Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 1 starts with 1 negative 2 generations

Chapter 1 starts with a negative second generation
There are metal walls on all sides, and in the middle of the square room, there is a luxurious leather bed that is incompatible with the metal room. Tang Ranran, who just woke up, lay on the high-end customized Simmons with her hands and legs stretched out in big characters. Looking at the metal ceiling, he was in a state of daze.

Before she could look at the ceiling and think about her life, the brain on her left wrist issued a communication prompt.

Ah, it's annoying!
With a sigh in his heart, Tang Ranran used his mental power to open the personal brain that was similar in shape to a mechanical watch worn on his left wrist.

Intellectual brain, an upgraded version of mobile phone, integrating ID card, computer, mobile phone, key, wallet... many functions in one, it is a must-have for every citizen of this interstellar world.

Mental power is the basic skill of most people in the world.

Just like stretching out one's hand to beat someone while eating and drinking, the conventional ways of using mental power are almost an instinct for people in this world.

Why do you say it is this world?

Because Tang Ranran came from time travel, just a dozen hours ago, she transmigrated into this world. In less than a day, she basically mastered the basic information of this world and the relevant situation of her original body.

After all, this is not the first time time travelling, once born and twice acquainted!Uh, if a hero doesn't mention his bravery back then, he'll cry if he thinks about it!
Back in front of his eyes, Tang Ranran tilted his head slightly, and with a turn of his gaze, he saw a light screen projected in the air by the main body of the intellectual brain that resembled a dial.

On the screen, there was a young male face with regular features and a slightly handsome face, and a very unique note: Annoying Jing Yan Xing.

It wasn't the seven aunts and eight aunts of the Tang family. According to the information Tang Ranran had, this Yan Xing was one of her secretaries.

Too lazy to raise his hand, Tang Ranran chose the non-visual only voice call mode with his mental power. Once the communication was connected, he said angrily, "It's so annoying early in the morning, are you just eating free? Is there anything I can't solve by myself?" !"

Yuanshen is a willful president who is a wealthy second-generation lady. To the servants and subordinates who work for her, Yuanshen has always been superior and condescending, so she has to maintain an arrogant and rude attitude when she first arrives. Playing this wayward president well, commonly known as: Gou Renjian, will not arouse suspicion.

"Mr. Tang, I'm sorry to disturb you." After being scolded, Yan Xing paused with the anxious and worried expression on his face on the other end of the communication. He first apologized, and then hurriedly said, "But Mr. Tang, something is wrong. Employees are on strike..."

"What, they dare to strike! I hired them with a high salary, and they dare to strike? We can't spoil them, you tell them, if you don't want to do it, you can leave!" Tang Ranran said angrily.

"But..." Yan Xing was in a dilemma, hesitating, "Mr. Tang, according to the contract, if we fire them, we need to pay a liquidated damages..."

"What, liquidated damages? You figured it out, they were the ones who went on strike, and they broke the contract first!" On the surface, Tang Ranran was domineering, but his heart panicked. It was over, and the mess left by the original body was not so easy to clean up.

"Mr. Tang, it's stated in our contract that we provide an absolutely safe environment to ensure the personal safety of our employees. But yesterday, due to the attack of sand bugs, more than a dozen employees were injured and even three died... …According to the imperial labor law, we need to make high compensation for the casualties.”

"So, they mean compensation, and then a raise?" Tang Ranran asked.

Tang Ranran was very clear about yesterday's casualties.The original body's group probably took the right to use a desolate star to transform it, and the original body brought a lot of employees to this desolate star, and the first thing was to plant trees.

Yesterday, Yuanshen took a few people by car to an area where trees were being planted to check the planting situation. Just as she got out of the car and looked left, right, and everywhere, suddenly, there was a burst of noise on the ground. Surging, several large earthworms emerged from the ground.

That kind of big earthworm that is as thick as a pillar, several meters high, full of fangs, and can swallow people in one mouthful!

It is the dune soil worm that Yan Xing said.

The ferocious appearance of the dune soil worm, the terrifying scene of eating people, the original body was frightened and stunned, and stood on the spot, followed by a big earthworm, the original body's eyes went dark, and then...

Then no then.

Open your eyes again and it will be her.

Tang Ranran understands intellectually when she asks for extra money to work in a place where her life cannot be guaranteed, but now she is the boss.

If you want compensation, you need to add more money, and she is the one who broke the money!

"Yes, Mr. Tang. I have already talked with them, and several employee representatives have the same meaning. They demand that the injured employees be healed at any cost, and that the dead employees be paid high compensation. Then they also proposed to clarify the casualties. Compensation, write into the contract, provide detailed security guarantees, and increase their salary, otherwise..."

"A group of unscrupulous people, do they want to go to heaven? Otherwise, what?" Tang Ranran snorted coldly, continuing to play the capricious young lady.

"Otherwise they will go on strike and apply to the labor bureau for labor arbitration."

"They dare!" Tang Ranran said in her heart that she was finished, but she continued to be petulant and self-willed on the face, and asked deliberately, "Where is Rongrong, what did she say?"

When Tang Ranran asked about Pan Rongrong, Yan Xing's tone revealed a hint of helplessness, full of disapproval, "Pan's assistant means to fire the strikers, but Mr. Tang, if we fire them, we can't afford the compensation." and liquidated damages."

"Huh? No money?" Tang Ranran was slightly taken aback. Isn't Yuan himself a rich second generation?

The kind of super rich and rich second generation whose parents both died, inherited a huge inheritance, owns a car, a house, a company, and even a spaceship and a planet!
How can there be no money?
Uh, time is too hasty, she just got a general idea, is there any detail that she doesn't know?Are all assets loaned?After all, the bigger the group, the higher the debt!

"Yes, the funds for the first phase of the planet-building project have exceeded the budget." Yan Xing wondered, "And this time the sand bug attack was an accident, and the economic losses caused were not included in the budget."

"Even if the budget is insufficient, we have to get through the difficulties in front of us first!" Tang Ranran blurted out, then thought of something, and continued to ask, "That guy Xu Jun won't approve the funds?"

"Yes, Mr. Tang, Assistant Pan applied to Manager Xu, but was rejected by Manager Xu."

"Pan Rongrong has already applied to Xu Jun?"

My good fellow, this is acting like a superintendent, don't take her as the boss seriously, a special assistant, who gave her the power?

Well, it was the power given by the original body.

"Yes. Manager Xu said that the first phase of the construction project has seriously exceeded the budget, and the remaining funds of the project are not enough to maintain the budget. If you withdraw again, you may not even be able to pay the salary in two months. Mr. Tang, If you continue to misappropriate the budget, I'm afraid Xu Jun will gossip in front of the shareholders, and if you hold a board meeting, I'm afraid it will be bad for you..."

Yan Xing didn't say what happened next, but Tang Ranran understood that once the board meeting was held, he might want to get rid of her as the CEO!
There are several big question marks in Tang Ranran's small head.

The original is the domineering and willful president of the Xinliang Group, and isn't the Xinliang Group the legacy left to her by the unlucky old man who died young?Could it be that she doesn't inherit enough shares, less than 50%, and she will step down as soon as the board of directors join forces?
But aren't there several Tang family members in the board of directors?
Seize power? ?
After some conspiracy theories, Tang Ranran, who didn't know the situation, could only say, "Yan Xing, go talk to the employee representative about the compensation for casualties. If it's reasonable, pay it from my personal account first, and appease them first."

"Mr. Tang, I'm afraid your personal funds are...not enough."

Another big question mark popped up in Tang Ranran, she had already read it before going to bed, tens of millions were lying in her Zhinao personal account!

What's more, she still has a house, a car, and a spaceship, and she has a lot of real estate.

A dignified overlord who can't even pay compensation for casualties?
Is the compensation for casualties in the interstellar era particularly high?Or is it inflation, tens of millions is drizzle?

"If it's not enough... Apply for a mortgage." Tang Ranran endured the heartache and said, mortgage the property for some money, and get over the immediate difficulties first.

"Uh, Mr. Tang, you haven't forgotten, have you? The large amount of property you inherited, including shares, has almost been mortgaged by Mr. Tang, and no second loan is allowed. And on the 15th of next month, A 32 billion loan is about to be repaid." Yan Xingyu was not surprised, and added a wave of details to Tang Ranran that she did not understand.

Tang Ranran: What! ?

Is it really a loan liability? !

She turned out to be a negative second generation!

(End of this chapter)

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