Chapter 177 Ultraman and Skateboard
"The registration information of container No. 53 is a toy model, but it is smuggled goods and was seized by the customs. The buyer has already entered the bureau and used a sewing machine, so the goods in the container were handed over to our company for auction."

After the bald man read out the registration information, everyone instantly became interested.

Toy models are expensive items!
For example, a single piece of Transformers or Gundam can be sold for thousands of dollars!

When it comes to limited editions, it’s not a problem to sell them for tens of thousands of dollars.

Everyone urged the bald man to open the box quickly.

The bald man didn’t waste much time introducing him.

"Click" sound.

Large iron pliers cut off the lock.

The container opened.


Everyone frowned when they saw the toy placed outside the box.

If it's a genuine Ultraman toy, that's fine, and it can be sold at a good price.

However, the workmanship of this batch of Ultraman toys in front of you can be seen to the naked eye to be extremely poor.

It's clearly the head of Ultraman Taro, but the body is the color of Ultraman Tiga.

The characters look fat and short, and their body proportions are seriously out of proportion.

There are still uncut plastic corners at the corners of the toy.

It's clearly a shoddy knockoff.

Everyone suddenly became less interested.

"The starting price is 10000 yuan!"

The bald man seemed to know what these toys were and only gave the lowest starting price.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a guy holding up his mobile phone to make a live broadcast.

She said to the camera: "Did you guys see that an interesting container was opened this time, and it actually contains Ultraman?"

A mouthful of Mandarin.

Obviously from the mainland.

"I will pay 10000 yuan."

Su Bai quoted the price.

All eyes fell on her.

If you spend 10000 yuan to buy a bunch of knockoff goods, plus shipping costs, can you still get your money back?
Just listen to Su Bai continue to say: "Old fellows, when I take pictures of these Ultraman, I will send them out in the live broadcast room. Everyone please give them a thumbs up!"

It turned out to be given to the audience.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Only people from mainland China will buy these knock-off products."

I don’t know who among the crowd suddenly jeered.

[Anchor, don’t tease me, this is a fake Ultraman! 】

[Take this piece of shit back to my son, and he will sever the father-son relationship with me! 】

[Stop it now, we don’t want garbage! 】

[Has the anchor never watched Ultraman?If you don’t understand, don’t buy randomly! 】

[I finally went to Hong Kong Island to buy these tattered gifts? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room became anxious for Su Bai when they saw that she was preparing to take pictures of an entire container of counterfeit toys.

Su Bai didn't care what the barrage said.

She said loudly: "I took pictures of these toys as gifts for the viewers in the live broadcast room. Please give me some face and don't compete with me."

"Who's going to snatch these crappy things from you?"

"You think too much, we won't rob you."

"Only mainlanders will buy this garbage!"

A middle-aged woman with heavy makeup said scornfully.

The container treasure hunters couldn't help but laugh.

Lao Li on the side also sneered: "Young people, don't be impulsive. It's best to go to regular stores to buy toys. Cheap ones are not good. Maybe these knock-off goods are shipped from the mainland."

Su Bai ignored them and looked at the bald man.

Wait for his answer.

As usual, the bald man asked if anyone was following up.

After a quick glance, no one except Su Bai had any intention of making an offer.

Selling a container for 10000 yuan seems like a bit of a loss.

He looked back at the stuff in the container.

A bunch of rubbish!
If you ask someone from a garbage disposal plant to handle it, you will have to pay a disposal fee.

I'm afraid it will cost several hundred dollars.

Might as well sell it.

The bald man stopped talking and announced loudly: "Since no one has made an offer, congratulations to the beauty, container No. 53 belongs to you!"

There was no objection.

Su Bai successfully took down a container of goods.

"Beauty, do you want me to contact the transportation company for you?"

Seeing that Su Bai was alone and from the mainland, the bald man stepped forward and recommended.

I thought I could still earn an intermediary fee.

Su Bai shook his head: "No need, I have friends locally who can help with this batch of goods."

Before coming,
She called [Sister Hong] whom she met at the maritime auction at that time.

Sister Hong didn't know what she was busy with, but her voice was hurried and weak, saying that she was not in Hong Kong Island now and would contact Su Bai when she came back.

He also gave Su Bai a contact information,
He said that in Hong Kong, whether you have errands or other troubles, you can contact this person for help.

"As you wish, remember to transport the goods early, otherwise you will have to pay a warehouse management fee."

The bald man snorted and walked away.

Su Bai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number given by Sister Hong.

"Brother Huang, right? Sister Hong asked me to find you. There is a batch of goods at the port and I want you to come over and deal with it..."

After introducing the situation, Su Bai stepped forward to check the goods in the container.

There are more than 20 Ultraman models over half a meter tall in the container.

It's a bit troublesome to take it out, and I won't be able to check what else is in the container for a while.

She looked at one of the plastic Ultraman toys.

I was stunned on the spot.

1 yuan!
What the hell?

Is a copycat Ultraman worth that much?
Su Bai was puzzled and picked up an Ultraman toy.

Yo ho!

Quite heavy!

I thought it was an empty plastic case, but when I picked it up, I found it was quite cumbersome.

"There's something in there!"

Su Bai reacted instantly.

I opened Ultraman's plastic casing and found a large bottle of saffron hidden inside.

Other treasure hunters had no interest in paying attention to the container.

Su Bai silently closed the plastic case, pretending he didn't see anything.

Everyone followed the bald man to the next auction location.

At this moment, someone not far away suddenly said: "Let me go, this container looks a bit heavy, maybe there is a treasure inside!"

Su Bai looked in the direction of the sound.

A forklift carrying a container is moving slowly.

The container looked very heavy, and the forklift made a squeaking sound under the weight.

The bald man quickly flagged down another forklift to help.

With the cooperation of two forklifts, the container was transported to the treasure hunters.

[Anchor, stop looking at Ultraman, hurry up and take a look! 】

【It was taken away if it was too late! 】

[It must be a big guy! 】

Netizens saw the scene in front of them and urged each other in the live broadcast room.

Su Bai had no choice but to put Ultraman back into the container and walked over.

"No. 67 is a shipping container that has been unclaimed for a long time, so it was put up for auction."

The bald man gave a brief introduction to the container situation.

Finally it’s not smuggled goods anymore.

Moreover, the size of this container is larger than other containers.

There is obviously more cargo inside!

Everyone began to speculate as to what was in the heavy container.

"Isn't it a rich man's yacht inside?"

“I remember last year someone was flying out a small helicopter!”

“It’s really possible that this container can hold a helicopter!”

Everyone's eyes were shining, waiting for the bald man to open the iron door.

There was another "click" and the lock fell to the ground.

The onlookers couldn't help but hold their breath.

The moment the bald man opened the door.

Everyone, including Su Bai, was confused.

I saw some strange objects piled up in the containers.

Some are long and some are curved, like materials removed from some kind of building.

"Cement block?"

“Who has nothing to do to transport cement blocks in a container?”

"Do you think you have too much money?"

"No wonder no one claims this thing!"

"It's so heavy, I thought there was some kind of treasure, but it turned out to be cement!"

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

The treasure hunters at the scene cursed under their breath.

Although there are still a few curved objects in the container, covered with waterproof cloth.

However, those with good eyesight can still see from the exposed bottom that these are still cement blocks.

The bald man didn't know what to say.

How could he take a picture of a pile of cement blocks?

Who the hell uses a container to transport this thing? Isn't it just looking for trouble?
Only a devil would pay for these things!

The bald man cursed the owner of the container in a low voice.

"Look at the next container!"

"This one is boring, keep it to yourselves."

"Go away!"

The treasure hunters shook their heads and sighed.

After waiting for a long time, I got a box of waste.

A bunch of useless cement blocks, even the people at the garbage disposal plant won't accept them!

They thought it was a waste of gas to transport such a heavy thing back!

What a waste of their time.

The bald man cursed secretly and was about to announce that the container had not been auctioned.

But I heard a voice asking: "Brother, why haven't you started shooting this container yet?"

The bald man turned around and saw that it was the live broadcast blogger who had previously photographed a container of knock-off toys.

"You want to shoot?"

Start shooting?
How to shoot?
There must be bidders for the auction!

Su Bai nodded: "Well, I'm going to take a photo of this container."

"Young man, don't make trouble, everyone is busy!"

Lao Li glared at Su Bai and said dissatisfied.

"If you want to take a picture of yourself, let's go."

Everyone looked at Su Bai with disgust.The bald man thought for a moment and said, "Since you want it, I'll give you 5000 yuan."

He originally wanted to give it to Su Bai.

But it was difficult for the company to keep accounts if it didn't charge money, so I quoted a price casually.

Of course, if Su Bai bargained for 1000 yuan, he wouldn't be able to accept it.

After all, this pile of cement blocks was left in the warehouse, and they had to spend a sum of money to find someone to dispose of it.

Unexpectedly, Su Bai said without hesitation: "Okay, 5000 yuan, right? I'll swipe my card."

[What's wrong with the anchor today? 】

[It’s understandable that I would reluctantly buy an Ultraman toy, but this is a cement block! 】

[Is it possible that there is a treasure hidden in the cement block? 】

【I knock!What can be hidden inside a cement block?Corpse? 】

[Brother, please don’t sound so scary! 】

[It’s not like the anchor has never encountered similar things...]

The audience in the live broadcast room really couldn't understand it.

Su Bai thought it was too much money, so he bought a bunch of useless cement blocks.

Everyone present looked at Su Bai strangely.

It costs 5000 yuan to buy cement blocks, and you have to spend a lot of money to find someone to move them. It’s not such a loss!
Only a fool can do such a thing.

"Are all the people from the mainland missing a leg?"

The middle-aged aunt laughed again.

These people spoke Cantonese, but they didn't mean to avoid speaking in any way.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room understood and cursed in anger.

[Where do these guys from Hong Kong get the confidence to look down on others? 】

[Do you really think the mainland is as poor as before? 】

[The anchor took out his bank card and asked them to open their eyes! 】

[Anchors should stop buying junk, it’s a shame! 】

As before, none of the treasure hunters present were interested in taking a look at the objects in the container. They mocked a few times and turned away.

Su Bai didn't argue with these people.

Walk into the container on your own.

Step over several cement bars placed on the outside of the container and walk inside the container.

Placed in front of Su Bai were several objects covered with blue water-proof cloth.

Almost as tall as a person.

The shape is very strange.

One end is high and the other is low, with an arc-shaped slope in the middle.

Su Bai stretched out his hand and pulled the water-proof cloth suddenly.

"Brush" sound.

The objects hidden deep inside the container finally reveal their true colors.

Netizens were disappointed.

[Oh, what a big loss, it’s still a cement block! 】

[It’s still a large cement block! 】

【Are you sick?Who carries cement blocks in containers? 】

[The shipper is definitely out of his mind! 】

[I still think there’s something hidden inside, why don’t you open it and take a look? 】

Su Bai glanced at the barrage, smiled and shook his head.

He took out his cell phone and called Brother Huang.

"Brother Huang, right? I took a picture of another container and quickly found a few more workers."

"Well, it's a park skateboard set. It has a sloped tossing platform and a curved tossing platform..."

When the bald man opened the container, she recognized the purpose of the cement blocks without even scanning them with the system.

"There seem to be two boxes of skateboards, let me take a look..."

While Su Bai was talking on the phone, he didn't stop moving his hands.

Two more pieces of water-proof cloth were torn apart.

I thought it was still Bank, but it turned out to be skateboarding.

After flipping through it a few times, I found brands such as Decathlon, Carver, and Boiling Point.

The price of professional skateboards ranges from 4000 yuan to [-] yuan.

In other words, you can get your money back by selling one of the skateboards.

The skateboard in the container costs about 30 to [-] yuan.

Just don't make too much money!
Su Bai conveniently took a photo and sent it to Brother Huang.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

[Here, cement blocks can actually be sold for money! 】

[It turned out to be a skateboard prop, so I asked how to make it weird! 】

[Pose up! 】

[Those treasure hunters just now actually missed such a bunch of treasures! 】

[Only young people who have skateboarded can recognize these props, right? 】

[It’s true that middle-aged people aged 50 to [-] definitely don’t understand skateboarding. 】

Su Bai's voice on the phone was not loud.

However, he was overheard by a treasure hunter outside.

"Holy crap, that container just now actually contained skateboard props!"

He exclaimed and slapped his thigh remorsefully.

The other treasure hunters turned their heads in surprise.

Then he realized that he was talking about the container that Su Bai had just photographed!

Everyone who was still chatting fell silent instantly.

Listening quietly to Su Bai's call in the container.

"4000 yuan for a Carver skateboard? Okay, let's just treat it like making friends."

Su Bai picked up a bunch of skateboards for almost nothing. She didn't want to get them back, so she naturally asked Brother Huang to help contact people to take action directly.

That's about it, she didn't bother to bargain.

When Sister Hong introduced him, she said that this Brother Huang could not be called a person in her circle. Strictly speaking, he had something to do with the antique circle that Su Bai was in, and he was involved in all kinds of old things.

With Sister Hong's face, he would never dare to trick Su Bai.

Brother Huang was indeed very considerate and directly waived the porter fee for Su Bai.

The two parties happily negotiated the price.

Su Bai hung up the phone and walked out of the container.

Suddenly, she saw a row of treasure hunters standing in front of her.

Everyone, including the bald man, stared at her in shock.

"What's wrong? Don't you go to the next container to buy some?"

Su Bai was startled and asked.

"Did you know from the beginning that this container contained skateboard props?"

One treasure hunter couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, otherwise why would I buy it?"

Su Bai laughed after finishing speaking.

The bald man also felt regretful.

He makes money by taking a commission from auctioning containers.

If he had known that there was a skateboard in the container, he wouldn't have sold it to Su Bai for 5000 yuan!

You must know that the goods in this container can be sold for at least ten to 20 yuan!
This time it's good.

Someone picked it up!
It’s my first time bidding!

Could this guy be pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

The box of fake Ultraman copies just now must be worth a lot of money, right?
The bald man looked at Su Bai suspiciously.

But seeing the sincerity on her face, she was a little unsure for a moment.

The middle-aged woman in the red dress suddenly thought of something and awkwardly stepped forward and asked: "Beauty, are you doing a live broadcast or a video recording?"

"Live broadcast."

Su Bai replied.

"It's over!"

The treasure hunters who had mocked Su Bai before suddenly turned red.

I don’t understand, yet I still ridicule others.

The most important thing is that the other party is still live broadcasting!

Their blind behavior may become a joke on the Internet!

"How many fans do you have?"

Another treasure hunter asked quietly.

Su Bai thought for a while and replied: "Probably more than 100 million."


Still a great anchor!

During the live broadcast of an anchor with more than 100 million fans, there must be at least 10,000+ online viewers, right?

In other words, 10,000+ people are now laughing at them!

A group of people present had dark faces.

And they couldn't stop Su Bai from filming.

Because Su Bai was not the only treasure hunter photographed.

There were at least seven or eight people holding up their mobile phones, taking pictures while walking!
He could only endure this in silence.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to continue auctioning the next container?"

Su Bai looked at the bald man and said.

"Shoot, of course keep shooting!"

The bald man came to his senses and said loudly.

“You can really take photos of treasures when you see the containers without our warehouse! Don’t be discouraged!”

The bald man thought clearly.

Anyway, the money and goods have been cleared, so there is no regrets.

Might as well use this to spread the word.

The treasure hunters present suddenly became interested.

"You're right, maybe there will be valuable treasures in the next container!"

There was no use regretting it anymore, everyone followed the bald man to the next container storage place.

The bald man led everyone seven or eight meters away.

Directing the forklift to take down a container stacked four to five meters high.

"Everyone, get out of the way, be careful not to get hit!"

When the bald man saw the treasure hunters onlookers getting too close, he yelled quickly.

Everyone just took a few steps back when they heard a "boom".

The forklift actually failed to transport the container properly, and the container fell directly to the ground.

A puff of dust kicked up!
"It was so dangerous, but luckily I didn't stand under it!"

Everyone was so frightened that they slapped their chests.

"I don't know if anything inside was damaged."

Treasure hunter Old Li murmured.

When the bald man heard this, he immediately became nervous and quickly stepped forward with the big iron pliers in hand.

With a "click", the container lock was cut open.

The moment he opened the container, he heard the people behind him let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it contains a box of waste paper and can't be broken."

Lao Li laughed.

Everyone instantly lost interest in the container.

(End of this chapter)

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