Chapter 41
There is no distinction between men's and women's dormitories in the prison.

Those with high official ranks have single rooms, while those with low official ranks live in groups.

Wan Yanjing was lucky enough to be allocated a single room, surrounded by stone walls, and could only see a cellmate on the opposite side.

In the opposite cell sat an old man.

The old man was neatly dressed, no different from what Wan Yanjing saw yesterday, he was her mentor Cao Liqing, Master Cao.

It is a great fate that the teacher and the student entered the dungeon one after another.

Mr. Cao sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and he didn't come to visit curiously just because a new friend came to the opposite cell.

After observing for a long time, Wan Yanjing breathed a sigh of relief.Things were different from what she had imagined, and Mr. Cao didn't seem to have been punished.

Gao Tingwei saw her expression, and said with a smile: "The princess is still afraid that we will not be able to torture Mr. Cao? The punishment department is ordered by heaven, but it is different from ordinary yamen. It happens that both of them are here, so why not make a confession at this time , Master Cao, why do you say that the princess ordered you to commit fraud for personal gain? The princess feels very wronged."

? ?
Wan Yanjing's eyes widened.

Old Mr. Cao slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words, nodded and said, "Your Highness, I am sorry for not doing what you told me to do well. I wanted to take responsibility for my fault, but who knows that Ban Shiyi will take our responsibility?" The big plan has been revealed, alas, this can't make a big deal!"

a bolt from the blue.

Wan Yanjing looked at Cao Liqing in disbelief, and said angrily:

"When did this palace conspire with you and what kind of plan!"

Gao Tingwei stroked his mustache, laughed and said, "Lord Cao, you can eat but not talk nonsense. You say that the princess wants to rebel, do you have evidence?"

Cao Liqing nodded and sighed: "Although the princess has never met this official in person, she will send very valuable gifts every year and festival, and hide the secret letter in the gift to pass on the news to us. Those who are still serving in the imperial court The officials of the Jin people have also more or less received the property from the princess, and these can be used as evidence."

"Ban Shiyi likes paintings of flowers and birds the most. The original painting by Yan Daqian that the princess gave me last month was actually entrusted to me to hand over to Mr. Ban. The plan is for this imperial examination."

Cao Liqing was worthy of being the elder of the three dynasties, and he had been a grand tutor for decades, and Wan Yanjing believed what he said without changing his expression.

Gao Tingwei suppressed his smile pretentiously, and said in surprise: "There is still such a thing. If what Mr. Cao said is true, the princess's crime of treason is really indisputable. The princess is confused!"

He slapped his thigh regretfully, and called the jailer to record his statement.

"Princess, take a good look. Are these property and gifts sent by you?" Gao Tingwei asked, and handed a long list in front of her.

"On May 560th of the first year of Hongwen, Princess Yi'an sent her bodyguards to send [-] taels of grain silver to the homes of officials below, totaling [-] taels of grain silver."

"On June [-]th of the first year of Hongwen, Princess Yi'an sent her personal maid, Yu Shi, to send a set of precious porcelain to..."

"One year of Hongwen..."

"The second year of Hongwen..."

The details have been recorded until last month. It was her birthday gift to Cao Liqing, Yan Daqian's "Spring River Forever Warm".

Next to each list, there is the signature and fingerprint of the recipient.

Some of the people on the list have died during these years, and their family members' certificates are still attached to the list.

Wan Yanjing fell silent.

These were indeed sent by her.

In the first year of Hongwen, those Jinren officials came to her door crying and complaining about the difficult life.

Although they were recruited by the Qin State, those who are capable can continue to be officials in the court, but exclusion and a certain degree of humiliation are inevitable.

Wan Yanjing, as the only surviving royal family member of Daikin, felt that she had to take a little responsibility, so she took out her few assets to help them.

If one person gets the benefits, then everyone wants to get it.

At that time, Wanyan Jing could be regarded as a popular figure, with a huge crowd.

She simply gave everyone silver.

I want it this year, and I want it next year.

She simply sends it every year.

And the result of sending them every year is that Wan Yanjing, who is now sitting in the prison, has discovered a rare bully in the world.

She was wrong, she shouldn't have ridiculed Huo Xiang in private for working hard for his jealous and jealous cousin.

She, Wanyan Jing, is the world's biggest wronged person.

Gao Tingwei exaggeratedly shouted: "So many people have received bribes, how come I don't have the honor to be an official? Princess, please explain, such a huge sum of property will not be given away for no reason. ?”

Wan Yanjing took a deep breath, and said flatly, "Of course it's not for nothing."

Gao Tingwei's eyes lit up: "Oh?"

Wan Yanjing continued: "I have money, so I have a habit of giving things to good-looking people. Seeing their smiling faces after receiving gifts, Bengong is elated and extremely happy. This incident The prince also knows it, so he often feels resentful, complaining why this palace ignores him and pays attention to those wild flowers and weeds."

"The term "bribery" is really high-ranking. I don't even know anything about secret letters. My lord might as well take out the handwriting and compare it to see if it is my handwriting."

"As for why Mr. Gao didn't receive the gift from me, you may need to find out the reason yourself."

Gao Tingwei paused for a moment when he stroked his mustache, and his ordinary face was distorted for a moment, and then returned to normal.

He turned around and told the jailer loudly: "The food in the prison is poor. Princess Yi'an doesn't like these swill-like things. There is no need to deliver food to the princess today."

After speaking, he took the paper that Cao Liqing had signed and drawn from the jailer, and waved it in front of Wan Yanjing.

"Princess, don't worry. Whether the secret letter is true or not, we will find out when we finish examining the maid beside you. Let us wait and see."

"let's go!"

Wan Yanjing watched Gao Tingwei leave with his hands behind his back, his heart sank continuously.

The one surnamed Gao didn't dare to torture her yet, but Gan Tang and Yu Shi were not so lucky, and they didn't know what punishment they would receive.

I hope Yushi will be smarter and not be caught by the officers and soldiers.

Cao Liqing adjusted his clothes, pointed to the corner of Wanyan Jing's cage, and turned his back.

An old voice came from the opposite side: "There is a toilet over there, don't worry princess, I won't turn my head to look, you can use it with confidence."


Wanyan said in a low voice, "Don't Mr. Cao have anything to explain to Bengong?"

Cao Liqing lamented: "It's my fault. When the princess wanted to rebel, I should have stopped His Highness."

Can't communicate.

Wan Yanjing sneered: "Mr. Cao can turn around and look around. I'm not a thin-skinned girl. Are you afraid that a dying person will see something?"

Cao Liqing chuckled with his back to her, and said: "Princess has changed a lot in these years, and this remark won the aura of King Xuan. Life is rare in seventy years, and I have lived for so many years, and I have lived enough. It is a pity to die, but also a blessing!"

Then the two closed their eyes and said nothing.

Wan Yanjing recounted all the clues in her mind.

Until noon, she saw the jailer bring a luxurious lunch to Cao Liqing who was opposite.

A whole lunch box, six dishes and one soup, two staple foods.

Wan Yanjing was a little surprised that the food in the prison was so good.

(End of this chapter)

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