Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 63 Her mental strength seems to have improved

Chapter 63 Her mental strength seems to have improved
Just let this, the wind blow, the wind blow, keep blowing...

With a heavy heart, the lyrics of this song kept repeating in Tang Ranran's mind. She thought that the sandstorm was just a little bit windy, but she didn't expect that she was too optimistic.

This sandstorm is different from previous sandstorms, it is actually a persistent player!

At noon on the day of Yan Xing's report, the sandstorm officially appeared, and then it blew, blew, blew... for 7 days!
For the past 7 days, Tang Ranran's heart has been chilled.

The general environment is bad news, but there is good news, that is - she has upgraded again!

On the third day when the wind blew, Tang Ranran successfully broke through and entered the second floor of Qi Refining from the first floor of Qi Refining.

The strength has improved, but the level is still low at the moment. Apart from a faster cultivation speed, the only two benefits are a better body.

I have been tempering my body with spiritual power. Although the effect is not great at a low level now, it still has a little effect.At this moment, Tang Ranran is still a weak and flamboyant little white flower from the outside, but she is already strong and strong on the inside.

On the second floor of Qi Refining, the spiritual power is thicker and the refining effect is better.

Faced with natural disasters like sandstorms, Tang Ranran was helpless, and it was useless to worry, so it was better to calm down and practice.

In this way, until the afternoon of September 9, Yan Xing reported the latest news to Tang Ranran. According to the first-hand information they got from the military, the wind continued to decline, which indicated that the sandstorm was about to leave their area. If there is an accident, we will definitely be able to resume work the day after tomorrow.

Finally, it was time to stop, Tang Ranran breathed a sigh of relief.

Continue to pay attention to the situation. On the second day, the wind and sand were obviously much smaller, but it is still not suitable for outdoor work, so this day is still a holiday.

Tang Ranran held a high-level meeting and reported on the recent situation. The most important thing was to summarize the damage caused by the sandstorm.

Wu Dahong, the general manager of the project, took the lead in speaking, and there were a lot of blah blah blah, which summed up the meaning: because of the sandstorm, the progress of the project was obviously delayed.

Tang Ranran was concerned, "Can the project be completed before November 11?"

Wu Dahong wiped off his non-existent sweat, and told the truth with some apprehension, "Even if there is no accident, the time is a bit tight and there is no guarantee. Moreover, the planting work in District [-] has already reached the final stage, because of this sandstorm, There may be a lot of blown out, I am afraid that replanting work will be carried out."

After receiving such a reply, Tang Ranran sighed deeply in her heart. Sure enough, the plan could not keep up with the changes. It seems that she had to make a lot of preparations for the loan in November!
Zhou Jian then filled in Tang Ranran, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Tang Ranran: Hey...

"Calculate the loss as soon as possible, and then arrange the resumption of work."

Tang Ranran made a summary. After discussing the main content of the sandstorm, there will be some daily reports.

Guo Zhen reported some research results, which can be summed up in four words: nothing was found.

Huang Le reported on the procurement situation of the logistics team, and there has not been any large expenditure recently.

Gu Pingan, who was not very active in his speech, also spoke.

During the shutdown period, the employees stayed in the dormitory, and it was okay to be idle, so Yan Xing arranged for the medical team to come for a medical examination for the employees.

Gu Pingan: "The employees are in good physical condition and stable mentally, including Shi Yi, Li Dawei and Zhou Xingguo, who are recovering very well."

At the end, Gu Pingan asked casually, "Mr. Tang, do you want a physical examination?"

"Uh..." The topic suddenly turned to himself, Tang Ranran froze for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."


After the meeting was over, Tang Ranran went straight to the infirmary while the iron was hot.

After cultivating for so long, it's time to check and accept it with an instrument.

Because it was a daily physical examination, it was very simple. Blood was drawn and mental strength was measured.

In about 10 minutes, all the data will come out.

As a layman, Tang Ranran didn't quite understand the various indicators, but she understood the complexion!

I saw Gu Pingan staring at the data on the screen with a deep expression and a blank expression.

Tang Ranran's heart skipped a beat, not afraid of the doctor's smile, but afraid of the doctor's expressionless expression!
No way?Nothing wrong with her?

Uh, cultivating immortals is theology, logically speaking, it is impossible to be detected by scientific instruments!
Could it be that the end of science is theology, and the technology here has advanced to see through theology?

But the physical examination in the infirmary is the most basic. If abnormalities can be found in this, it means that she will not even be able to enter the hospital in the future!

A little nervous, Tang Ranran asked directly with a worried tone, "Yes, is there any question?"

"Hmm..." replied, with a drawn-out tone, Gu Ping'an's eyes were still fixed on the curve that looked like a series of mountain peaks.

"Say it quickly!" Tang Ranran was anxious.

She couldn't understand the peak curve graph, but she knew it was the result of a mental test.

Is there something wrong with her mental strength?It shouldn't be, isn't it said on the Internet that a buzzing and tingling pain in the head is a state of mental disorder?

When she uses mental power, her head doesn't hurt at all!
Just when Tang Ranran was sweating in anxiety, Gu Ping'an said calmly, with a trace of uncertainty, "Mr. Tang, your mental strength seems to have improved."

"Ah?" Tang Ranran was taken aback for a moment, and immediately let go of her worry. The original anxiety and worry suddenly turned into joy, but, "It seems?"

I was afraid that it was an oolong that would make Tang Ranran happy, so Gu Pingan watched it for a long time, and didn't speak until he was sure.However, although the possibility of his misreading is very small, it is not ruled out, so he used a seemingly.

"Yes, but you also know that the equipment in the infirmary is basic testing equipment, which can only detect a large level of mental power, but according to the peak state of mental power, from my experience, your mental power is improving. It has reached the level of C+. It is recommended that you go to the military hospital for a more detailed evaluation of the level of mental strength."

"Oh, I see." Tang Ranran nodded hastily.

Mental strength, in addition to the major grades of F, E, D, C..., there are also + and -, + means it is rising, - means it is weakening.

For example, C+, C-, C+ means that the mental power is rising on the basis of the C level, which is generally seen in people aged 21 to 30, and C- means that the mental power is weakening on the basis of the C level, which is generally It is more common in people over 120 years old.

Knowing that her mental power was rising, Tang Ranran was delighted, and then she thought of something and asked, "What about my physical condition, is it okay?"

"No, the last radiation did not leave any sequelae. Your body is very healthy now. Of course, if you are worried, you can go to the military hospital for a more detailed health examination."

"Okay, okay."

Coming out of the infirmary, Tang Ranran was a little anxious, but the sandstorm had only weakened and hadn't passed yet, so it's not suitable to travel, take it easy!
 Two more~
  Still asking for a monthly pass~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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