Chapter 48
The overwhelming mechanical sound unreservedly shows its greed and desire...

"smell good!"

"Very delicious……"

"Jie Jie"

A tall man in a black military uniform drove the aircraft and landed on the outer edge of the laboratory, then walked in.

Wan Yanjing was in a trance from the pain, but she still saw the man clearly.

The man's appearance surprised her.

[Qin Hu? 】

This person actually looks similar to Emperor Hongwen.

The tall man sat down outside the glass window.

"Ah Xiang, brother is here to see you off."

After the elder brother who resembled Qin Hu arrived, one after another helicopters rose from the ground outside the laboratory. Except for a few white coats left behind, Huo Xiang's father, second brother and others left early.

The man in military uniform opened an exquisite medal made of special alloy and placed it in front of Huo Xiang.

"This is the headquarters' award to you, the highest honorary title, and history will remember your sacrifice."

Then the hand wearing black leather gloves placed a profile photo of a young woman next to the exquisite medal: "If you know that you have solved a crisis, Aunt Izumi knows, and she should be gratified..."

He brought two messages.

In addition to the Huo family, other forces including the military participated in this plan.

Second, he really wasn't his own. The person he always regarded as his mother was actually his aunt. The father he thought had no blood relationship with him.

The elder brother's voice was intermittent, at this time a gentle female voice sounded in his mind, both Huo Xiang and Wan Yanjing heard it, but the eldest brother Huo Xiang didn't notice it.

【It hurts, open your subconscious mind, trust me wholeheartedly, these damned humans, I will help you destroy them】

【You, who are you? 】

【I am Bai Ze, they use you as a bait to get rid of me. 】The gentle female voice turns into a child's milk voice.

【As soon as you were born, they took you away from your mother and killed your mother.I have raised you for 20 years, and what I'm waiting for is the initial growth of the spirit body, don't you hate it? 】

[A congenital spirit body that should be able to look down on the world, but was raised as a waste, do you feel regretful? 】

[Let go of the barrier, let me devour your spirit body quickly, I will rush out to avenge you...]

[The pampered young master, isn't he most afraid of pain?This heart-piercing feeling is not good, right? 】

The child's milk voice has turned into an elderly person again, with an affinity in the persuasion, which seems to be able to heal all psychological trauma.

It asked if he was feeling well, Wan Yanjing and Huo Xiang nodded almost at the same time.

Wanyan Jing yelled in pain: "What barrier, how to let go? Give it, give it..."

It's a pity that she is just a bystander of the movie from the first perspective, and cannot influence the plot of the movie that has been filmed.

[Those people know nothing about innate spirit bodies, thinking that they can annihilate me in one fell swoop if they lure me here.Hey, smash this water mirror, and all your pain will disappear, and when I occupy your body, I will kill them all. 】

Bai Ze's voice is constantly changing, and each band imitates the most relaxing tone of voice.

The laboratory disappeared, and an endless forest appeared in front of us.

It's just that the originally lush jungle is now withered and decayed. Huge meteorites are constantly falling from the sky, burning everything into ashes with the sky fire, and the smoke and dust roll down into a mess.

The loud noise is frightening.

Huo Xiang lay alone in a small circle of light,
The small circle of light is like a thin layer of water film, which is precarious and wobbly in the terrorist attack, struggling to support this small space.

In the circle of light is the only surviving piece of lush greenery, with melodious flowers blooming in the tender grass, which is exactly the same as Huo Xiang's tattoo of flowers all over his body.

Bai Ze's voice was everywhere, covering the whole world, constantly bewitching him to rush out of the aperture, in exchange for peace and serenity.

[No, you can't. 】

Huo Xiang turned over with difficulty, staring at his miserable spiritual world in a daze, and the patterns on his arms showed signs of withering.

The long-petaled golden stamen flowers trembled, and colorful bubbles fluttered up one by one. Huo Xiang tremblingly raised his finger and clicked on a bubble, which released an image.

The young niece was picked up and thrown in the air by him to play, giggling.

Another bubble was opened, it was the girl he secretly fell in love with when he was studying, she was so beautiful in the morning sun.

Every bubble is a memory.

In my memory, there is the kind grandmother at the school gate, the beautiful and gentle sister-in-law, the enthusiastic classmates, and the best friends for many years...

His face was full of tears, and it was especially painful to be betrayed by the relatives he trusted the most, but he still loved this world, and loved every flower and grass in this world.

The congenital spiritual body gave him a learning ability that far surpassed that of ordinary people and the ability to have a near-photographic memory.

But this did not make the family happy. What was waiting for him was deep fear and monster-like eyes.

Huo Xiang only thinks that his "excellence" threatens his two elder brothers to compete for the heir. It is written like this in the books, and he understands it very well.

So he started his playing career logically. Anyway, his family has money, no matter how much they spend, they can't spend it all.

He started to be mischievous, addicted to all kinds of games and never studied. Compared with his hard-working life, he was more relaxed and happy in such a life. His family's attitude towards him has also changed a lot, and everyone is happy.

Unexpectedly, all of this was just a "pig raising plan", and he was the white and fat pig that was being raised and was about to be slaughtered.

But if he had told him the truth earlier, he might not have been able to be a man of righteousness and make sacrifices for the benefit of the public.

Of course, they couldn't afford to gamble, so it's better not to know too much about him as a pig.

An innate spirit body with extraordinary intelligence, if he knew the truth and wanted to survive, he might have countless troubles in his life. How could he fall into the trap so stupidly as he is now.

Huo Xiang looked up at the memory filled with small apertures, it was his short 20 years.

An inexplicable fragrance of cherries began to fill the air.

Numerous cherry fruits appear outside the aperture, and the image of the mother is gentle and pleasant.

"Mom, I'm in so much pain!" Huo Xiang tilted his head to look at his mother, and couldn't help being coquettish like before.

"Come out and eat cherries, it won't hurt after eating." Mother smiled.

"No, you are not my mother." Huo Xiang regained consciousness for a moment.

"It's mom, Xiangxiang is here to eat cherries."

[No, I won't eat, I won't eat again]

Under the severe pain, the cherries became more red and bewitching, the sweet fragrance and the severe pain attacked his mental barrier together, and the cherries gradually became greasy and terrifying in his eyes.

One day passed.

Wan Yanjing's patience is almost reaching its limit.

The cherries all over the sky almost became the source of her pain.

She persuaded Huo Xiang to obey from the beginning, but she could only hum when she was dying.

No matter how much he shouted, Huo Xiang would not hear him.

Huo Xiang's eldest brother has been monitoring the data outside the glass window, and the devouring rate has reached 15%.

(End of this chapter)

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