyang asked.

"Since your Excellency already knows what a strange beast is, why do you ask such a question?"

"It's not like you don't know about us alien beasts killing people for fun!" The scholar took out a white folding fan with the words "Enjoy yourself in time" written on the fan.

"I don't think you wanted to kill this little girl, but instead kept letting her study."

Speaking of this, the scholar became a little angry, and he put away the folding fan.

"She is so stupid, I have never seen such a stupid person, I can only possess her and let her learn something!"

"If I didn't help her, can she get the honor?"

"I'm so speechless, I've never seen such a stupid person!"

Shi Yuyang never expected that this scholarly beast was for Yuanyuan to study?There is such a thing?

Facing Shi Yuyang's surprise, the scholar put away the folding fan in his hand.

"There is a little fox who has become attached to this girl, please help her, otherwise I won't make a move."

"As for the three members of their family, they deserved what they deserved. Where can they eat the animals on the mountain? The mountain raccoon is a half-animal, eating hallucinations, and the mountain raccoon is very vengeful. Even if they escaped today, they will find them later. They came for revenge."

The scholar didn't want to fight Shi Yuyang at all, it was very simple, because he didn't want to harm anyone.

What's more, Shi Yuyang, a little girl, is not its opponent at all.

"But you met me today, I'm not going to let you go!" Shi Yuyang showed a utilitarian smile.

Shi Yuyang can only roughly judge that this is a strange beast above Tier [-], if he can catch it and sell it, he will definitely be able to sell it for a good price, maybe it will be upgraded to Tier [-] in place!

"After talking so much, you still want to arrest me?" The scholar was a little unbelievable, he couldn't believe that someone was so overconfident.
Jiangcheng Beastmaster, the hands of the psychic watch on Ye Zhiyao's wrist swung wildly.

Not only Ye Zhiyao, but the entire Jiangcheng Beast Control Department felt that a big strange beast had appeared.

Its ferocity is estimated to be at level 6, that is to say, at least someone at Deputy Director Zhao's level is capable of fighting it.

As far as they know, there are not many such big beasts that move frequently in the entire Jiangcheng. What's going on?

Is this a new beast or came from another area, why didn't they notice it before?

Now, if left unchecked, it may cause a lot of casualties. Before he could think about it, Ye Zhiyao immediately dialed the phone and started commanding.

"A group of members, bring your equipment and set off!"

"Call Tang Feng, the captain of the second team! Bring the medical team and rush there!"

(End of this chapter)

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