Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 41 Cat Sucking in the Holographic Virtual World

Because the benefits fall on the number of employees, that's another situation!

The rewards that would have fallen on him were used to fill the bottomless pit. The employees suddenly had different thoughts, and some greedy and daring people had already shouted.

"Mr. Tang, we are willing to donate money to colleagues who are seriously ill. If they can be cured, we are also very happy, but what if they can't be cured? Mental violence and radiation are bottomless pits that cannot be filled!"

"Yes, Mr. Tang, everyone knows that mental violence and radiation are difficult to cure. If you want to blame them, you can only blame their bad luck. The company has done its best!"

"That's right, Mr. Tang, Secretary Yan, don't listen to He Dahao's nonsense. He doesn't hurt his back when he stands and talks. If he had a patient in his own family, he might not be willing to pay 100 million."

"How can something with a purification value of 30 be so easy to buy? He Dahao is purely embarrassing the company, he is making trouble for no reason!"

"Yes, He Dahao is making things difficult on purpose. You are making things difficult because Mr. Tang is young!"

"The things that Secretary Yan bought are sincere enough!"

"Yeah yeah, 10 a meal, this treatment is already a sky-high price! Food with a purification value of 30 can only be bought through relationships. Let alone seeing it, you can't buy it online. Reality! I think these ingredients are pretty good now, use them if they work, and forget about them if they don’t.”

"I think the company's treatment plan is very good. The company is really trying its best. If it can't be cured, there is no way!"

"Psychological violence and radiation sickness are inherently medical problems. It's definitely not that the company didn't save them."


All the employees chattered about you and me, and many people glared at He Dahao. Under the glaring of everyone, He Dahao was no longer arrogant and sharp as before, and sat down silently without daring to say more.

After successfully turning the situation around, Tang Ranran raised her hand to signal everyone to be safe, "Everyone be quiet, please don't get excited. Don't worry, everyone, this special fund will take public opinion votes before each fund is spent, and all employees can Vote, if half of the employees object, then it will be rejected. Don’t worry, the company is a whole, and the development and construction depend on everyone, and we will never act arbitrarily!”

"That's good, that's good!"

"Yes, vote!"

"Will everyone be able to vote?"

"How to vote?"


There was a lot of discussion in the underground.

Tang Ranran, who had solved the problem, gave Yan Xing a look, and Yan Xing immediately took over the situation knowingly, "Everyone be quiet! First of all, we should feel lucky and happy that there is such a wise and caring leader as Mr. Tang, let us use The warmest applause thanks Mr. Tang!"

Very cooperative applause: Papa...

"I know about the special fund, people have a lot of questions..."


Handing over the stage to Yan Xing, Tang Ranran stepped off the stage, and left the stage first by taking a small step. After solving the thorn in He Dahao, the next stage will be absolutely fine.

Leaving the conference room and still in the corridor, the alarm rang.

Tang Ranran: The vegetables are collected!
After a pause, Tang Ranran closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the farm.

The corn in the four plots is ripe.

The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and it only takes five seconds.

The corn has been harvested and sold, and the four fields have been replaced with the most economical crop—rape.

Before leaving, Tang Ranran usually took a look at her experience bar and wallet.

[Experience: 494]

【Gold Coin: 1370】

With a simple operation, Tang Ranran's consciousness returned, and then she continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened. First, she went to the kitchen, dismantled the meat express that Yang Li had brought back, put them all in the refrigerator, and then she returned to the room.

After returning to the room, Tang Ranran first filled his stomach with a nutrient solution, and then spent an hour surfing the Internet after the meal. By the way, he sent a message to Lin Butler and Pan Rongrong to inquire about the situation.

Both said that they are actively contacting the buyer, but Lin Butler is really active, as for Pan Rongrong, hehe.

Tang Ranran tricked Pan Rongrong into her room with the excuse of 'separation is imminent, let's get together'.

As long as Tang Ranran trusted her, Pan Rongrong came here in a hurry.

As soon as the person came, Tang Ranran took out the wine she bought, "Come on, Rongrong, let's have a drink."

Without doubting it, Pan Rongrong took the cup and drank the wine with Tang Ranran.

Playing on the false plastic friendship, Tang Ranran poured her a big bottle, seeing that she was a little drunk, immediately resorted to the Simplified version of the Immortal Technique, which is simply hypnosis.

Although Tang Ranran's current strength is very low, it is still very easy to deal with Pan Rongrong, a mortal, even a mortal who has been drunk.

After two tries, Pan Rongrong was settled, her eyes became dull, and then she entered the question-and-answer session.

After asking a few words, Tang Ranran knew it, good guy, he really is a spy!
This woman, Pan Rongrong, has long stood in the camp of Chen Youwei (son of the second shareholder, Chen Dafu), who is scheming, and she still wants to be the little Mrs. Chen's wife!
Ha ha!

Can Chen Youwei fall in love with her?Definitely take advantage!
From Pan Rongrong's mouth, Tang Ranran was basically sure that He Dahao just now was also arranged by the Chen family and his son.

As for the purpose?

Making trouble, suppressing her, seizing the opportunity to buy shares, and arranging his own people to important positions... Anyway, it's: a second child who wants to usurp the throne and doesn't want to be the boss is not a good little brother!
After knowing it, Tang Ranran sent Pan Rongrong back.

After one o'clock, it was time for a daily nap. Tang Ranran usually entered the farm under the guise of taking a nap under the cover of a big bear doll.

Daily routine - eat grass!Immortal cultivation!

The cultivation progress of a green spirit grass is over. Based on the principle of gradual progress, Tang Ranran decided not to continue.

It was still early before the harvest time, Tang Ranran once again carried out a stealing and swapping, and replaced two green grasses with Moerxing Longstripe.

After leaving the farm, it was almost 2:[-], which was still early, so Tang Ranran went to the 'study' that he had never visited before.

It is still a square room, a small place of seven or eight square meters, and only one instrument is placed.

The oval shape is like an enlarged version of the capsule, with a metal bottom layer and a glass hatch, which looks very technological and tall.

Holographic cabin!

With the buffer of these two days, Tang Ranran has grasped more than 90% of the relevant information, and he is very clear about the use of the holographic cabin.

With a little curiosity and a little worry about being rejected, Tang Ranran activated the holographic cabin with a mental force, and the glass hatch opened automatically, and she lay down in it.

Lie down, close your eyes, and use your mental power to connect to the virtual world. Then, Tang Ranran entered a mysterious state, about when she fell asleep, she suddenly stepped into the air...

With a sudden jolt, Tang Ranran opened his eyes, and Tang Ranran was in a magnificent European-style building.


A small little group, like a kitten or a rabbit, with a pair of light feathered wings, came over.

Ah, this is the little pet that the original body kept at home in the virtual world!

"Cute Tangtang, I'm coming!"

Tang Ranran, who was a little fuzzy, stretched out his hand, grabbed a bunch of little cuties covered with white fur, and rubbed them against his face.

Yo, no repulsion!

Therefore, her soul wear is perfect, in a sense, she is Tang Ranran!

And, wow!This fluffy feeling is so real! !Real is like a dream!
It really deserves to be a holographic world!

After holding the little pet Tangtang for a meal, Tang Ranran didn't forget to buy more pet food for it.

Although it is a virtual pet, it still has to eat. If you don't reserve enough food, you might die if you come in one day.

In addition to pet food, there are pets in reality, and virtual pets are also indispensable, otherwise they will get sick. I have to say that it is not cheap to keep a pet in the virtual world.

Tang Ranran, who knew the process clearly, took advantage of Tangtang's meal, opened the file, and took a look.


[Hunger and fullness: 85]

【Health: 80】

【Mood: 60】


Tang Ranran: No, it's not just that I'm hungry, but my health and mood are not up to standard.

To walk the dog, but also to the pet hospital!
Yep, it's all money!
Or, forget it?
After hesitating again and again, Tang Ranran decided to take over and continue raising.

There are no cats to be found in reality, and occasionally going to the virtual world to suck cats can be regarded as relaxing.

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