Chapter 65
He took off one foot that was on the shaft of the car, and the shaft made a "creak" sound when it was overwhelmed.

Rescuing his own arm from Ergou's pair of muscular arms, Huo Xiang straightened his sleeves and pointed to himself: "I am your master?"

Ergou nodded heavily: "No poking!"

"Why don't I think it doesn't look like it? Your domineering energy is more like my master."

If Wan Yanjing hadn't known this person, he would have thought that Ergou was a personal trafficker who wanted to sell their handsome couple.

Er Gou felt wronged, his eyes seemed to be looking at a vexatious child:

"Xinqiu, how can I be arrogant. My wife is injured, so let's find a place to ask the doctor to show her. After all, Master, you can't remember anything if you lose your memory, so it won't be of much use."

Listen, is this human?

Huo Xiang took a deep breath and decided not to talk nonsense with him: "Then, where is your hometown? How can I get there if I don't get in the carriage? I don't worry about leaving her to you alone."

Ergou had a question mark on his face, feeling that Master had lost not only his memory but also his mind, so he simply waved at Old Xu and told him to go first.

Old Xu skillfully swung the small leather whip, the carriage moved at high speed, and disappeared at the end of the road.

"Let's go!"


"Of course I followed the carriage and ran!" Ergou felt that this was a matter of course.

"Where is your hometown?"

"In Luyang."

Huo Xiang couldn't believe it, he had seen a map of the world, Luyang was in Yuzhou, hundreds of miles away from Shangjing!

Hundreds of miles, running?
Oh yes, this is a world dedicated to the development of physical potential and popular martial arts. Maybe in the eyes of Er Gou, a master with superb physical strength, running for hundreds of miles on two legs is a trivial matter.

The original owner of the body seemed to be a master before, he was a prince on the one hand and a general on the other, and he was also the cousin of the emperor. He was outstanding in terms of status and ability.

But Huo Xiang looked at the light smoke splashing from the rear of the carriage, and felt that he was not that kind of hero, and he wanted to struggle a little more about running hundreds of miles without sleep at night.

He'd better go back and lie down next to the collapsed sky prison. It's not impossible to let Wan Yanjing go to Luyang alone to avoid the limelight. The idea of ​​traveling around the world can also be let go first.

"Apprentice, have you forgotten that Master has just recovered from a serious illness and has lost all his skills. He was still limping two days ago. How can he act as usual?" Huo Xiang stood on the spot, put his hands behind his back, and assumed the posture of a master, trying to follow He makes sense.

Ergou felt that the word "artificial" was used very cleverly, and he really didn't think about it.

The master seemed to be a lot more charming after amnesia, and he no longer advised him to work hard if he wanted to advance, and to roll to death as long as he couldn't die.

The current master asked him to make a comparison. Master's wife and a woman are more aggressive.

In desperation, he bent his back to his master, there was no second carriage, and he planned to carry his master to Luyang.

Isn't that what it is like to be an apprentice, the chores are tiring, and the disciple does his best, so he has a very calm mind.

The speed of ancient carriages is generally [-] kilometers per hour.

However, the carriages of this era have been improved, and the resistance is much lower. The horses driving the carriages are also carefully selected horses, so the normal speed of carriages in this era is about [-] to [-] kilometers per hour.

And Lao Xu Jia's carriage can reach more than [-] kilometers, which is almost the same as the speed of a horse running without a cart.

Of course, these are not as good as our humanoid porter Ergou.

Er Gou, who carried a five hundred catty master on his back, walked on the forest path like walking on the ground, biting the tail smoke of the carriage tightly, and seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

Huo Xiang was lying on Ergou's back, at such a close distance, he was so embarrassed that he could dig out a big Qin Palace with his feet. Fortunately, Ergou had his back facing him, and no one in the world could see his current expression.

What's wrong with him just wanting a buggy, why go through all this?

Reluctantly adjusting his mentality, Huo Xiang began to have time to appreciate the surrounding scenery. The sparse woods under the moonlight exuded the fragrance of grass and trees.

In the era before he traveled, it was rare to see such a vast forest.

Variation and encroachment are flooding the mainstream of human beings, and people survive in the gaps between the dwindling land.

But Huo Xiang is very lucky, the Huo family is one of the four major families, involved in the military, government and business, which allows him to exempt civilians from the requirement that civilians must serve in the military when they reach the age of 16, and there is no need to leave the safe zone to escape death.

However, although there are mountains and waters in the safety zone, there are only a few places, which are like artificially carved rockery, which is very boring.

Passing through the woods, the road gradually widens, with sparse houses and business sheds on both sides.

Ergou took three or four meters away in one step. Instead of running on the road like a carriage, he chose to move among the trees.

When the sun just came out, Lao Xu parked the carriage beside a farmer's village, intending to have a rest.

Huo Xiang heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to jump off Ergou. For nearly an hour, his whole body was frozen.

Wan Yanjing also just got off the carriage, and happened to see this scene, she wandered around Ergou and Huo Xiang with a strange expression.

"Ami, are you feeling better? Do you want to see a doctor?" Huo Xiang tried his best to maintain his composure under her gaze, and quietly kneaded his sore arm under his sleeve.

Wan Yanjing shook her head, saying that she didn't need to see the doctor.

Since she began to practice the "Taixuan Heart Sutra", her physique has improved a lot. In just a few hours, the internal organs that were hit by the explosion have recovered more than half of them under the effect of Jinchi Dan and kung fu.

Lao Xu took a bag of scallion pancakes from the carriage for everyone to share.

Wan Yanjing took a piece, and ate it in small mouthfuls on a greased paper pad. While eating, she looked at Lao Xu and Ergou thoughtfully.

After finishing eating, she called Ergou aside.

She first thanked him for the timely rescue, and then praised Ergou for his superb martial arts skills. After the praise made Ergou dizzy, she inadvertently revealed the real question she wanted to ask.

"Huo Xiang is your master? Why did he never mention it to me about what he taught you? I don't know when it happened?"

When it comes to apprenticeship, Ergou is evasive, obviously he doesn't want to talk about it.

Wan Yanjing thoughtfully changed another question: "Who put the gunpowder under the dungeon? Did Boss Zhan ask you to respond under the dungeon?"

The two dogs faltered.

"Then why are we going to Luyang? If you don't explain this clearly, please forgive me for not cooperating. If you have the ability, knock me out and take me away."

She was taken to escape from prison, and she would say thank you if she had no objection.

But after waking up, it was almost a hundred miles away from Beijing, so she had to make a fuss.

What about the hundreds of people in the palace? What about those people who she left?
What about Gan Tang?
What about Yushi?
Her dowry and property are all gone?
Ergou scratched his head, and was about to answer when he suddenly looked somewhere vigilantly.

Old Xu snatched Huo Xiang's unfinished scallion pancakes, quickly jumped into the carriage, and closed the carriage door tightly.

Wan Yanjing followed Ergou's line of sight and saw a weird person standing on the wall of the farm at some point.

The young weirdo was dressed in plain clothes, with a long black wooden sword box on his back, and an ordinary straw hat on his head, with white eyebrows and white hair under the straw hat.

He is pale and beardless, his facial features are bland, and his appearance is just ordinary, but there is a strange charm in Gu Panjian.

Wan Yanjing saw his thin lips that seemed to be painted with rouge lightly parted, and his voice was smiling, but inexplicably sullen: "I waited for three years, and traveled thousands of miles to come here. It's time to end."

 Thank you for ending the curtain-, Xuan Gou, Bai Xiaolu, Jian Dian between the eyebrows, Reincarnation Chi You, Yan Jin, all living things in the south, hidden with the wind, reader 168227, cute cat, world tripod, Xia Feng, Min Shuo doesn't want to move, laughing mother 2019 , Enter π, Ancient Crossing of the Deserted City, Yun Zhongzi-dc, Smile Indefinitely, Family Slightly, Struggle Younger, Drunk God Wu, @果, cimpzz, Son Shi Wushuang, Shocking Dreams and Souls, Book Friends 20191114, Mu Xue x ... Waiting for others to reward the recommendation tickets, forgive the simplification of the uncommon words that the author does not know, and there may be many book friends who have not noticed that they have not been included, so I am sorry.

  I opened the book when I was relatively free in June. At that time, my mentality was relatively casual, but I accidentally signed a contract.

  When I was idle, I regretted it more than once.

  Now I am in a tense internship period, there is no time to fish during the day, and the exam is approaching day by day, so I have to study at night.

  But I'm always reluctant to give up, and there are still lovely readers who vote for recommendations every day after frequent updates. I am both happy and guilty.

  I would like to thank you formally here, and I will have more time after the exam in late August.

  At that time, I will send a red envelope to everyone and have fun together.

  Thank you, thank you, today I present a thick and long chapter, it's a blast! (Hands together)
(End of this chapter)

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