The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 84 I’m not afraid, who is?

Chapter 84 I’m not afraid, who is?

Wanyanjing held the slightly bitter pill in her mouth. After hearing that Huo Xiang meant to leave her in the pile of corpses, she went out to investigate on her own.

This is wonderful, not only is it bitter in the mouth, but also bitter in the heart.

This space is huge, and the air underground is humid and clear.

Although the sweet smell of Huo Xiang's blood diluted the rotten smell of some living corpses, making the space less disgusting and depressing, if only one person was left in this dim environment, there would be enough reason to be frightened.

Walking alone among countless tombstones, hiding alone in an empty mysterious palace, feeling so lonely and desolate that she was the only living person in the world, and she didn't know where to go. God knows how she survived.

I don't want to be alone.

Don't leave me alone.

But these words were hindered by her dignity and pride as a princess, and she couldn't say them out.

In that tangled and unspeakable moment, she even had time to think of Wang Xiaolan.

If General Wang were in her position, these monsters and monsters would be no match for him if they were doubled, and they would not be as timid as her.

In her ears, there was the rustling sound of Huo Xiang putting the bottles and cans back into the bag. Wanyanjing lowered her head and remained silent. She stroked the goose's soft fur, but the fur was too thin and soft, and could not give her any. sense of security.

Her intention turned into cold and hard armor, wrapping up her fears and weaknesses in layers, barely keeping her face expressionless, and not revealing the look that Wang Xiaolan had ridiculed behind her back - "weak bones, slender body, pitiful and unlucky look."
"Don't be angry with me, okay? I'll take a look around and you can rest first. You won't be angry with me when I come back."

Huo Xiang squatted in front of her. His new-born back was thin and thin, his messy hair softened his angular facial lines, and his eyebrows were curved, making him look like a young man who was not even a weakling.

Wanyanjing pursed her lower lip and ignored him.

The edges of the cave are long and thin stalactites, but the center is broad and flat, carved with complex patterns, like some kind of magic circle.

At this time, the remains of corpse soldiers were stacked everywhere on the array.

In addition to the armored corpse soldiers that fell with them, there were also countless remains of their predecessors, with only the white bones left.

Huo Xiang placed the arranged baggage next to Wanyanjing, and Ye Mingzhu also stayed behind. He only took a fire stick with him, and he randomly selected one of the countless passages in the cave and planned to go in and take a look.

His footsteps echoed gently in the cave, getting slower and slower, until they stopped in front of a passage no more than two people high.

The passage was very dark, and strange noises could be heard from time to time. The fire breakers could only illuminate a little distance in the immediate vicinity.

The sound was a bit strange. It couldn't be said to be the shuttle of physical media such as groundwater or underground wind, or some man-made weirdness caused by ghosts and monsters.

He could feel Wanyanjing's gaze behind him. Wanyanjing had been looking at him.

Huo Xiang kept cheering himself up in his mind, but his legs didn't obey the instructions of his brain, and he couldn't hold the fire sticks in his hand very well.

In the end, he didn't take that step.

Huo Xiang put away the fire break and returned the same way. This time, his legs and feet no longer violated his master, allowing him to return to Wan Yanjing's side neatly.

The moment Huo Xiang turned around and came back, Wan Yanjing quickly looked away, but she breathed an invisible sigh of relief in her heart.

"Why are you back?" Wanyanjing asked.

Huo Xiang blushed and scratched his itchy back with some embarrassment: "Mi, it's too dark over there and I'm scared. Otherwise... let's go together!"

"Are you afraid?" Wanyanjing repeated in a murmur. She looked up at him, suspecting that she heard wrongly.

Huo Xiang didn't want to admit that he was so shy.But after he woke up from this world, his only reliable teammate was Wan Yanjing.

Wan Yanjing not only believed in him, but also saved him many times. She didn't let her see how embarrassing she looked. In front of her, it seemed okay to admit that she was afraid.

But after seeing Yan Jing's expression of disbelief, Huo Xiang suddenly regretted that he had broken the jar just now, so he managed his expression again and said seriously:

"Ahem, I take back what I just said. In fact, I was worried that you would be scared here alone, so I decided to come back with you."


Huo Xiangruo felt something and looked at the palm of Wanyanjing's hand.

Sure enough, the bad goose still stretched its little neck, and looked at him with a little disdain in its small mung bean eyes, as if it could understand people's words.

"Xiaxia, you are not going to become a spirit, are you? Every time I see your expression, I feel like I have seen the world. Can you speak human language? Come out in human form, so there will be three of us, and we will be more popular. Be less afraid.”

Huo Xiang stretched out his index finger and tapped Xiaxia's little head.

Wanyanjing stuffed the goose back into her collar with an expressionless expression, carried the bundle behind her back, and stood up holding Huo Xiang's arm.

She was truly expressionless now, not trying to be calm.

Huo Xiang was still chattering non-stop along the way.

He glanced at Wanyan Jing's chest with a strange look from time to time, and said worriedly: "I doubt that this goose is human, and I don't know if it is a female goose or a male goose. Just put it there. If it is a male, it is Isn’t it inappropriate?”

"I don't know when we can get out. If we can't get out, this goose will be our food reserve. Xiaxia, tell me something. If you understand human nature, we won't eat you."

"This hole is so dark, hahaha, Ah Mi, why aren't you afraid?"

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I suddenly felt a little cold. Mi, are you cold..."

"Shut up!" Wan Yanjing held the luminous pearl in her hand and closed her eyes patiently.

She moved her left arm, trying to pull out the arm held by Huo Xiang, but Huo Xiang was indeed a tall "strong man" weighing [-] kilograms. Even though it was thinner now, the strength was still beyond her ability. Break free.

Just forget it if you can't pull it out.

Wanyanjing's body was burning hot, and the breath she exhaled turned into a white mist. It looked like Huo Xiang was clinging to her like a "little bird," but in fact, she was being held up by Huo Xiang's strength.

Sanjiu was fixed on the wrist to prevent it from falling, and the burden had been transferred to Huo Xiang's back.

For her now, every little burden is a heavy burden.

They had been marking the passage with scratches along the way. This was the third passage they had walked through. The first two had ended after dozens of meters, so they returned to the central cave and started again.

This third road is extremely long, and you can feel that the terrain is constantly rising.

 I had another tooth extracted a few days ago, so I stopped for a little longer. Thanks to all my old friends for not giving up.

  Finally, the four impacted teeth graduated perfectly.

  Today, October [-]st, I wish all my relatives and friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, family reunion, happiness and good health!

  This chapter has 1949 words, so good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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