Chapter 35

These seven or eight people combined are no match for Wang Xiaolan.

"You, you are an innate warrior?" The tall guard pointed at Wang Xiaolan tremblingly on the ground and said in shock.

Innate warrior?It was five years ago.

Wang Xiaolan smiled sarcastically, seeing these people fled in despair, she did not go up to catch up.

For a master like her to guard the imperial mausoleum, it is like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

But she can't stay in this small imperial mausoleum for long. Huo Xiang wakes up, and she will probably be able to go back soon.
basement one.

Zhang Rutong walked through the long corridor, opened the door deep in the corridor, walked up the door, and entered a secret room.

In the secret room, a man in black was sitting behind the table, looking at the book in front of him.

Zhang Rutong bowed to the man in black and asked, "King Xuan is awake, do you want to recall the Jin Jianling?"

The man in black had a strange voice, obviously pretending: "Are you sure it's King Xuan who woke up? Everything went according to the original plan."


After Zhang Rutong answered, he didn't leave immediately.

The man in black looked up suspiciously: "What else?"

Zhang Rutong seemed a little awkward, he tentatively asked: "I died for the great cause, Maosheng had no complaints, but my mother always hoped that my subordinates would enter high school and marry the princess. After my subordinates die, can I share the tomb of my subordinates with Yi An?" Princess..." Maosheng is Zhang Rutong's word.

His words came to an abrupt end.

The door of the secret room opened automatically, the man in black flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly, Zhang Rutong seemed to be blown out of the door by a hurricane like a leaf.

"Bang!" The door of the secret room was slammed shut.

"Bang!" Zhang Rutong fell to the wall, and then fell along the wall.

He got up from the ground, wiped off the dust on his body, glanced at the door of the secret room, and walked back in the direction he came from.

"The drama is about to begin!" The light in Zhang Rutong's eyes was dim.
In the summer of the sixth year of Hongwen, two major events occurred in the Great Qin Dynasty.

The first one was that King Wuxuan was ambushed in the Battle of Fengdu and was seriously injured and unconscious.

The second is the large-scale imperial examination fraud case that broke out two days after King Wuxuan woke up, which shocked the temple.

This case involved dozens of officials and nearly a hundred students. The most important thing is that one of the suspects in this case is Cao Liqing, the famous Confucian of the Imperial Academy since the previous dynasty.

Cao Liqing was seventy-five years old, and was the number one scholar in the Lide period of the Dajin Dynasty. Before the Jin Dynasty fell, he had always been the leader of the emperor's team.

The elders of the three dynasties have peaches and plums in the world.

In other words, the dead Golden Emperor, the Golden Emperor's father, and the Golden Emperor's children all respectfully call this teacher Teacher.

Wanyanjing's father, uncles, grandparents, brothers and sisters, including herself, were all enlightened under Cao Liqing's hands.

After the Jin Dynasty was captured by the Qin Dynasty, this respected old man devoted himself to learning and seemed to have no intention of dying for the country. He was hired by the Qin State with a respectful high salary to the Guozijian, where he was responsible for compiling historiography and giving lectures.

Wan Yanjing still remembered the last time she saw this teacher.

At that time, countless courtiers of Dajin were forced to commit suicide. After she heard the news of her father's funeral, she took people to Mr. Cao's house non-stop, for fear that something would happen to her mentor.

More than 100 people from the top and bottom of the Cao Mansion were gathered and escorted by the Qin Army in the lobby of the Cao Mansion in a panic.

Wan Yanjing glanced around, but did not see Cao Liqing's figure.

The road was heavily guarded, and some people wanted to stop her, but the commander of the guards stopped those who wanted to stop her, and let her go in successfully.

She walked to the back hall and saw her husband Huo Xiangzheng and the silver-haired Cao Liqing sitting opposite each other drinking.

Huo Xiang was wiping a sword, and there was no blood on the sword, but Wan Yanjing knew that the sword had pierced her father's chest not long ago, cut off her mother's neck, and killed her brother's head.

Unexpectedly, Huo Xiang was also here, at that moment she was struck by lightning.

Huo Xiang put away his sword, and without looking at her, he nodded to Cao Liqing and said, "Let's bid farewell, and look forward to Mr. Cao's reply." After speaking, he passed her by without looking sideways, and walked out.

I can't remember the details, but Wan Yanjing still remembers throwing herself to the teacher's knee and crying bitterly.

Cao Lao called out to the princess in grief, and sighed with a vicissitudes of life: "This bone of the old man can't live for a few years. I wanted to go with the late emperor, but how can I bear the princess to face those wolves, tigers and leopards alone?" .”

The teacher and the student hugged each other and cried, and later Wan Yanjing became her Princess Wuxuan, and Cao Liqing was a bachelor in the Imperial College.

But the two have not seen each other since.

In order to avoid suspicion, Wan Yanjing seldom interacted with the princes of the court, and was careful not to inquire about what happened in the court.

He has never met those old ministers who were re-employed in Qin after the collapse of the Great Gold.

What she can do for those old ministers is to be a princess honestly, and use the name of Princess Yi'an to assert her presence in the circle of women from time to time.

Unexpectedly, when I heard about the teacher again, it turned out to be such a serious fraud case.

Hearing the news from Gan Tang that the teacher was imprisoned in the prison, Wan Yanjing changed her clothes in a hurry and went out in a hurry.

Walking to the gate of the palace, she looked at the broad and majestic Xuanwu Street, but she didn't know where to go.

Except for the Longyang Hou Mansion which has no hereditary replacement of real power, she and Zhu Lingzhu, the young wife of the Longyang Hou Mansion, can be regarded as close friends.

When she went to Beijing, she didn't make good friends with the rich and powerful at all.

In Shangjing, anyone who offends her can't afford to be offended, she almost always has a cold face, so that now she doesn't even have a place to ask for news.

By the way, there is also Shengxiantang.

Wan Yanjing boarded the carriage and drove to Shengxian Hall.

Shengxian Hall was still the same as before, and Wan Yanjing soon met the brown-haired and blue-eyed director Zhan.

Boss Zhan was very surprised: "The tunnel will be dug in two days. Why is the princess here at this time?"

Wan Yanjing came because of her teacher's fraud case in the imperial examination.

She demanded to find out the truth and rescue her teacher.

After listening to Boss Zhan's request, his expression flickered twice, and then he said with a smile: "This big case has been raging all over the capital, and the Holy Order ordered a thorough investigation, and Mr. Cao was locked in a sky prison where it is said that mosquitoes can't fly in. Princess Isn't this embarrassing me?"

Wan Yanjing's face showed undisguised disappointment, she could only settle for the next best thing, and asked to see the people and files related to the case.

Boss Zhan hesitated for a moment before asking someone to bring the records of the imperial examination fraud cases.

It's all nonsense to say that Bai Ze will work for her in the future, she just wants to read a file and hesitates.

But why did he approach her and tell her so many secrets of the Baize Security Bureau?
If you want to dig a tunnel in the palace, with the ability of these people, it is easy to dig a tunnel without letting her find out.

If it is said that Ergou was sent to monitor her for the sake of integrity, it seems to be the same whether it is said or not.

For a martial artist of Ergou's level, if he didn't take the initiative to show up, Wan Yanjing would have forgotten that there was such a person as him, how could he be found.

So far, Bai Ze has not revealed their true purpose.

Wan Yanjing's sense of frustration has skyrocketed in the past few days when she said that she wanted to defeat the left prime minister and the murderer behind the scenes. She didn't think she would be of much use as a vase princess.

There is an old saying that is true, if you are courteous without reason, you are either rape or steal.

(End of this chapter)

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