Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 13 A bodyguard team with an annual salary of 1 million cannot afford to hire

Chapter 13 A bodyguard team with an annual salary of [-] million cannot afford to hire

"Repay? Pay back the money?" Pan Rongrong couldn't believe it, and she couldn't help murmuring and repeating.

"Yes, you return the money to me first, and I will use it to tide over the difficulties in front of me. Although the price of curing those three people is sky-high, we can't do it, but we can't do nothing to chill the hearts of the employees. Gao You still need to buy some food with purification value." Tang Ranran looked serious.

"I, I..." After confirming that Tang Ranran was not joking, Pan Rongrong's face was stiff and hesitating, "I, I'm not..."

"Rongrong, didn't you say you would support me? I'm short of money now, so you're not going to support me? What's more, I didn't ask you to borrow money, it was you who lent me money!" Hearing Pan Rongrong's prevarication, Tang Ranran scowled unhappily.

She was originally a money-spreading boy, but Tang Ranran was not!

If you take hers, you must spit it out!
Let's start with the latest little spy!
"Well, I used all that money to treat my grandfather's illness, and I won't be able to make it up anytime soon!" Pan Rongrong put on a pitiful expression in great difficulty.

"You can borrow from me, but can't you borrow from others? Rongrong, now that I'm in trouble, shouldn't you use your network of relationships to pool the money and pay me back to support me through the difficulties Are you not even willing to support this? I originally wanted to give you an important task, but you really let me down like this!"

Tang Ranran's gaze gradually changed from sincere trust to disappointment.

Although I don't know the luxury goods here for the time being, Pan Rongrong's outfit doesn't look cheap.What to treat grandpa?It was definitely fooling Yuanshen, who was taken advantage of!

Pan Rongrong must have money, but she just doesn't want to pay it back!
"No, it's not." Upon hearing the important task, Pan Rongrong quickly waved her hands and explained, "That's not what I mean, I mean I can't get it out today, but give me some time, seven days... no, three days, three days I'll come out within a few days! Ran Ran, you have to trust me, I support you! And I will do my best to support you!"

"I knew it, you are indeed my best little sister!" Tang Ranran's face was touched immediately, "Three days, hurry up, I'm still waiting for the money to be used to buy special healing items!"

"I will, I will do it as soon as possible!" Pan Rongrong promised, and then cautiously probed, "Well, what is the important task?"

While speaking, Pan Rongrong did not forget to take a proud look at Yan Xing at the side. Although she didn't care about Tang Ranran's position as chief secretary, did she want to snatch it?Dreaming!

"I still need to make arrangements for this, you need to collect the money first." Tang Ranran assigned another task after a while, "Rongrong, go to the various departments to check and check the funds for the first phase, Xu I don’t believe Jun that man, maybe he’s pocketing his own money.”

"Okay, don't worry, I will check carefully."

"Then you go! Try to send it to me before going to bed at night. As for appeasing the employees, don't worry about it."

"Okay, then I'll go first. You are recovering from a serious illness, so don't work too hard, remember to rest early!"

With a look of concern on her face, before leaving, Pan Rongrong looked at Yan Xing several times worriedly, feeling a little more worried, because she acted too hastily and offended Tang Ranran in handling the employee strike incident, making Yan Xing this The bastard has an opportunity.

It would be bad if Yan Xing robbed him of the position of chief special assistant and could not get first-hand information.

Pan Rongrong was very worried that the unknown important task would fall into Yan Xing's hands, but Tang Ranran had already spoken, so she couldn't just stay here, so she got up and left the conference room.

After leaving the meeting room, Pan Rongrong walked quickly, passed a few corridors, and opened a door, which was a public toilet.

After entering the toilet, a place without monitoring, Pan Rongrong first applied makeup in front of the mirror, then turned on the smart brain light screen, and took a few selfies from the angle of face-lifting and beautifying. The brain sent a standard Jiugongge state.

Nine beautiful selfies, plus a sentence, 'New day, new job, come on, you are the best! '

The brain-brain communication function is very perfect. After successfully sending this circle of friends, Pan Rongrong looked at the time and calculated the time difference. At this point, it is still in the night sleep time, and it will take five or six hours to see it.

How about the follow-up, we will talk about it when we meet on Xingwang.

After sending the meeting code without anyone noticing, Pan Rongrong stepped on her high heels, stepped out of the bathroom, and hurriedly went to various departments to check the expenses.

In the conference room, as soon as Pan Rongrong left, Tang Ranran first asked Yan Xing to send her all the materials of the YS-212 planetary transformation project in detail. While the brain was receiving the materials, Tang Ranran arranged a series of tasks for him.

First, notify her bodyguard team to discuss the termination of the contract.

The total monthly salary of her six personal bodyguards is as high as 800 million, which is 9600 million a year, nearly 1 million!
Now she is about to go bankrupt, so she can save a little bit.

Anyway, the reason for the termination of the contract is ready-made, because the dune soil worm attacked her and she was irradiated, and almost died. Although the worm appeared suddenly, it can also be blamed on the 'bodyguard's negligence of duty', and she is definitely not the breaching party.

When Tang Ranran asked Yan Xing to handle the termination of the contract, the two bodyguards standing behind her naturally heard it.

The two of them stopped pretending. The male bodyguard frowned, while the female bodyguard obviously had a hot temper. She spoke directly, very bluntly and in a questioning tone, "Cancellation? How can you terminate the contract! It's not over yet a year! If we hadn’t saved you, you would have been eaten by bugs! You yourself were frightened and your mental barrier collapsed, can you blame us?!”

Facing the questioning, Tang Ranran frowned displeased, huh?so angry?It seems that the original body gave too much, and it drifted away!

There was no need for Tang Ranran to speak. As a winking secretary, Yan Xing stepped in and acted as her substitute, "The duty of a bodyguard is to protect the safety of the employer. As Mr. Tang's personal bodyguard, isn't it natural to protect Mr. Tang? You saved Mr. Tang? Didn’t you protect Mr. Tang’s safety as soon as the sand bugs appeared? Could it be that Mr. Tang spent a lot of money to invite you as decorations?

As a bodyguard, it is necessary to protect the safety of the employer in all aspects without omission!You actually let the sand dune worm jump up in front of Mr. Tang, scaring him so much that his mental barrier collapsed and he was radiated!This is definitely your dereliction of duty!Our Mr. Tang is kind-hearted, so we didn't pursue your responsibility for negligence of duty. You know, if Mr. Tang was not the investor, he would be able to enjoy the treatment quota of the military... Humph! "

Yan Xing's series of questions left the female bodyguard speechless.

"You, you..." After a brief loss of speech, the female bodyguard's eyes widened in anger, and the eyes that stared at Yan Xing almost seemed to burst into flames.

This kind of weak man, she can beat three of them!In anger, the female bodyguard rolled up her sleeves. Just as she was about to use force to crush her, she was grabbed by the arm by the male bodyguard and stopped her.

The male bodyguard was clear in his heart, the boss would naturally come to talk to him about the termination of the contract, and younger brothers like them don't need to worry about it.

The so-called business is not righteous, and if the contract is terminated peacefully, there is nothing to lose, that is, a big donor who has a lot of money is lost.

But if they do it, their reputation in the industry may plummet in the future.

The male bodyguard shook his head at the female bodyguard, and said with a hint of warning in his eyes, "Don't be impulsive, wait for the boss."


Even though her heart was still full of anger, the female bodyguard could only rest her thoughts of teaching others, and took a step back with the male bodyguard, standing more than half a meter away from Tang Ranran, and returned to the silent state of the wooden man again.

Glancing at the two of them, Tang Ranran didn't pursue the female bodyguard's unreasonableness just now, and continued to give orders to Yan Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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