Chapter 1
The cicadas chirping in summer are noisy, Wanyan Jing may have been disturbed by the cicadas, she actually had a dream, and also dreamed of the person she hated so much.

The man in the dream is her husband who has been married for seven years.

At that time, in the dream, she was taking a nap in the afternoon, the skein was fluttering, and the mood was hazy. A man pushed open the door of her room and walked lightly.With a straight body like a pine and a tall look, it was Huo Xiang, who was wearing the crescent-colored robe he used to wear.

General Xuan's Mansion was originally the residence of Wang Fulin, the most corrupt official in the former dynasty. It covers an area of ​​108 mu.

But the relationship between their husband and wife is like water and fire. Under the arrangement of her princess, the palace is divided into half and half with half an acre of bamboo forest and rockery as the boundary. Wanyanjing feels that she is a kind person. Huo Xiang lived in the big one.

Huo Xiang has always been interesting, never came to provoke her, the hatchback does not interfere with the river water, it is the first time that he rushed into her house like today without saying hello.

Wan Yanjing was surprised, but felt very unhappy, and thought of something in a hurry, and hurriedly gathered up the skirt of the clothes that had been loosened during the afternoon nap.

Huo Xiang just forced his way in, and he didn't feel how rude and demeanor he was doing this time. Seeing her arranging her clothes, she opened her mouth and said quietly: "What to cover, Qin has a custom of giving wives and concubines to each other. Are you My mother-in-law, I just hold a banquet and invite all my comrades to enjoy it together, what can you do?"

The tone of voice was still Huo Xiang's usual slow rhythm, but the words he said were arrogant, thoughtless, frivolous and vulgar.

Wan Yanjing looked at her husband suspiciously again, Huo Xiang must not be unlucky enough to be possessed by a ghost, and at this time the ghost was running amok against his face.

The corners of Wan Yanjing's eyes twitched, her red lips parted slightly, and just as she was about to fight back, she heard another voice that was more excited than her.

[Huo Xiang!You are OOC, how can you say such a thing! ? 】

The voice had a strange tone, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women, but it was close at hand.Wan Yanjing was shocked, she looked around, but no matter how she saw there was no third person in the room, who was speaking just now?
What is OOC?
【OOC?I don't think so! ] It was Huo Xiang's slightly mocking voice, and he immediately responded to the person just now, but Wan Yanjing didn't see him open his mouth, could it be a high-end soul voice transmission?
Hey, can you interrupt, I can hear you too.

【What are you going to do?You can't get rid of me. 】

[How will you know if you don't try it! 】

The corners of Huo Xiang's lips curled up, and his deep eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

I saw him striding forward, his face was handsome and not like ordinary people, he was supposed to be aloof and aloof, with a small tear mole in the corner of his right eye, adding a bit of lazy beauty.

The crescent-colored robe flutters, and the silver dark pattern embroidery on the sleeves is radiant and swaying like water. Although it is a plain dress, it still looks gorgeous.

Thinking of something, he let out a "sneer", as if he couldn't hold it back for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

Looking at Wanyan Jing's confused and puzzled expression, his smile grew bigger and bigger, a bit self-deprecating, a bit sad, and a bit joyful about being relieved.

This is probably a big gamble!
After a while, Huo Xiang's laughter stopped for a while, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He raised his hand and drew a few symbols, and a faint golden shadow stopped in the air on his chest and disappeared for a moment.

Leaning forward, he supported Wan Yanjing with one hand.

This is an overly close and oppressive pose. Wan Yanjing wanted to hide, but found that she seemed to be fixed there, unable to move from top to bottom. She watched Huo Xiang's head getting closer and closer, and put her hand on her. The back of her neck was pressed against her forehead in an undeniable posture, and her eyes met.

Huo Xiang's obsidian-like eyes shone with complex emotions.

They haven't had such close contact for a long time. Wan Yanjing saw herself surprised, puzzled, and puzzled in Huo Xiang's unfathomable eyes like the sea of ​​stars. tremble.

Huo Xiang began to call her baby name like a ghost, his voice was very soft at first, but then his tone became more and more serious, ending with an inexplicable sigh.


Ami, Ami, Ami...

These calls turned into sharp knives, piercing her eyes, and knocking in her brain with a roar.She had a splitting headache, and when she opened her eyes, she could only see a mist of blood.

Countless fragments roared past like a flood, and colorful past events flowed like lanterns.

She seemed to have gone through a long life, but when she recalled it, it was empty. Sadness, despair, resentment, unwillingness, strange emotions filled her heart, and tears shed from the corners of her eyes unconsciously.

After the sudden silence of the world, a rigid voice with a slightly metallic texture came from a very far away place, getting louder and faster.

"You're crazy, we're all going to die, we're all going to die, you're crazy..."

It said these few sentences back and forth, repeated them non-stop, and finally stopped abruptly in a violent glare.

After the sound of "Boom!", various strange voices rang in Wan Yanjing's ears, like thousands of dust in the world of mortals, receding like a tide in an instant.

As if it never appeared.


Wan Yanjing violently struggled to sit up, and woke up from the dream panting violently.

She listened intently, only hearing her own breathing and heartbeat.

Huo Xiang and the strange voice talking to him disappeared.

Looking at the undamaged bed curtains and the faint poking environment outside the bed curtains, she straightened her skirt which was exactly the same as before going to bed, raised her hand to touch her trembling lips, and it took a long time to calm down a little.

Lifting the curtain of the bed, Wan Yanjing cautiously looked out, the furnishings in the house could be seen clearly under the weak candlelight, the doors and windows were all closed, and most of the ice in the basin hadn't melted yet.

The sky is just getting dark, but it's only five o'clock.

She breathed a sigh of relief and lay back on the bed, but was so tormented by the previous weird dream that she couldn't fall asleep.

This dream is really a bit unlucky, she dreamed of someone who was not good enough to dream of a man of the same race. Is it because Zhang Xueshi from Tong Wenguan is not elegant enough, or is it because Vice General Lu from the Xiaocai Army is not brave enough?
And those weird vocabulary, what system and what rating.

Tossing and turning until daylight, until the maid Gan Tang came in to help her get up.

Wan Yanjing didn't sleep well, and felt extremely depressed, so she got up to wash up with a cold face.

"Did the princess not sleep well yesterday?" Gan Tang asked softly, she was one year older than Wanyan Jing, she was her confidant since she was a child, she was not only impeccable, cautious and steady, she was also very good at observing people's words.

Wan Yanjing is very dependent on this big maid, and will discuss with her about anything: "I had a strange dream yesterday."

When Gan Tang heard that it was just a dream, she couldn't help but smile. She opened the windows one by one to let the morning breeze with the fragrance of flowers flow into the room, and thoughtfully followed her words and asked, "What kind of dream is it?"

This obviously brought back bad memories for Wan Yanjing, she lowered her face, but subconsciously hid the existence of the system.

"I dreamed that Huo Xiang barged into my living room without saying hello, shouting loudly and speaking vulgarly."

It was just a dream, but Gan Tang was still serious about it, and after pondering for a long time, he said to her: "It is really just a dream, the prince just led the troops to Fengdu, and if you count the time, I am afraid that he has just arrived at the camp. How could he have the guts to disobey the holy order just to come back and belittle the princess? Besides, the prince has always been elegant and polite, and he loves the princess very much, so how could he say those nasty words?"

Leaving aside whether she has the guts to disobey the sacred order, the addition of respect and love is just to add to her face in Gantang's speech.

But Gan Tang has a good saying, dreams are just dreams after all, not worth thinking too much about.

After Wan Yanjing got dressed, she put the towel to wipe her face back to its original position, and applied lipstick to herself in front of the mirror.

Those swords, lights and swords are all dreams after all, and the pain in the dream can't affect her in reality.

Gan Tang combed her hair in a bun behind her, and suddenly said "ah" in surprise: "Princess, your eyes!!"
Writer's words:

Handsome men and beauties passing by:

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(End of this chapter)

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