The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 11 The Princess' Career Line (7)

Chapter 11 The Princess' Career Line ([-])

Zhang Rutong and Gongsun Shao were chatting happily.

It may be some kind of induction somewhere, Zhang Rutong inadvertently raised his head and glanced outside the rockery while speaking, and happened to meet Wan Yanjing's eyes.

The two looked at each other for half a breath, Wanyan quietly looked away, she looked forward, and followed the steward away arrogantly and indifferently.

"Princess, Xueshi Zhang has been watching you."

"He's still looking at you."

"He's been watching you."

Gan Tang whispered a small report to Wan Yanjing.

Wan Yanjing's expression didn't change, as if she didn't hear anything, she didn't glared at Gan Tang until she turned the corner.

Zhang Rutong had indeed been looking at Yan Jing all the time. After he carefully scrutinized Wan Yanjing's makeup and clothes, his gaze stayed on the token that Wan Yanjing was carrying around her neck.

"For the body of a book, you have to enter its shape. If you are sitting or walking, if you are flying, if you are flying... Hey, brother Zhang, are you listening? If there is anything interesting over there, I will also take a look. Oh, it turned out to be a mistake His female relatives." Gongsun Shao widened his phoenix eyes, stood on tiptoe and looked over there, "This woman in yellow is very beautiful, I don't know which family she is from, Brother Zhang, do you like it?"

Zhang Rutong stretched out his hand to press down his shoulders, his face was worried, he was always gentle with others, so he was obviously very unhappy with such a cold face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Look clearly, that's a married lady."

"Married lady, have you been looking at him for so long and so boldly? The last time the bean curd Xi Shi on the street gave you flowers, you blushed and stammered." Gongsun Shao looked at him suspiciously, but recalled the woman's hair bun just now , it seems that it is indeed the style of married people.

Zhang Rutong was silent, and was about to leave, but he heard Gongsun Shao behind him suddenly realize that he was self-righteous.

"Ah, I remembered. Could it be Princess Wuxuan? I heard that Brother Zhang, you and King Wuxuan... woo woo, um..."

Gongsun Shao was covered by Zhang Rutong who suddenly turned around. He is the master of both civil and martial arts.

But at this moment he wanted to break free, but found that the seemingly thin Zhang Rutong's arm covering his mouth was actually made of iron, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't make it deviate even a little bit.

Zhang Rutong watched him struggle coldly, and Gongsun Shao blushed because of holding his breath, but he was unmoved.Gongsun Shao was terrified. The friend who had a good conversation with him not long ago seemed to be a different person.

Just when Gongsun Shao was about to roll his eyes, Zhang Rutong let go of his hand, and regained his gentle manner. He patted Gongsun Shao's back to help the coughing Gongsun Shao.

"Uh, Gongsun, are you okay? I, I was agitated just now. I'm sorry."

Gongsun Shao was furious, how could he have been so angry, he raised his head to show Zhang Rutong a good look, but saw Zhang Rutong looking sad and blaming himself, he was confused again.


Zhang Rutong smiled wryly and lowered his voice and said to him:
"Yes, you are right, that is indeed Princess Wuxuan, Princess Yi'an Wanyanjing from the previous dynasty. The rumors are also true, I do admire Princess Yi'an. But that is only my one-sided admiration, the princess, she, she, I have already been a married woman, and I don’t know about it, so it has nothing to do with her. Gongsun, I hit it off with you, and I only tell you, and I hope you will help me keep this secret.”

Gongsun Shao was discouraged immediately, thinking of his irresistible marriage and his unruly fiancée, he also felt sad and had sympathy for him.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, ah, no wonder you're 27 or [-] and don't have a girlfriend. Don't talk about it, it's all sad. Let's go and have a drink. Don't worry, God knows this secret." I know."

On the other side, Wan Yanjing entered the table and sat down.

The banquet was full of female relatives, and the two seats at the top were vacant, which should be reserved for Empress Xiao and the old lady of Duke Wei's mansion who have not yet arrived.

Wan Yanjing was placed in the second echelon, surrounded by not-so-young and well-known senior women.

She looked down, and Zhu Lingzhu was sitting with her mother-in-law. Seeing her look, she blinked at her, and raised her chin to show her what to look at.

Sitting opposite Zhu Lingzhu was also an extravagant wife, followed by a woman in a yellow shirt.

The married woman is Lord Huang's regular wife, and the woman in the yellow shirt is Huang Shaolan, who Zhu Lingzhu hates so much, the daughter of the Imperial Censor who has been widowed twice and is rumored to be pregnant.

Huang Shaolan is quite pretty, but the heavy makeup can't conceal the powerlessness and haggard look on her face. Facing the table full of delicacies, she even frowned, and her throat moved slightly, as if she was enduring nausea. This appearance is indeed true. Like pregnant.

Wan Yanjing looked over, and found that Huang Shaolan was also looking at her with a sullen expression, and while looking at her, he was talking to the young woman sitting behind her.

After hearing what Huang Shaolan said, the young woman also looked towards Wan Yanjing, looking at the situation, Huang Shaolan was obviously speaking ill of her.

At the beginning of the banquet, the elegant and luxurious Empress Xiao and the silver-haired old lady of Duke Wei's mansion took the first place amidst the eunuch's sharp announcement.

Empress Xiao was weak shortly after the miscarriage, she left the banquet and returned to the palace shortly after the banquet, and the old lady did not sit for too long.Without the host, the banquet officially began. The female relatives had no scruples, talked and laughed relaxedly, and ate and drank as they pleased.

The group of old ladies sitting next to Wan Yanjing are all good people.

They also heard about Wan Yanjing's commotion in the garden, and the young female family members sitting below secretly looked at her sideways and whispered about her, but the group of old women around them remained calm.

They chatted with Wanyanjing about some light-hearted and pleasant topics in a friendly manner, their faces were all kind and peaceful, and Wanyanjing felt at ease when she was with them.

The young woman beside Huang Shaolan has a slim figure and a fair face, like a flawless jade. Her facial features are ordinary, but her delicate white skin and dignified book temperament make her look a little unusual.

Mrs. Huang was born in a family in the south of the Yangtze River, and Jiang Mingyu, a young woman with a bookish temperament, was sent by her natal family, and she wanted to ask her to find a good marriage in the capital.

Although Jiang Mingyu is a woman, she has read a lot of books, so her vision is naturally different. She was impatient to gossip with Huang Shaolan, but she didn't want to offend her sister, so she forced a smile to agree.

Fortunately, not long after, another female companion who was on good terms with Huang Shaolan came over. The new Tang Xiu'er was having a rough time at her husband's house, and she had more complaints than Huang Shaolan. Pounce, Jiang Mingyu only needs to nod aside, the pressure is much less.

After Tang Xiu'er complained about her husband's newly recruited Hu Meizi, she turned the topic to Wan Yanjing.

They had too much hostility towards Wan Yanjing, probably because Wan Yanjing was around their age and had a better life than them.

Most of Shangjing and her two similar ages were busy with their husbands and children, and many were even ordered not to go out. Tang Xiuer's mother-in-law died early, and her husband was busy with his own, so she had many opportunities to go out and chat.

Huang Shaolan is even worse, she doesn't even have her husband's family, so she is a frequent visitor to various villages in Shangjing.

No one cares about the princess Wanyanjing, but she doesn't know what to do, not only does not join their small group, but also sneers at them, which will inevitably become a thorn in their side.

Not to mention, Tang Xiuer was slapped by Wan Yanjing not long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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