After waking up from his hazy consciousness, he opened his eyes, and after waking up for a few minutes, Tang Ranran immediately entered the farm consciously.

The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning: sign in and draw a prize!
Tang Ranran stood in front of the computer and said silently: I am a big red hand!Big red hand!Big red hand!

After praying three times, draw a prize!That is, click [sign in] with the mouse.

【Sign in successfully!Congratulations on your acquisition: 500 gold coins. 】

Hands are not black, but definitely not red.

Hey, it's an ordinary day, starting with an ordinary check-in.

Because there was no big hit, Tang Ranran was not motivated. Looking at the current time, there was still some time before the food was collected. Tang Ranran was covered by the quilt and decided to continue sleeping.

Closing her eyes, Tang Ranran soon became confused, but before she could fall asleep, the alarm rang.

Tang Ranran who was awakened was a little dazed, and then shivered.

It's time to collect the vegetables!

Slipping into the farm with consciousness, Tang Ranran completed the [Harvest].

The [white radish] in the four fields completed the harvest, then [shoveled the ground], then bought the seeds, and quickly [planted] the four [white radish seeds].

Tang Ranran's series of operations are only called a smooth and smooth speed, and it can be seen at a glance that the proficiency is already full.

Open the [Garn], sell the crops, and look at the wallet.

【Gold Coin: 3589】

Great, one step closer to buying land.

After setting the alarm clock, Tang Ranran left the farm, and then... continued to sleep!

After sleeping for almost two hours, Tang Ranran was completely awake this time and got up from the bed.

After washing up and changing clothes, first of all, there is a mint-flavored Xinliang Qinggan.

After drinking the nutrient solution, you will feel refreshed and full!

Eat and drink enough to see the brain.

As a woman, Tang Ranran checked her own courier first.

Interstellar Express, the speed is absolutely fast, no, the clothes, wine and Namor star long strips she ordered last night have all arrived.

Tang Ranran sent a message to the driver Yang Li, asking him to pick up her couriers at the military base courier point next door.

Yang Li obviously got up early, and replied in less than five seconds, 'Okay, I'll go right away. '

After reading the courier and checking the news, the brain has accumulated a lot of news and several missed communications, as well as reports from many subordinates.

Tang Ranran nestled on the sofa, checking each one patiently.

Butler Lin sent her a message that she needs to go back to Planet Sutar to sell the relics, and the transportation here is not so convenient. Ordinary spaceships can’t reach the planet YS-212, so the only way to leave this planet is to take a military starship first. Go to the territory of the empire, and then transfer to the ordinary transportation spaceship to return to Sutar Star.

Fortunately, two days later, a transport starship belonging to the military was going to transport a batch of supplies back to the empire, and it was going back to the third galaxy. If you miss this ship, it will not be such a good thing.

Raising money is a matter of urgency.

So, just the transport starship two days later.

After confirming the time, Tang Ranran sent a message to Yan Xing, asking him to talk to the relevant person in charge of the military.

As a partner, it is not a problem to take a few people back along the way.Of course, you have to pay.

Five seconds after the message was sent, Yan Xing replied, "Okay, Mr. Tang, I'll do it right away."

Except for Steward Lin, the other messages were all greetings and visits, and those who missed the communication were all insignificant people. What needed to be checked were various reports from subordinates, which took Tang Ranran a lot of time.

The equipment supervisor, Xiang Jianshe, sent her a description of equipment damage and a list of parts that need to be purchased. Tang Ranran didn't know much about the equipment, she only knew that it would cost money again!

Total: 1.57 million!
Appropriation required.

The dune soil worm simply changed its name to the money-losing worm!
Really, an attack, the loss is huge!
If there are more bugs left on the planet, Tang Ranran will go bankrupt sooner or later.

What can be done?I can only approve it!

In addition to Xiang Jianshe, Zhou Jian from the security department also sent a report to Tang Ranran, applying for the purchase of monitoring equipment.

He said before that security and monitoring should be strengthened, but he counted that the monitoring equipment was not enough, so he had to buy it.Zhou Jian did not apply for as much as Xiangjian, but it still cost 5000 million.

Tang Ranran has a toothache and money again.

Now that there is no money, so for a while, Tang Ranran resorted to the dragging formula and asked him to wait for a few days.

Then there is Gu Pingan, the medical director. After Shi Yi, Li Dawei, and Zhou Xingguo ate the red water spirit fruit yesterday, the medical team led by Gu Pingan has been monitoring their physical data.Tang Ranran couldn't understand the professional data, but she finally understood it.

According to the data, Gu Ping'an got the result that after eating the red water spirit fruit, there was a 2-hour plateau in the history of mental violence.

Radiation patient Li Dawei experienced a 5-hour plateau, while Zhou Xingguo was still in the plateau when he sent the report, and the current plateau is 10 hours.

The so-called stable period means that the condition does not continue to deteriorate. Simply put, it means that it does not deteriorate or improve, and stays where it is.

Shi Yi and Li Dawei's condition continued to deteriorate after the stable period, but compared to before, the rate of deterioration was a little slower than before.

Conclusion: Pure food is indeed helpful for healing, but the purification value of the red water spirit fruit is not high enough, and the quantity is not enough, so it can only extend life but not cure, and the life extension time is limited.

Gu Pingan added a sentence at the end: "It is recommended to buy pure food with higher purification value and increase the consumption." (If the budget is not enough, I didn't say it)'

Obviously it's about money.

But holding the green spirit grass in his hand, Tang Ranran is very confident now.

As long as Moer star Long Tiaoqing is in hand, she will be able to achieve the successful cure of Darkness Chen Cang!

What followed was basically Yan Xing's report.

Last night, Yan Xing and Zhou Jian went to find Jiangzhou together. With the efforts of the two, Second Lieutenant Jiangzhou agreed to give a speech to the staff, once again popularizing the safety of planet YS-212 and the good news of the war star ahead... The time is set for tomorrow morning, and the location is set for the lecture hall on the fourth floor.At that time, Jiangzhou will also take the employees to visit the military area of ​​the military floating base, so as to give the employees more sense of security.

In addition, there were a bunch of trivial matters, and Yan Xing reported them one by one.

After reading it, Tang Ranran had to sigh with emotion, this guy Yan Xing is capable and has done a lot, the key is that he is really annoying!
Is it because she has given too little power that she has to report every little thing to her?
Tang Ranran was thinking that he should get rid of Pan Rongrong as soon as possible and make Yan Xing the vice president.

After finally reading all the reports, Tang Ranran stood up and stretched his muscles, and then called Xu Jun first.

When the communication was connected, Tang Ranran crackled all the way, and the main idea was just one sentence: Appropriate funds for the project construction, and she will be responsible for any problems!
Tang Ranran's attitude was tough, and Xu Jun, as a part-time worker, could only agree in the end.

Then, Tang Ranran called Pan Rongrong...

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