The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 39 I Heard I Died Once?

Chapter 39 I Heard I Died Once?
Of course Yan Jing remembered what happened in Guangmao Mountain six years ago, but what the national teacher said was quite different from what she knew.

At that time, Wan Yanjing had been married to Huo Xiang for more than a year, and Huo Xiang had been leading the army all year round, and she lived alone in Yunjing, then the capital of Qin State.

Someone in Yunjing sent her a message, saying that the Qin State had assembled an army of 20 and wanted to tear up the contract. Taking advantage of the successive years of natural disasters in Dajin and the emptiness of its national power, it launched a massive attack.

She didn't believe it at first, but after many private verifications, it proved that the news of Qin's military move was correct.

Such secrets must be conveyed back in a way, and Wan Yanjing tried to convey the news to Da Jin's fourth prince and her elder brother after a few rounds.

Not long after, her brother sent someone to contact her, saying that the people of Qin State had a beastly heart, and advised her to return to the country, so as to prevent Qin State from using her to threaten her father when the war started, and to do disgraceful things.

Wan Yanjing then disguised herself and ran away overnight with the people sent by her brother.

They rested all night and took a lunch break. They rode fast all the way down the path, and when they passed Guangmao Mountain, they were ambushed by a large number of soldiers from the Qin State.

A group of dozens of them were completely defeated. Relying on the steep mountain, the master sent by her brother abandoned the horse and broke through the mountain road with her on his back. During the chaotic battle, she was shot in the back by an arrow, and then passed out.

When she woke up again, Wan Yanjing found herself lying in Huo Xiang's military tent, and there was only a deaf-mute old lady serving her.

The military tent was surrounded by murderous military guards. She was forced to confine her in the military tent to recuperate.

She didn't see Huo Xiang until the army was about to leave the camp, and the two had a big fight.

The quarrel was her unilateral quarrel, Huo Xiang had a cold face, as if he didn't want to waste time explaining.

Wan Yanjing still remembered that she was like a moth fluttering around.

She questioned whether Huo Xiang was going to tear up the contract and lead troops to attack her mother country, asked why Huo Xiang didn't tell her, and asked whether Huo Xiang was going to use her to threaten her father.

But Huo Xiang didn't answer her anything, only told her that the army was about to pull out the camp, and she would go with it.

After more than half a year, she traveled with Huo Xiang's army.

Of course, life in the big tent of the military camp was not as good as at home. The delicate princess couldn't bear the hardships, and she was incompetent and furious every day, yelling for Huo Xiang to kill her.

Huo Xiang still ignored her, until he was annoyed by her yelling later, and then transferred her two dowry maids, Gan Tang and Luo Su, over.

Later, she witnessed Dajin's disintegration with her own eyes...

Guangmao Mountain was the beginning of the confrontation between her and Huo Xiang, but what the national teacher said at this time was something she had never heard of.

She almost died once!
It was Huo Xiang who saved her!

There is such a terrifying, inhuman means to bring the dead back to life in the world!

Wan Yanjing scratched her chin, half-believing in the claim of resurrection from the dead: "Was the master of the state teacher there at that time? Could it be that the expression was exaggerated, maybe I haven't died for a long time? I really want to die thoroughly, How can I be resurrected?"

Imperial Master Fu Ling paused for a moment, then nodded and said: "I was there at the time! Well, what I said just now may be a bit exaggerated."

? ?
There are some question marks in Wan Yanjing's mind, are you so lax, Mr. National Teacher?

Fu Ling coughed and began to describe the situation that day:

"You were nailed to the boulder with an arrow by Bai Zhengfeng. Together with the guards who fled with you on their backs, the arrow hit the heart. When Fei Qing and I arrived later, Bai Zhengfeng had already retreated and ran away. You were indeed out of breath at that time." .As for how long this time is, I don’t know. If I think about it, I have been dead for a long time, and no amount of unpredictable means can revive a dead person.”

"However, Pindao once read it in a book. It is said that the south of Great Xia is the place where the Wugu clan is prevalent. There is a kind of Tianhuang Gu in their clan. Tianhuang Gu includes mother Gu and child Gu, and the child Gu is attached to the mother Gu. It is said that the person implanted with the child Gu can absorb a large amount of life energy and blood from the host of the mother Gu through the mother Gu, and come to life and death. When the host of the mother Gu is dying, the child Gu will also provide a large amount of blood in turn and vitality to help the mother Gu host through the difficulties."

Upon hearing this description, Wan Yanjing felt that she hadn't run away, and that she was probably implanted with this bug by Huo Xiang.

Aside from being disgusted, she was also a little relieved, hearing the situation, she probably wouldn't die because of this Sky Brilliant Gu, after all Huo Xiang had woken up.

Since Huo Xiang had saved her life back then, it seemed no big deal for her to contribute some blood to Huo Xiang's recovery.

But she also learned something by accident, why does the name Bai Zhengfeng sound familiar...

"Bai Zhengfeng, General Bai? This is impossible!" Wan Yanjing, who suddenly remembered who Bai Zhengfeng was, raised her voice.

"Didn't it be Qin's army that came to chase me back?"

She always thought that it was Huo Xiang who chased her back in Guangmao Mountain, and those Qin soldiers who jumped out suddenly were Huo Xiang's subordinates.

Huo Xiang would not kill her on purpose, the arrow probably was her own bad luck, unfortunately, she was shot by random arrows.

Unexpectedly, there is another inside story?

"Bai Zhengfeng brought a thousand cavalry, dressed in the clothes of the Qin army, and disguised themselves as the Qin army to detour to Guangmao Mountain, just to kill you."

Wan Yanjing didn't believe it: "General Bai is my Daikin's guard, why would he want to kill me? Could it be that he was afraid that the Qin army would use me to threaten the emperor?"

Fu Ling took a sip of tea, turned the green wrench on his thumb with his index and middle fingers with one hand, and did not speak.

When Wan Yanjing acquiesced, she was immediately hit by a huge blow.

After Fu Ling finished drinking the tea, his eyebrows relaxed, as if he was extremely satisfied with the expensive tea in the palace.

Although Wan Yanjing was out of her mind, she still noticed this, and proposed to send a few packets of Nanshan Yun to the National Teacher's Mansion.

Fu Ling waved his hand, saying that he would come to the mansion to tease him when he had the chance.
Wan Yanjing returned to Lin'an Hall and found that Huo Xiang was practicing calligraphy with a brush, copying his handwriting before he lost his memory.

He didn't go to the study, but on the desk in the living room, the papers were scattered and piled up in a pile.

Learning to write by yourself is somewhat absurd.

Wan Yanjing was a little curious, so she went over to have a look.

Huo Xiang's poetic talent, literary talent, calligraphy, and painting are all at the level of everyone, and his brushwork contains the true meaning of kendo, penetrating three points.

His calligraphy and painting styles are even more changeable, some are unrestrained and unrestrained, some are gloomy and treacherous, some are calm and kind, and some are overbearing, but no matter what the style is, the artistic value is extremely high.

Huo Xiang also created his own thin gold style of writing, which is unique and sought after by literati from all over the world.

Huo Xiang, who has lost his memory, has a very different handwriting from before.

But Wan Yanjing was surprised to find that although Huo Xiang's copied works were far behind in spirit, they were actually [-] to [-]% similar in shape.

Huo Xiang was in high spirits, and said proudly:
"How about it, I can imitate it! Although your husband is extremely accomplished in calligraphy and painting, he is still a little worse than me."

He put down his pen and said again: "Who is that national teacher? You have been chatting with him for so long, and you haven't finished your dinner yet. I asked the kitchen to cook a pot of white fungus and red bean porridge. If you are hungry, you can go again." Have a drink."

Wan Yanjing stared at his picturesquely handsome and magnificent eyebrows, and was taken aback for a moment, then remembered what the national teacher said to her.

Huo Xiang saved her, but it seems that it cost a lot.

For a long time, she thought that Huo Xiang had to bring her with him all the way to attack the city, so that she could be useful in front of the battle at some point, so she thought about running away many times.

It was later proved that he had no idea in this regard, and she somewhat underestimated Huo Xiang.

Bringing her by my side is a kind of protection. After all, she was stupid at that time, easily fooled by others, and lost her life accidentally.

But she was so cold, Huo Xiang persisted in resuscitating her, it was unimaginable, it was not like he could do it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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