The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 76 The Underworld Coffin

Chapter 76 The Underworld Coffin
There are no deserted temples or villages.

Her carriage stood alone in the mist-filled cemetery.

At a rough count, there were dozens of corpses, and the figures were surrounding the carriage in despair, with three layers inside and three layers outside. It was empty outside the corpse group, but small earthen bags could be vaguely seen.

! !
It's a cemetery.


Wan Yanjing shivered, her face wrapped in a towel that had been wet with tea, but there was still a rotten smell in her breath.

Since she arrived on the roof of the carriage, a heart-wrenching "clicking" sound could be heard among the corpses. Their stiff necks lifted their heads little by little and looked toward her.

They're all fake, they're all fake, they're all fake.

After saying this to herself three times, Wanyanjing squatted down and bravely stabbed the nearest corpse with a knife.

The knife made a dull sound after colliding with the corpse.

The corpse was very hard, and Wan Yanjing's knife was like poking at a stone wrapped in hard cowhide.

The wooden token hanging around her neck was still shining, even a little hot, burning the delicate skin on her neck.

Needless to say, Wanyanjing also knew that the token probably helped her resist some horrific attack.

The pressure of death a few breaths ago still made her lips tremble.

Unknown, non-physical terrorist attack.

Wan Yanjing pulled the token out from under her collar and let it hang outside.

A small "Xiang" character exudes the interlaced light of gold and silver.

It's hot.

There was a small crack in the tail of the token, as if it had cracked due to overload.

Wan Yanjing closed the sunroof of the carriage, jumped up from the carriage with her legs, stepped on the heads of the corpses, and moved outside the corpses in a few steps.

When her feet landed on the wet soil, she was still in a daze.

Master Yang had trained her in pile jumping, but she was born with a very poor sense of balance. She would become dizzy after riding on a carriage and passenger ship for a long time. This feeling of weakness in the air added to countless fears. Jumping from the carriage like just now It was really the first time for him to escape by stepping on a corpse's head.

It's a pity that it couldn't be recorded.

Wan Yanjing took the knife and ran towards the opposite direction from the corpses on the carriage. She had no direction, only the faint light of the token on her chest.

The further you go, the more densely packed the graves become.

The token flickers on and off, the weaker it becomes.

It seemed like he was running in the wrong direction.

Wanyanjing turned around and headed back.

But the journey back wasn't much better.

She kept moving forward, and after a while, the graves became sparse and dense again.

Wanyan Jing was panting from exhaustion and stopped.

There happened to be a relatively clean shallow pile on the ground, so she simply sat on it, took out the dry food from the bag, and Wan Yanjing ate it carefully.

She felt like she had walked for a long time, but the sky was still dark, as if it was eternal night.

After eating the dry food, Wan Yanjing stood up and patted her butt, but she saw something strange where she was sitting just now.

She swept away the soil on the pile, only to find that it was not a wooden pile, but a stone.

Several handwritings appeared on it.

"Shi Lan's Jiulian..."

Wan Yanjing murmured, the sound stuck in her throat because she thought of something.

She was actually sitting on a toppled broken monument just now to rest!

After running for a long time, she never dared to get close to the grave for fear that a big one would jump out of it.

But I have sat on tombstones by accident, and these graves seem nothing in comparison.

At least they've been quiet.

Everywhere in the field are graves.

A few have monuments, but most are just high or low mounds of earth.

She found a relatively well-preserved monument and squinted against the faint light of the token to read the words on it.The characters are ancient characters, at least hundreds of years old.

The strokes were so shallow that they could barely be distinguished.

"The Tomb of Wen Shilan's Taichong..."

After walking some distance, there was another monument with clear writing.

"The Tomb of Wen Shilan's Huai..."


Three-character surnames are rare on the mainland. Wanyanjing thinks she has read many history books, but has no impression of this family.

But with such an endless group of tombs, Wen Shilan shouldn't be a small and unknown clan.

"Ding-a-ling-a-ling...a ring-a-ling"

Following a distant ringtone, Wanyanjing saw a little light in the gray and black fog.

The sound of wheels rolling over the graves made people's hair stand on end.

It was the unknown object that had passed her carriage.

The fear in her heart told her that it was not a good thing, so she ran away without wanting to die early, but her reason drove her to go over and take a look.

She has been walking here for so long, and the light of the token has gradually faded.

There is no doubt that when the light of the token completely disappears, it will be the time for her to die, and the final outcome will be to be buried in this Wenshilan family's cemetery in a daze.

The strange wheel is her only clue.

Wanyanjing held Sanjiu tightly and walked cautiously and tentatively step by step towards the place where the bell sounded.

Soon, a huge team with dozens of figures appeared in sight.

They were crowding around and carrying something, and their bodies were all light and airy, not like living people.

Every once in a while, there is a person holding a red lantern high, and the light is emitted by the red lantern.

The humanoid shadows are all dressed in white, surrounding the two heavy coffins in the middle. The coffins are wrapped with red and white cloth, and the rumble of the coffins is made by the coffin carts.

Red and white, could it be the legendary ghost marriage scene?

Wanyanjing hid behind a broken monument and looked over there. When the funeral procession was far away, she got up and followed it, keeping a close distance.

After an unknown amount of time, she followed the funeral procession and gradually walked out of the cemetery. A large group of buildings with colorful lights appeared in front of them.

As the name suggests, the walls of the outer courtyard are very high.

High walls can prevent a lot of prying eyes, play a protective role, and are also a deterrent that represents status.

But the complex of buildings the coffin procession walked into was exactly the opposite.

Its outer wall is very short, only half a person tall, but the buildings inside are very tall.

The red, white and red lanterns are very conspicuous in the gray and black fog, showing the excitement and splendor.

But in fact it was completely silent, except for the sound of the coffin.

Wan Yanjing watched from behind a slope, watching the funeral procession wander past the unguarded gate and enter the building complex.

The sound of wheels disappeared.

Wanyanjing slowly moved her sore wrists, her heart pounding.

She felt like a soul who accidentally entered the ghost city. She was the only one in the world, pitiful.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the little goose on her chest that undulated slightly and moved from time to time, she thought she would be driven crazy.

After thinking for a while, she pulled the goose out of her clothes.

Xiao Goose opened her two cute mung bean eyes and rested her chin on her palm.

The goose had always been very good, neither moving nor squawking. But after thinking for a while, Wanyanjing took out a string from her pocket and tied its young beak.

Just because she doesn't bark now doesn't mean she won't bark in the future. It's better for her to strike first.

Putting the goose that had been forced to shut up back into her clothes, Wanyanjing turned her eyes to the buildings again.

(End of this chapter)

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