The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 80 The sweet hunting experience with my husband

Chapter 80 The sweet hunting experience with my husband ([-])

Many thoughts flashed through my mind at once...

She asked why Huo Xiang was so kind to bring her here to play. He really had ulterior motives.

Are you going to kill your wife to preach?Or does he want her to disappear quietly to make room for his royal sister?

But after Huo Xiang said those words, he had no intention of harming her. He also taught her to pick up dead wood and hay, and identify the herbs and wild vegetables that grow naturally in the forest. It seemed that he really brought her here to play.

But the "old friends" he mentioned were not so friendly. They were a group of black-clad assassins who descended from the sky. Huo Xiang slugged her with one hand and abandoned the horse to chase them in the woods.

The advanced martial artist performed light kung fu faster than a horse. Wan Yanjing did not dare to say a word, for fear that Huo Xiang would throw her away halfway.

They were chased by assassins and fled all the way to the top of the mountain, with a cliff ahead of them.

Huo Xiang finally stood still and let go. Wanyanjing's legs became weak and she fell to the ground, feeling dizzy and sick to her stomach.

After finally recovering and opening her eyes, she found that Huo Xiang was already wiping his sword while Youzai Youzai sat cross-legged next to her.

The men in black fell to the ground, their life and death unknown, and there were nearly a hundred of them at a glance.

In a short period of time, even half of the trees on the mountain were riddled with holes.

His sword had cut down so many people, but it was still as clean as new and spotless, and he didn't know what to clean it with.

Wanyanjing felt her neck getting cold as she watched him clean the sword.

After wiping the sword, Huo Xiang didn't speak to her, and calmly carried her body over the ground to the top of the mountain. They walked on the rugged mountain road like walking on flat ground. At midnight, he arrogantly occupied a tiger cave.

The poor tiger king was slaughtered like this.

Huo Xiang skillfully peeled off the tiger skin and briefly washed it in the stream to make a blanket for her to sleep on.

For dinner, the pheasant she shot and small pieces of tiger meat were roasted.

As time went by, many details could not be remembered clearly, but the smell of the tiger cave and tiger skin, the tragic image of the man in black bleeding into a river, and the fact that she could only stay in a low position and follow Huo Xiang cautiously and fearfully. Those scenes are still vivid in my mind.

She was just like Huo Xiang now, desperately trying to tighten the sleeves of life-saving straw, wishing that she could shrink into the size of a palm so that the boss could put it in his pocket.

At that time, it was clearly Huo Xiang's fault. He took advantage of the hunting opportunity to fish out the rebels and went into danger alone. Why did he need to drag her along?
But for some reason, Wan Yanjing lost the resentment she felt back then. Seeing Huo Xiang's frightened appearance, her brain twitched, she stretched out her left hand, which was wrapped tightly with a cloth strip, and clasped his palm.

The palms of my hands were cold, and there was still a thin layer of clammy sweat. The vibrant undulations extended from the pulsation of the arteries in my wrists.

The stinging pain from the wound made Wan Yanjing frown. She didn't care about it at this time. She kicked away the living corpse chasing from the front and pulled Huo Xiang to run in the other direction.

"This way!" Huo Xiang said abruptly.

Wan Yanjing glanced in the direction he said, which was towards the Yizheng Hall.

Most of the palaces are divided into the front dynasty and the harem. The former dynasty has much fewer living corpses in the attire of palace ladies, but there are a large number of soldier corpses in armor.

Those armors alone weighed dozens of kilograms. If they were really surrounded by these things, they would be crushed to death without hitting them.

But Wanyanjing didn't hesitate, she tightened her grip on Huo Xiang and ran towards the Council Hall.

It was daytime, but it was as dark as before a heavy rain.

The closer you get to the imperial palace, the rotten smell in the air becomes lighter, but another equally uncomfortable and extremely gloomy smell becomes stronger, as if it can penetrate into the bone marrow, making it creepy.There seemed to be countless pairs of evil eyes watching them in the hidden corners. Wanyanjing felt extremely uncomfortable, but the condition of Huo Xiang beside her improved greatly.

The palms connected to her gradually became warmer, and the originally heavy steps became brisk.

Wanyanjing tilted her head to look at him suspiciously.

Huo Xiang turned his head and smiled at her, and patted his chest with lingering fear: "It's better now. The faces of those rotting corpses just now were too scary."


Wan Yanjing gritted her teeth in disbelief and said, "You let me go this way just because the rotting corpses here are so shameless?"

"Yes, these armored brothers are fully armed and their faces are covered tightly. They look much safer...ah, be careful!"

Wanyanjing lowered her head suddenly and barely managed to snatch a small life from the corpse soldier's rusty long knife. The blade's energy scraped across her scalp and took away a small piece of hair. If it had been half a second later, she would not have been bald. .

She thought that Huo Xiang might have become frightened because of encountering the idol, or that he looked so miserable because he did not have the protection of the token.

The reason why she followed his instructions without hesitation was because Huo Xiang had never gone wrong in her plans over the years. Even though she had lost her memory, her sharp vision might still be there. He probably observed some clues that she had ignored before pointing out the clues. took this obviously more dangerous path.

But she couldn't figure it out that Huo Xiang was simply afraid of the terrifying appearance of the corpse.

The man who had killed his adoptive father who had persecuted him with a knife at the age of five was now afraid of a mere corpse.

Oh, so funny.

Behind them are corpse soldiers arriving one after another, and in front are generals guarding them layer by layer.

Wanyanjing let go of Huo Xiang's hand, threw a claw to hook on the edge of the high wall, used the force to go straight up, and jumped onto the roof, leaving Huo Xiang standing there alone in a daze.

Strangely enough, after she jumped on the roof, the corpse soldiers were not interested in Huo Xiang.

They stopped chasing and circled anxiously on the spot.

Why pursue her instead of Huo Xiang?
Is it the same in the harem?
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The roof she climbed onto was a small independent side hall. The corpse soldiers quickly reacted and began to pry the corners of the wall.

Huo Xiang took two steps, but the corpse soldiers turned a blind eye to him. They all gathered around and pried the corners of the wall, completely surrounding the small hall.

"Zombies are sieging the city, but why don't they chase me?" Huo Xiang followed Wan Yanjing's habit of rubbing his chin twice and wondered, but he was not angry at all that Wan Yanjing had just left him and ran away.

Wanyan sat quietly on the roof and re-bandaged the bleeding wound, making a random guess: "Maybe I have a wound? Maybe I didn't kneel down to Lady Shi?"

Huo Xiang trembled when he mentioned Shi Niangniang, and it was obvious that he was very scared.

"Why don't you try to hold your breath and stop breathing?" Huo Xiang started to come up with some bad ideas again.

Wanyanjing treated the dead horse as a living horse doctor, but the corpse soldiers below obviously did not use this to identify friends and foes, and were still very determined in their behavior of breaking into corners.

The small side hall should have been a resting place for eunuchs on duty in ancient times. It only had two compartments, and it was quickly knocked to the point of collapse by the extremely powerful corpse soldiers.

Wanyanjing's face was unusually calm, but her words were full of fierceness: "You go away, don't wait for me to die, transform into the invincible Wanyan Empress in heaven and on earth, and cut this place into three parts, One, one, no, stay!.”

(End of this chapter)

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