Chapter 119 Li Meng (Twenty-seven)

Huo Xiang stepped forward and stopped as he prepared to convince others with his virtue.

Mr. Hu looks about forty, with a green beard under his chin, wearing a plain green shirt, clean and tidy, with a straight back and a sense of majesty. At first glance, he usually has a lot of say. The only drawback is that The slightly protruding belly in front of his belly and his slightly fat figure imply that he is an ordinary person with no martial arts value.

He didn't say any nonsense. He stood in front of the main seat and gave a very elegant salute to all the martyrs.

"Everyone here is a benevolent person who serves the country and the people. The governor should have come to meet you in person. Unfortunately, due to the many days of hard work, your old illness has relapsed. You have no choice but to ask us to entertain all the heroes."

"You must already know the purpose of this monster. The specific shape of this monster is not yet known, and everyone who has seen its appearance has suffered misfortune. But according to the people who have seen it from a distance, this monster is completely black, more than ten feet tall, and looks like a bear or a tiger. Extremely ferocious.”

"Previously, the government troops were sent to arrest, and there were also quite confident knights who wanted to eliminate harm for the people and entered alone. In the end, they all disappeared into the mountains without any news. This trip was not as simple as everyone imagined. If We will never stop any righteous man who has children and young people at home and cares about him and wants to withdraw midway.”

The venue was quiet, everyone had a determined look on their faces, and no one quit.

Of course, this is not because the heroes are truly heroic and willing to throw their lives and blood to dismantle heretics and protect the people, but they are tempted by the heavy box next to Mr. Hu and cannot move their eyes away.

"Okay! I admire you all for your high righteousness. I would like to thank all the heroes in advance for the fellow villagers in Yuzhou. During this trip, Hu has separately counted 500 government troops and is waiting at the foot of the mountain as backup."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on the box, Mr. Hu was also very sensible and raised his voice: "There are ten thousand taels of silver in the box, all of which were donated by wealthy businessmen in the city. If we can catch the black monster during this trip today, ten thousand taels of silver will be given away." It will be divided equally among the heroes. Even if the trip fails, you will receive ten taels of silver and leave afterwards. Hu knows that the heroes are by no means greedy for money, but this is the wish of the people in the city. I hope you will not refuse. "

"Master Hu, you're welcome."

"Master Hu..."

After hearing what they wanted to hear, the Jianghu guests were very happy and praised Mr. Hu very much.

Then a group of people went to Wufeng Mountain in groups, followed by the government troops in gray clothes and red helmets, as well as Master Hu and four or five of his subordinates who were riding horses.

Leaving now?

Would that be too hasty?
What to do with his princess wife waiting for him at the inn?
Huo Xiang was dressed in gorgeous clothes and walked proudly among the crowd, like a peacock with blue feathers stretched out, but he felt very guilty, wondering whether he should escape from urine or feces.

He glanced at Xu Yilian, his brother and sister next to him, and decided to ask about the situation before making any plans.

"Brother Xu, are we on our way to capture the black monster?"

Xu Yilian glanced at him in confusion: "Of course, why does Brother Wang ask this?"

"To be honest, although I have practiced martial arts as a brother, I have been doing business with my father since I was a child. I don't know much about the rules of our Jianghu. I didn't expect that our Jianghu brothers would be so vigorous and resolute in doing things. Now I have to set out to eliminate harm for the people. I'm going down. I haven't reported to Madam about my hurry, so why don't you go ahead and I'll go back to the inn and explain to Madam before I chase you."

Xu Yilian expressed his understanding and was about to nod when a strange voice suddenly jumped out from beside him.

"I'm afraid you're going to run away again, Xu Yilian, is this your new guest in Yunhai Pavilion? Your Yunhai Pavilion really takes all the rats like treasures from the door, and won't reject anyone who comes."

Huo Xiang accurately captured the word "you".

There was no change on Xu Yilian's face, and the smile at the corner of his mouth did not change at all. However, the junior brothers and sisters who followed him obviously did not have the old world like him. They all looked ashamed and angry when they heard the words, but due to the sect's upbringing and rules, they were unable to refute. It looked like it was very hard to hold it in. Huo Xiang glanced at their expressions from the corner of his eyes, and he knew in his heart that he was actually being dragged to the rescue.

From what they said, there should be a guest from Yunhai Pavilion who joined them to form a four-person team to fight monsters here.

It was just that the visiting guest hung up in the middle of the game for some unknown reason, so the senior brother of Yunhai Pavilion had to temporarily pull someone over to make up the number.

He, Wang Zhengqi, was the one who was roped in to make up the numbers.

Huo Xiang didn't care at all about cynicism. Even if he was scolded, it was Wang Zhengqi who was scolded. What does it have to do with Huo Xiang?
So he looked at Xu Yilian with an innocent face and asked for an explanation, but in his heart he made up his mind to just sit back and watch the show quietly.

Xu Yilian sighed inwardly and turned to look at his old enemy, Storm Helm's Sixth Young Master Xin Shangyuan. This Sixth Young Master was also not short of money and didn't know why he was here to join in the fun.

Stormhelm has only been around for a century, but he is one of the richest gangs in the world. He is engaged in the escort business.

Stormhelm's escort business is spread all over the mainland and even exported overseas. Although it has a mediocre reputation, there are often rumors that Stormhelm is bullying the people.

They are arrogant and domineering in their daily behavior, and they have the feeling of bullying customers. The reason why they have grown so big and no one dares to mess with them is because Xin Nanlin, the old helmsman of Storm Helm, is not only a master-level powerhouse, but his wife is also said to be a member of the Great Xia Kingdom. She is a princess who is related to the royal family of Xia Kingdom.

However, Storm Helm's power is slightly weaker in Qin.

The State of Qin has its own Shunfeng Escort Agency and has set rules. If the Escort Agency is not native to the Qin State and wants to develop in the Qin State, it must pay a high tax.

The Qin State was so tough in the face of Storm Helm, but Xu Yilian couldn't be tough. It would be good if he could remain neither humble nor arrogant, even though Xin Shangyuan was only one of the more than 20 children of the Xin family.

"It turns out to be Shaoxia Xin. I haven't seen you for a long time. Your style is still the same. This is Shaoxia Wang Zhengqi, the king of the Shengoose Gang."

After Xu Yilian finished speaking, he turned to Huo Xiang and introduced him: "Brother Wang, this is Xin Shangyuan, the sixth son of Storm Helm..."

Before he finished speaking, Xin Shangyuan burst out laughing: "The Divine Goose Gang!? Did I hear you right? Oops, are you laughing to death? When did such a sect appear in the world? Why isn't it called the Amao Gang or Agou? Help...hahahaha"

There are many people in the world who regard the sect as more important than their own lives, and they would not insult others without humiliating the sect. Xin Shangyuan simply went too far.

Xu Yilian took a deep breath, felt very sorry for Huo Xiang, and turned completely cold towards Xin Shangyuan, saying sternly:

"Shaoxia Xin, this is not your hometown of Storm Helm. I won't argue with you when you mocked me in the past. But Brother Wang is my guest. Please restrain yourself a little, otherwise before I besiege the monster, I will I don’t mind having a discussion with Xin Shaoxia first.”

"Okay, I got what I asked for!" Xin Shangyuan was so angry when he heard this. He lost to Xu Yilian in the previous martial arts competition. When he returned home, he was ridiculed by several brothers. Even his father, who had always loved him, was rude to him for several days. He had long wanted to take revenge.

Huo Xiang was a little dumbfounded. Is this going to start a fight?
 Yesterday I finally passed the external review of my thesis, but there is still a selective examination for transfer students next month.

  The end of hard study is still weaving. Even if you sharpen your head, you may not be able to drill in...

  Woohoo, take the time to update it and send a red envelope by the way.

  (End of this chapter)

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