Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 3 The Adventurous Unlucky Cheap Dad

Chapter 3 The Adventurous Unlucky Cheap Dad

Relying on the residual memory of the original body and the assistance of the brain, Tang Ranran already knew a lot of world background and common sense before going to bed last night.

Human beings in this world have broken out of the shackles of the planet, rushed into the sea of ​​stars, and created a highly technologically advanced interstellar world.

According to history, it is said that humans in this interstellar world originated from the blue star of the solar system. Thousands of years ago, with the rapid development of science and technology, pollution became more and more serious, and the environment was no longer suitable for human survival. In the end, their ancestors blue The starman drives the spaceship to leave the water blue star, looking for a new living place.

After thousands of years of exploration, human beings discovered this habitable Attad elliptical galaxy with tens of thousands of stars, and since then stopped their wandering steps and multiplied here.

After the end of the exploration period, there will be a long period of war. Humans and alien races, alien beasts, alien plants, and Zerg in the galaxy... launched a survival war for the survival and continuation of the race.

After the tens of thousands of years of survival war, the situation is basically stable, forming a three-legged situation where the alien race, the Zerg race and the human race stand on top of each other.

As the saying goes, contradictions are divided into external and internal. After the external contradictions eased, the human beings began to have internal contradictions. After a hundred years of civil war, human beings were finally divided into two camps and two major countries were established.

The Yanlong Empire and the Moses Federation.

Oh, there is also a middle ground, which belongs to the two regardless of position. The members are more vicious star thieves and wanted criminals. Although the Freedom Federation claims to be the third largest country in mankind, it is just talking to itself. The Empire and the Federation Neither recognizes its statehood.

Anyway, the year when the empire and federation were established was set as the first year of the Star Era, and now it is the year 2315 of the Star Era.

Although the interstellar pattern is generally stable, it does not mean that there are no wars, and small-scale wars will come from time to time.

Humans fight aliens, humans fight Zergs, humans fight aliens, empires fight the Federation... Relatively speaking, humans and Zergs fight the most frequently, and there will be wars from time to time.

Tang Ranran's soul was originally a citizen of the Empire. This is the border of the Empire. The YS-212 planet she is currently on is one of the border planets adjacent to the Empire and the Zerg. Just the year before last, there were Zergs on this planet. Stars in the battlefield of war!

Here I want to say, there is a bullish character: Marshal Yan Qian, currently recognized as the strongest in the empire, this guy led the army to fight with the Zerg, grabbed more than a dozen planets, and pushed the entire front forward pushed.

The planet YS-212 is one of them. At present, its definition is: a transformable habitable planet to be built under the empire.

However, although the ownership of the planet has been snatched, the planet that has been plagued by the Zerg is simply a locust crossing the border, leaving no grass.

The Zerg's teeth are very good. Animals, plants, ores... Except for things in the deep sea that they can't reach, the Zerg almost misses everything on land and in shallow water.

Therefore, the current situation of planet YS-212 is: the vegetation is extremely sparse, covering less than 5% of the land area, the entire land area is desolate, and there are still a small number of insects that slipped through the ground, and the sand dune soil worm is one of them.

Most of the planet's ocean area has not been destroyed, and the oxygen layer is still there, so YS-212 is judged to be a habitable planet to be transformed.

Invest in the construction of the planet when the planet is still in a desolate state. If the transformation is successful, you can take control of the planet and become the master of the planet!

You must know that normal planets are priceless for ordinary people, and they cannot be bought even if they have money.

Therefore, once the YS-212 planet is successfully transformed, it will not only bring huge benefits, but also a leap in social status.

Well, flatbread or something, it is very fragrant.

No, the original body's father believed it and took the bait, spending a lot of money to win the exclusive right to invest and transform planet YS-212.

Yesterday, in a hurry, I got a general idea of ​​Tang Ranran who was only a cheap father with no humanity, but after such a deep memory... it's cool.

Combining Yan Xing's loan information and flicking his memory so hard, Tang Ranran wanted to vomit blood.

A huge planet, or a desolate star, is definitely not a small amount for transformation and construction.The security deposit handed over to the military alone is a full 5000 billion.

The 5000 billion guarantee deposit came from loans.

Having said that, I have to mention the original family background.

The empire has fifteen major galaxies, and each galaxy has a dozen to dozens of human-inhabited planets. The entire empire has more than 500 inhabited planets, and the total population exceeds [-] billion.

The Tang family was originally an ordinary family on a certain planet in the seventh galaxy, the kind with a little money, at best an ordinary wealthy family in the upper middle class.

The original body's mother was Qin Yu, and she seemed to be an orphan. To say it was special, it probably had a higher mental strength.

The original body's father is Tang Chengzhi, a very adventurous person, and his family history can be described as very exciting and thrilling.

The star domain of the empire is vast. In addition to the fully developed inhabited planets, there are also many planets suitable for human habitation that are still under development and construction, or that have not yet been developed by the military.

The undeveloped planets in the empire belong to Liberty Star. Citizens of the empire have the right to explore on Liberty Star. Once a treasure is found, it belongs to the citizens. Of course, they have to pay taxes.

Tang Chengzhi registered as a mercenary as an adult, and then went to Liberty Star to explore with less than one million venture capital.

After accumulating the first initial capital, he recruited troops to expand the team. Tang Chengzhi formed an exploration team. Then, probably because of his luck, he moved between several free stars. The survey team discovered two rare mineral sources successively, earning thousands of dollars. billions of dollars.

Liberty Star, full of dangers, is definitely licking blood with his head tied to the waistband of a knife. After relying on two mineral sources to advance to a worth of hundreds of billions, Tang Chengzhi turned his attention to the safe mine star.

More than 50 years ago, Tang Chengzhi spent most of his family property to win the 100-year right to use a mineral star with exhausted resources, trying to find a leak on the planet and detect a few missed mineral deposits.

A mineral star with exhausted resources is a planet where all kinds of valuable resources have been mined, and it is almost no different from a waste star.

Tang Chengzhi did not find the missing mineral deposits, but fortunately, he discovered a brand new edible plant and realized artificial planting in a certain area.

Later, using the plant as an auxiliary material, Tang Chengzhi and his team developed a plant-based nutrient solution with a new taste.

Nutrient solution, the main food of interstellar people, most people rely on nutrient solution to fill their stomachs.

With this new type of nutrient solution, Tang Chengzhi switched to the nutrient solution manufacturing industry and established Xinliang Group.

It has to be said that Tang Chengzhi is a very gambling businessman who likes to pursue high returns, and high returns are often accompanied by high risks.

No, after being stable for so many decades, Tang Chengzhi, who got the news of the frontier planet transformation and construction project, couldn't sit still. After the on-the-spot investigation, he couldn't help but make a move, and desperately won the exclusive transformation and construction of the YS-212 planet. right.

(End of this chapter)

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