The hunters here cannot survive this winter by hunting alone. Everyone heard Yelina talking about the weather here during breakfast, and their eyes became a little more worried.

They have never survived in such weather. In Qingyi, the weather in autumn has never been so cold, even in winter.

"So my father worked very hard to cultivate the land, farm and hunt at the same time, so he could survive here."

When they learned that old Vladimir would not come back until noon, everyone had the idea of ​​asking the little girl for news.

But after serving breakfast to everyone, she also left the house.

Before Ye Lina left, she kindly made a cup of wild tree tea for everyone.Then he told them not to touch anything in the house, and then left with the basket.

After the father and daughter left, they did not look through the room. After a day of getting along, they already had some trust in these two benefactors.

To the prairie people, treachery was common, but also disgraceful.

A group of them were quietly discussing future plans in the room, and Wu Qi told them his thoughts and ideas.

That is to kill the group of bandits first, and then become a bandit yourself, living a happy life of good food and drink.

Most of the brothers nodded in agreement, after all, they almost starved to death yesterday.

Nothing in this world is more important than filling your stomach.

Wu Qi looked at the silent people and asked them what they thought.

"Your Highness...are we...really going to be bandits?"

Those who were once nobles couldn't accept this gap at all, and they had to do this profession that they once disdained.

Just a few months ago, they were complimented sergeants and nobles. Even if they were not nobles, most of the guards surrounding Wuqi were from prominent and wealthy backgrounds.

Who would have thought that the noble knight who stood high yesterday and decided their life and death would become that bloodthirsty bandit today?
Such thoughts, such thoughts stay in everyone's heart, like haze or shadow in the sky, lingering.

But Wu Qi knew that he had to toughen up, get rid of this haze, and give everyone a direction.

He pretended to be relaxed and said: "What's wrong with this? It can also hone your abilities. You have to create a career by yourself. How can you always be immersed in the shadow of your ancestors?"

"When the Shanyu sees our performance, and when the Shanyu finds out the truth, we will eventually go back."

"Until then, don't you want to be as hungry as you were yesterday?"

Wu Qi's words entered everyone's hearts. He knew that he was being watched by people. If he showed any cowardice or hesitation at this time, could he and this group of people survive decently in this land? ?
Everyone was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until the father and daughter came back that Wu Qi got everyone's approval.

Even the most reluctant person is willing to high-five Wu Qi and obey his orders.

Wu Qi took a deep breath in his heart, this difficulty was over.

He suddenly thought of his father, his Shanyu.

What would that wise, calm, and ambitious Shanyu do if he fell into his situation?
Wu Qi's heart was immersed in bitter thoughts.

After he was born, everything he saw told him that his father and his Shan were real heroes and heroes.

He can dispatch the country's army at his fingertips, and everyone trusts his orders as if they believe in gods, giving him unlimited trust and fanatical loyalty.

Wu Qi once saw with his own eyes how brave those soldiers who died on the battlefield were.They shouted his name, waving the swords in their hands, and the horses under their crotches seemed to be inspired and rushed towards the enemy camp.

Even though they were dead in that battle.

Wu Qi thought bitterly that if his father really fell into this situation, even if he said nothing or did nothing, the soldiers around him would be willing to die for him and fight for him.

are different.

Wu Qi has never felt the gap between himself and his father so clearly. The gap is like the stars in the sky and the dust in the desert.

Only when Yelina opened the door with a heavy bamboo basket on her arm did Wu Qi break away from this bitter thinking.

It felt like a prisoner temporarily escaped from his prison, or a student finally heard the bell signaling the end of get out of class.

Wu Qi desperately wanted to say something to make him forget his messed up mind.

In this way, while sorting out the wild vegetables and mushrooms she dug, Yelina chatted with Wu Qi.

Mainly because Wu Qi was talking incoherently, while Yelina nodded in response from time to time.

But this situation changed when old Vladimir came back.

When old Vladimir opened the door with a hoe, he saw the skinny brat from yesterday entangled with his baby Yelena.

Look at his poor Yelena, she is busy, but that brat doesn't know how to help, and is just talking like an old drunkard.

He completely ignored his warning last night.

Old Vladimir placed the hoe behind the door hard, making a loud noise.

This made Wu Qi, who was still talking, couldn't help but look in his direction.

But when old Vladimir saw Wu Qi looking over, he immediately stared at him with eyes that looked at scoundrels and gangsters.

Wuqi immediately understood what Old Vladimir had mistakenly done, but he had no chance to explain.

Until everyone was having lunch together, old Vladimir still had a bad look on his face.

During the meal, old Vladimir even asked Wuqi very unceremoniously to fulfill his promise to eradicate the bandits.

And Wu Qi understood what he meant, which was 'get out of my house', or 'get away from Yelena'.

No matter which one it was, Wu Qi wanted to explain, but old Vladimir gave him no chance to explain.

After eating, they went to old Vladimir's room, where they slept last night.

Old Vladimir held an iron rod in one hand. The rod was stained with rust, but the edges were very sharp.Wu Qi had no doubt that he would be fatally struck and die in this room.

"It seems that you didn't listen to what I said yesterday." Old Vladimir's low voice was like the low roar and warning of a brown bear.

"Stay away from Yelena, you brat."

Faced with the warning from old Vladimir who was holding an iron rod hidden in his hand, Wu Qi could only raise his hands and nodded quickly.

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