The husband is actually time-traveling!

Chapter 91 Shilan Wasteland

Chapter 91 Shilan Barren Tomb ([-])

Shi Piansheng just glanced at it for a strange look, but Huo Xiang looked at it carefully, not missing any corner.

Similar to Wan Yanjing's reaction when he saw these murals for the first time, Huo Xiang stared at the pictures in silence for a long time.

He didn't communicate with the system in his mind, nor did he talk to Shi Piansheng. He just stood in front of the walls with hands and hands, looking up in confusion.

Wanyanjing had no way of knowing what Huo Xiang was thinking at this time. She could only feel that he didn't seem surprised, and his whole body was filled with desolation and desolation.

"Let's go." Huo Xiang said softly and walked to the circular mechanism.

A layer of faint golden light covered the surface of the eyes, and the stone layer on the surface of the mechanism quickly faded, exposing the structure of the mechanism below.

"I don't expect you to be able to learn Qimen Dunjia. Just memorize these passwords by rote." Huo Xiang called Shi Piansheng over and showed him how to open the door.

Maybe Huo Xiang really had the ability to deduce passwords based on clues from murals and underground palaces, but these few times Wanyanjing could see clearly with his eyes, it was obvious that the locks were opened with clairvoyance.

It seems that even Shi Piansheng, whom he trusts the most, has no way of knowing how many unknown abilities he has.

To Wan Yanjing, being able to see through countless stone layers and overlapping spaces to see through the Shi Niang Immortal who is located in the ancient palace is a method that is almost divine and completely incomprehensible to ordinary humans.

The more you know about Huo Xiang, the more mysterious and incredible you will feel about this person.

The passage of the bronze corridor slowly opened, and behind it was the pillar-sealed tomb chamber that Wan Yanjing had visited before. Huo Xiang, who was outside the dream, entered the wrong chamber from here, and fell directly into the monster's lair underground.

But Huo Xiang, the King of Wuxuan in the dream at this time, was obviously not comparable to the dumb young man who lost his memory. He was familiar with all kinds of strange things, and he was as familiar with taking Shi Piansheng around the underground palace as he was at his own palace. Soon he came to Wanyan Jingbu. The ice coffin chamber I have seen.

Hundreds of translucent dark red ice coffins exuding a strange medicinal fragrance are neatly placed on the ground. The bottom of the coffin is still covered with golden-red runes. Under Jin's eyes, the energy flowing between the runes can be clearly seen. Each ice coffin occupies A critical cut-off point for energy output.

Most ice coffins have half-open lids and are empty inside, but a few ice coffins are tightly covered, and a body can be vaguely seen inside.

Although Wanyanjing didn't feel the cold, the temperature here was probably very low, and white frost formed on Shi Piansheng's eyebrows in a short period of time.

"General, where is this? You're not going to suddenly commit suicide, are you?" Shi Piansheng rubbed his arms and whispered.

Huo Xiang shook his head: "It's hard to say. If my prediction is correct, this is probably the resurrection spring in your hometown."

Although the term "resurrection spring water" is a new thing to Shi Piansheng, he has no doubts at all. The general is well-read and his knowledge is far beyond what he can match. From time to time, he will pop up a new word that a rough person cannot understand. It is too normal. .

Only Wanyanjing thought that Huo Xiang liked to play online games in his previous life, and spring water resurrection seemed to be a popular game term in another world.

"After Wen Shilan's bloodline dies, the body will be taken here and laid in an ice coffin until it comes back to life and turns into a living corpse wandering around the Shilan Tomb. It's unknown how long it will lie there."

Huo Xiang explained, and he touched an empty coffin next to him and poked his head into the coffin to study it carefully.

"There is a golden hairpin left here. Judging from the traces, this bed has had at least two tenants, one male and one female. The coffin is not an ordinary ice coffin, but a special potion mixed with some strange species. The blood is frozen.”

Shi Piansheng asked curiously: "It's okay for a woman to wear a hairpin, but how can a man tell that?"

"Ah, well..." Huo Xiang straightened up, looked at him with a strange look, and raised his chin towards the spots inside the coffin, "Look here, when people are dying, they will have physiological reactions such as incontinence and nocturnal emissions. , the positions of these two filthy places are also different. It is obvious that they returned to this ice coffin within an hour after their death. Either they were lying in different directions, or they were different in height. In short, they must be different people. , and both men and women.”

Shi Piansheng found it unimaginable: "There was wilderness all around. How did they find it? In such a short period of time, even if the body could stand up alive, how did they open the door and get into the coffin?"

Huo Xiang took out his handkerchief and wiped his fingertips that touched the outer edge of the coffin, and smiled: "I have to ask those living corpses. But I guess the descendants of Wen Shilan only need to die neatly, and the rest will be done. It’s all packed up by this underground palace.”

"Is this underground palace impossible to survive?" Shi Piansheng shuddered, "My dear, they say that death is like a lamp going out. This is great. Even after death, you will not stop and continue to work in the underground palace. No. I don’t know if those living corpses had any consciousness before they were alive. If they still have consciousness, it would be terrible to have to stay in this dark underground palace for months and months.”

"General, you said that I am a descendant of Wen Shilan. I won't come back here after I die, right?"

"Why, wouldn't it be nice to bury you in an imperial mausoleum-level tomb and automatically return to your ancestors? It's hard to say whether you are conscious or not. Ancient books record that the Wen Shilan family has the name of the immortal. Maybe these corpses are just Looks dead." There was a hint of smile in Huo Xiang's tone.

Shi Piansheng was about to cry but had no tears, and complained aggrievedly: "General, you must live longer and die behind me. When the time comes, come here and collect a corpse for me. I don't want to become a living corpse and not be able to rest in peace."

Huo Xiang pretended to sigh and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm eight years older than you. You might as well please your future master and let him collect the body for you."

"Little Master!?" Shi Piansheng's eyes widened, "General, are you raising a young lady outside behind our backs? And a little baby?" "What little lady, that's nonsense!"

"That can't be Her Royal Highness. I've heard that General, you can't even enter Her Royal Highness's room, and you've only touched her hand so far."

"I said the future, the future!" Huo Xiang touched his nose, then cleared his throat and scolded: "You are too young, who told you this, the people in the camp? This is what you can do Are you talking nonsense? Next time if I hear what you are saying in private, I will slap you all with an eighty-gun stick."

Shi Piansheng shrank his neck: "No, no, brothers, how dare you, I...I heard what Sister Xiaolan said, and we had a brief discussion, just a few sentences, really."

"Wang Xiaolan has a lot on her mind." Huo Xiang commented casually, his tone was very calm, and it was hard to tell whether it was praise or criticism. Then they stopped talking about this topic and walked to the next hall. This made the person who received "Wang Xiaolan" comment casually. "Wanyanjing, who was aroused by this sensitive word, felt scratchy and irritated.

Is this gone?

Do you want to say a few more words?
What is your attitude when your crush discusses your private matters behind your back?

Does Huo Xiang like Wang Xiaolan?
But it was useless no matter how much she scratched her ears and hearts, neither of them would listen.

The next hall was the main tomb that Wan Yanjing had visited, and in the middle stood the huge white jade coffin.

The lid of the coffin was tightly closed, but Huo Xiang's clairvoyant eyes could see that it was empty and clean.

Huo Xiang stood in the center, staring at the white jade coffin and the rune patterns on the ground for a long time. Suddenly he patted Shi Piansheng on the shoulder. Contrary to his previous cautiousness, he spoke quite boldly:

"Pian Sheng, how is this house? It's pretty good. Come on, let me draw some blood, and I'll draw a charm for you to reserve a bed. If you accidentally get cold and come to this damn place, you don't have to go next door to meet your brothers. They crowded together and slept in the coffins where others had lay."

Shi Piansheng was shocked by these unbridled remarks.

"General, this...isn't this good? It would be unlucky if you don't listen to what you are saying."

Although he said something unlucky, Shi Piansheng was unfazed by his own general and immediately stretched out his hand and slashed him.

With luck on his fingertips, Huo Xiang's flying blood line followed the direction of Qi and traveled on the white jade coffin, outlining complex lines.

"General, do you know how to run runes?"

"It's not bad, I know a little bit about it." Huo Xiang said casually while drawing.

"General, be humble!" Shi Piansheng's eyes were bright. He looked at Huo Xiang as if he were looking at a rune master who was about to become rich and powerful.

Someone once asked Huo Xiang how he liked his poetry. Huo Xiang said that he knew a little about it, but he could become famous all over the world just by writing a poem.

Someone once asked Huo Xiang how the art of war was, and Huo Xiang said he knew a little bit about it. As a result, the general led the troops with great momentum. Without Huo Xiang, it would have been impossible for Da Qin to invade the Wei Palace and merge with Chen Qi in just a few years. Two countries.

Huo Xiang's use of troops lies in the word "cunning". No matter which country or army he belongs to, everyone will have a headache when seeing Huo Xiang. I heard that the Daxia army has even set up a department to study Huo Xiang's tactics.

It doesn't matter if each of them guards the border and everything goes well. I'm afraid that if the two of them fight, one of them will be killed. The commander-in-chief of the opposing family will probably be so worried that he can't sleep day and night. He not only has to guard the outside of the city, but also the outside of the city. My own family in the city.Will Huo Xiang instigate rebellion?Will he be replaced by Huo Xiang's men in disguise?
Huo Xiang said that he knew a little bit about talisman patterns, which must be the level of the masters.

Strange to say, the blood talisman was painted on the white jade coffin and seeped in quickly. It was as if the jade coffin could absorb blood. After the talisman was painted, the white jade coffin was still as smooth as new, but when the talisman was completed, there was a layer of light A faint bloody light flashed above the lotus white jade coffin.

Huo Xiang raised his head again and glanced at Shi Niangxian who was hidden behind countless spaces.

Shi Niangxian's eyes were half closed, her expression was gloomy, and she was indifferent to Huo Xiang's behavior.

Huo Xiang stroked his sleeves, straightened the hem of his still neat and clean clothes, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Alright Piansheng, we're ready to go out after treating the wounds. Oh, and remember to pick up some of the gold and silver on the ground."

"General, we are still wanted outside. The dry food and water you brought are enough for us to last seven or eight days. Are you not going to hide?"

"Don't worry, when we get out, believe it or not, we can directly see the top of Luyang City."

"Lu Yang!?" Shi Piansheng paused as he collected the gold and silver, and his suddenly raised voice was slightly broken, "How is that possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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