Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 5 The Gap Between Billion Moats and Trillion Moats

Chapter 5 The Gap Between Billion Moats and Trillion Moats

Putting on a standard posture for cultivating immortals, Tang Ranran tried to lead the spirit into her body again. Tang Ranran felt it hard for more than an hour, and she chose to give up when her stomach was growling with hunger.

Did not feel the aura at all!
There is not even a hair of aura!
Could it be that there is no aura in the interstellar world, and one cannot cultivate immortality?Or, does this body have no spiritual roots?

There is no spirit test stone in his hand, and Tang Ranran doesn't know if this body has any spiritual roots.

Tang Ranran, who couldn't cultivate immortality, sighed deeply.

Thinking of her, Tang Ranran, once she traveled through time, she was devoted to Taoism like an ascetic monk. She was either practicing in closed doors or studying the professional technology of alchemy. 3000 years!
Not three years, not 30 years, not 300 years, but 3000 years!
After 3000 years of painstaking practice, she managed to grow successfully. She turned herself into an ancestor of the tribulation period with less than two hands in the entire continent. Finally, she was able to go out and wander. As a result... she just flew out of the gate of Danzong!Not to mention the waves, not a single splash of water!

She was struck to death by lightning!

He even traveled to this interstellar world where immortals cannot be cultivated!
The listener is sad and the hearer sheds tears!
Sighing three times, after a few minutes of remembering the past, Tang Ranran faced the reality firmly, said nothing, and ate first.

After waking up and taking a shower, Tang Ranran took out a tube of nutrient solution from the space button with a flick of his mental strength.

The feature of the interstellar era - the space buckle, a small round metal buckle with a diameter of one centimeter, attached to the strap of the brain, with a space of about 1 cubic meter inside, you can take and put items with mental power, and the world of cultivation The mustard bag has a function, which is very convenient.

Tang Ranran inherited a total of 4 space buckles, three common storage space buckles of one cubic meter, and a special space buckle matching the hovering car.

Tang Ranran felt a tinge of relief as she touched the expensive dedicated space buckle that accommodated the suspension car. This suspension speed car was a birthday present given to her by Tang Chengzhi last year when she was 21 years old. The car and the space buckle , with a total value of nearly 8000 million.

This suspension car is not very expensive, what is more expensive is the matching space deduction, oh, the most important thing is that this car belongs to her, there is no mortgage.

Therefore, even if she really went bankrupt and the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, she would still have assets worth hundreds of millions less.

Because there is no listing and no market value, only the valuation of the group’s assets, and Yan Xing’s report clearly stated that Tang Chengzhi’s 52% shares, with 3% to 5% as a share, found different banks for loans. A total of 3218 billion was loaned.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the asset value of the entire Xinliang Group may be 10000 trillion. After all, it is not bad to be able to borrow 100 billion for 60 billion things.

Ah, the overlord of Trillion Group!

Being worth hundreds of millions is quite impressive, but Tang Ranran couldn't help feeling depressed when he thought that he could be worth trillions.

Is she too greedy?

Couldn't help but sighed again for more than ten seconds, Tang Ranran unscrewed the cap of the nutrient solution, took it to his mouth and drank it.

This nutrient solution is called Xinliang Qinggan, and the main business of Xinliang Group is this nutrient solution.

The plant-based nutrient solution with a slight mint fragrance makes this Xinliang Qinggan catch up from behind and seize a market share in the market of similarly priced nutrient solutions with a slight fishy smell.

While drinking the nutrient solution, Tang Ranran couldn't help reviewing the materials of Xinliang Group.

Xinliang Group is an industry created by Tang Chengzhi. Although it is not a listed company, it is not owned by him alone, but has many shareholders.

There are many shareholders, including those who invest in shares, those who have technology shares, and those who have been mixed with Tang Chengzhi to share shares, and the Tang family who later took over relatives.

Among them, Tang Chengzhi holds 52% of the shares and has the absolute right to speak.

The second shareholder is a guy named Chen Dafu, who holds 25% of the shares. I don’t have much information about him in my memory, but we can know that Chen Dafu is Tang Chengzhi’s partner, an investor who contributes money. Participate in group decision-making.

Tang Chengzhi and Chen Dafu accounted for 77%, and the rest were minority shareholders.

Shen Wei holds 5% of the shares. He is a capable man who has worked with Tang Chengzhi for decades, and his ability is very outstanding.

Yu Liang holds 3% of the shares, and he is also a competent and technical talent who has worked with Tang Chengzhi for decades.

The four accounted for 85% of the shares, and the next was the Tang family.

Compared with the proportion of the group's shares, Tang Ranran had to recall Tang Chengzhi's family background.

The average lifespan of interstellar people is about 200 years old, so although the unlucky cheap father Tang Chengzhi was nearly a hundred years old when he died unexpectedly, his parents, brothers and sisters are all still alive.

Tang Chengzhi's father is Tang Ming, and his mother is Shen Fenghua, her grandparents. Both of them are over 150 years old. Although they have entered the aging period, they are still alive and well. From the appearance, they are equivalent to 50 years old. left and right modern people.

Because of their long life expectancy, Tang Ming and his wife belonged to a small rich family with a little money, so they had five children, of which Tang Chengzhi was the third child.

Tang Chengzhi has an elder brother Tang Chengwu and a second sister Tang Fei on top, and a fourth brother Tang Chengwen and younger sister Tang Cui on the bottom.

It may be because of the emphasis on family affection, or it may be that Tang Chengzhi's initial million capital was the original investment pooled by his family members, so several members of the Tang family each took a share.

Tang Chengzhi's parents Tang Ming and Shen Fenghua each accounted for 2%, while the four brothers and sisters, Tang Chengwu, Tang Fei and Tang Chengwen each accounted for 1%, and the youngest Tang Cui originally also had 1%, but later Tang Chengzhi gave it to him. She has 1%, so Tang Cui has 2% of the shares.

Searching the memory, Tang Ranran found the reason for the 1% shares. When the original body was very young, it seemed that because the man cheated, Tang Cui got divorced, and then took a son and a daughter back to her mother's house, and changed the surnames of the children. Back to Tang surname.

Tang Chengzhi had the best relationship with this little girl, Tang Cui. Not only did he arrange for Tang Cui to join Xinliang, but he also went back and forth to support her to find a scumbag to settle accounts with, and even gave her 1% of the shares.

For this matter, Tang Chengwu, Tang Chengwen, and Tang Fei even had trouble with him, saying that they were all brothers and sisters, and they couldn't treat each other more favorably.

Later, Tang Cui brought in a big client for Xinliang, which doubled the sales. Tang Chengzhi said that if anyone doubled the group's income, he would give them shares, and the three of them gradually calmed down.

Tang Cui is currently working in Xinliang, with outstanding abilities. She was originally a sales director with many customers, but now she is one of the top managers of Xinliang.

Tang Chengzhi's parents, brothers and sisters together account for 9% of the shares.

There are only a few people with more than 1% of the shares, a total of 94%, and the remaining 6% is divided into more than a dozen small shareholders. Because the shares in their hands are less than 1%, they have little say.

Of course, when Tang Chengzhi was still around, Xinliang Group was his voice.

Now that Tang Chengzhi is gone, and Tang Ranran is replaced, it is obvious that he can't do it anymore, and the people at the bottom have started to follow the yin and yang.

No, the funds are stuck!

If it was Tang Chengzhi who asked for money, who would dare not give it?Xu Jun didn't even dare to let a fart go!
Uh, well, all the funds have been used by Tang Chengzhi for this planet transformation project, and now there is only less than 10 billion liquid funds left in Xinliang's accounts, and this money cannot be moved to maintain Xinliang's operation.

Really run out of money!

Hey... Sadness flows against the river!

(End of this chapter)

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