The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 19 I Like to Listen to Fools

Chapter 19 I Like to Listen to Fools

Follow the mother-in-law forward, and what you see along the way is a combination of interest and nobility. Strange plants and trees, gorgeous silk tapestries, and ornaments carved from precious wood all clearly show that "I am rich." "Three words.

The hall is very wide, and you can see the third floor all the way up. The dome is made of landscape murals intertwined with silver, white, black and gold. A huge western-style crystal chandelier hangs in the middle. Against the background, looking up, there will probably be a wonderful scene of water waves flowing.

It was supposed to be a scene of extravagance, but the service team, all composed of sisters over 50 years old, inexplicably added a bit of simplicity to the scene.

Wan Yanjing looked around, and unexpectedly found that in Shangjing, where the rules are strict, there are no fewer female guests than male guests.

The two thick white jade pillars next to the tea break hall each wrote a poem:

The upper right book: By having two armpits with Yuchuan, the heavenly immortals may not be in love.

Letter on the left: Send people back with running water. (1)

Its characters are chic and elegant, floating like floating clouds, and astonishing as a dragon. What's more rare is that it fits with the artistic conception, and there is a bit of lazy laziness between the silver hooks.

Wan Yanjing's eyes lit up, and she thought to herself that the boom in business here is not unreasonable, and I don't know which master's writing this is, it seems that it is not a loss to spend a hundred dollars to appreciate this writing.

Many guests who came here gathered under the column to watch, obviously this place is a huge attraction.

A vigorous old woman in blue stood in the center, clapped her hands twice, motioned everyone to look over, then raised her fist and shouted loudly:

"Prince Xuan is very strict in self-discipline, but alone can't resist the charm of this place. He has visited the small house many times, and he can't help but write a few poems on the pillars when he is happy. Family members! Today is a big broadcast, and you can get a 100% discount if you apply for a card. Don’t need 50 taels, don’t need 15 taels, just [-] taels, take the season card home, unlimited time every day, enjoy the same enjoyment as King Xuan!”

Wan Yanjing: "..." She retracted her immature thoughts just now, and she said that the more she read it, the more familiar the word became.

Followed the mother-in-law up to the fifth floor, and finally arrived at Boss Zhan's office.

"The Office of the Director of Shengxiantang Bathing Center, the name is unique." Wan Yanjing read the words on the sign at the door.

"Old Zhan, my cousin brought it for you." The woman knocked on the door and shouted.

"Okay, let her come in by herself." Boss Zhan's voice was younger than Wan Yanjing expected.

Wan Yanjing opened the door and walked in. The design inside the room is quite different from the current fashion, it is a simple style that makes Wan Yanjing feel somewhat familiar.

The contrast of black and white was extremely sharp. Behind the large streamlined table, a man was sitting with his back to her, and his whole body was blocked by the high chair back.

After he turned the chair around, Wan Yanjing saw his face clearly, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Boss Zhan is about 30 years old, wearing a colorful short-sleeved shirt, with fair skin, brown hair and blue eyes, deep eye sockets, full of the characteristics of people from the Western Regions.

"Greetings to the princess, how is my mother who lives in the country? I love her omelets so much!" Zhan Rendu spread his arms, "Get to know me, I am Reid, the director of the Fourth Division, and my oriental name is Zhan Rendu. But I'm still more used to being called Rhett."

He called the princess in his mouth, but he didn't have much sense of dignity. He shook his short hair and stood up: "Let's go, let's take you to familiarize yourself with our branch point."

Wan Yanjing followed him into a circular area that looked like a bathing pool in the corner of the office area. Reid pressed on the wall, the mechanism turned, and the bathing pool gradually went down.

Coming out of the wind ladder in the shape of a bathing pool, Rhett put his hands in his pockets, walked ahead and led her into a secret passage, which became bigger and bigger as it went down, and then it suddenly became clear.

"The headquarters is in Beiji, but it's a little too cold there. According to Huo Xiang, it's not suitable for economic development, so we built branch rudders in various places. Well, this is the bigger one, but it's a pity that Shangjing is expensive. They can only be built underground without seeing the light of day.”

Wan Yanjing looked at the huge underground palace in shock, countless small long pearls were inlaid on the high top, forming a beautiful pattern.

Hundreds of people in different costumes came in and out, some with papers in their hands, some with weapons in their hands, in an orderly manner, and circulated among different departments.

There is a sign on the door of each department.

Wan Yanjing walked along and saw "Shengxiantang Logistics Office", "Shengxiantang Research Institute", "Shengxiantang Finance Department", "Shengxiantang Market Research Office"...

People on the road met the two of them, and some of them knew Rhett well and would nod to them.

Red obviously has a very high status here.

Walking through this office area, Reid led her into the huge library deep in the underground palace, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, we are called Shengxiantang here, not Bai Ze, and only a few people know about Bai Ze. name."

"There is also the division of positions in Bai Ze. You should be familiar with Zhang Rutong. One is in charge of political infiltration and intelligence exploration in various countries."

"The second office is in the rivers and lakes, and they are good at using heresy and using poison and medicine."

"The bases of the three offices are not fixed, and they often take on jobs that help important people solve their troubles."

"Fourth place is my side, trying to find a way to make some money. There are five places. You will understand when you see five places."

"In this library, there are martial arts cheats and tricks of various sects, and on the other side are the histories of various countries and information on some important figures."

"In order to facilitate the princess's future visits, we are digging a tunnel. When the tunnel is cleared, the princess can walk directly from the palace through the tunnel."

"We are still sorting out the materials of Guo Xiang, Qin Huang and others, and will present them to the princess soon."

"This is your identity card, princess. As long as it is the stronghold of Bai Ze, this card can be unimpeded. As for the golden supervision order that Lao Zhang gave you before, it has the function of protection. The princess can carry it close to you, but those who know it Not too many people."

"The underground passage here is some underground black industry of our Ascension Hall. It's better not to invite the princess to go there for boxing and gambling. But if you really want to see it, princess, it's not impossible."

Wan Yanjing shook her head and declined, she was really tired after walking for so long.

Returning the same way, the mother-in-law sent her to the door with a smile, and waved enthusiastically: "Welcome to come again next time!"

The carriage was still waiting at the door, and it was pulled by Lao Xu, who was a special cart puller from her palace. Yesterday, Lao Xu slept in the stable overnight for no reason, and today he was driving with great energy.

On the way back, Wanyan was hungry and sleepy in the carriage, so he would have had a meal at Shengxiantang if he knew it earlier.Suddenly there was a scent of glutinous rice cakes, and when the curtain was lifted, there was a glutinous rice cake stall beside the road.

Wan Yanjing suddenly wanted to eat Ciba, she got out of the car and walked towards the Ciba stand.

"Uncle, here is a pack of glutinous rice cakes."

"Ma'am, the total is five Wen."

Wan Yanjing threw five copper plates into the ceramic jar next to the booth.

Next to the glutinous rice cake stand is a fortune-telling stand. A disheveled and disheveled Taoist priest is sleeping with a cattail fan on his head. At this time, he is awakened by the beautiful sound of money.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the glutinous rice cake stall beside him, as if he was a little envious of the good business of the glutinous rice cake stall.

"Madam, please stay, Madam, do you want to tell your fortune?"

The old Taoist took the initiative to solicit business.

Wan Yanjing waved her hand.

The old Taoist sighed, and said: "That's right, there is nothing to count on dying people. Madam only has two months left, so eat and drink to your heart's content."

Wan Yanjing squinted her eyes, she had just airborne to become a senior executive of Bai Ze not long ago, she was not short of money at all, and she liked to be fooled by people.

On the cloth next to the old Taoist priest is written one tael for face-to-face, two taels for fortune-telling, and five taels for Fengshui.Without hesitation, she threw down a huge sum of 50 taels to the old Taoist priest, clasped her hands together and said sincerely:
"Master, I was terrified after hearing what you said, and I hope that Master can clarify my doubts and save my life."

 (1) Su Shi's "Linjiang Immortals. Fengshui Cave Works"

(End of this chapter)

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