The second shareholder, Chen Dafu, initiated the shareholders meeting.

Tang Ranran joined the meeting in video mode while walking towards the administrative area of ​​the office building.

Then, upon entering, the smart brain screen is divided into several small screens, each small screen is a person, there is Tang Cui, there is Tang Chengwu, there is Chen Dafu, there is a small shareholder Shen Wei...and Tao Shen!
How did this guy get in here?

Tang Ranran felt a bad feeling in his heart, those who come are not kind and those who come will not come!
Sure enough, after dozens of large and small shareholders all entered the online meeting room.

Chen Dafu took the lead in speaking and introduced to everyone.

Chen Dafu: "This is Jingmo Xinghengsheng Investment Co., Ltd., special assistant to the chairman, secretary Tao Shentao."

Tao Shen had a graceful temperament and greeted everyone with a smile, "Hi everyone, I am Tao Shen, representing Jingmoxing Hengsheng Investment Co., Ltd."

"Uh, isn't this a general meeting of shareholders?" Tang Fei, who was not astute, muttered in confusion.

"Yes, the shareholders' meeting." Chen Dafu dropped a bombshell, "I have reached an agreement with Secretary Tao that 25% of the shares under my name will be resold to Hengsheng Investment, and relevant procedures are currently being processed, so Secretary Tao is also a shareholder.

"What, Chen Dafu, have you sold your shares?"

"20%? So much?"

"So suddenly? Secretary Tao, do you still accept shares?"

"How much per share?"

Minority shareholders who didn't know the truth started to chatter, and the video conference suddenly became chaotic.

Chen Dafu: "Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet!"

After the discussion basically quieted down, Tao Shen spoke again, "Our Hengsheng Investment wants to obtain an absolute controlling stake in Xinliang. Our predetermined target is 80% of the shares, which means that we need to acquire at least 60% of the shares. The purchase price is 60 billion per share..."

As soon as these words came out, the conference room was as quiet as a chicken. Except for Tang Ranran who knew the inside story, everyone else had a shocked expression of "you are joking".

"We only require the total shares to reach 80%, and there is no limit to the resale personnel. You can discuss the specific resale share. I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After speaking concisely, Tao Shen left the conference room.

The meeting room was silent for dozens of seconds because of hearing the scriptures from heaven. Tang Chengwen broke the silence first, and sneered mockingly, "60 billion per share? Oh, what a big tone! I laughed so hard!"

Tang Fei: "Little girl, last time you said how much the shares are, if I remember correctly, it was 1 billion per share, right?"

The head of the family, Tang Ming, affirmed, "The stock market is worth at least 90 billion yuan! This Tao is just a dream come true!"

Tang Chengwen: "That's right, they want to buy us for only 60 billion, and Hengsheng is thinking about shitting!"

Chen Dafu: "Heh, it used to be worth 90 billion, but now...hehe!"

Tang Fei: "The surname is Chen, what do you mean?"

Tang Chengwen: "That's right, Chen Dafu, what do you mean by that? It's depreciated?? Ran Ran, could it be that something happened to YS-212 planet?"

Tang Ranran: "The planet YS-212 is fine, everything is going well."

Shen Wei: "Brother Chen, you sold 20%, what price? Could it be 60 billion per share?"

Chen Dafu: "Yes, 60 billion per share."

All shareholders must be notified of the share transfer, and the price cannot be hidden. Chen Dafu endured the pain in his heart and revealed the cabbage price.

60 billion, it's a jumping price, and he doesn't want to!But the batch of nutrient solutions with unqualified purification value is in the hands of Hengsheng, and the other party wants to kill them, all they need is a consumer complaint!
If he doesn't sell it now, he is afraid that he will not be able to sell it if he wants to sell it in the future.

Tang Chengwen: "Chen Dafu, are you stupid? Selling at a loss?"

Chen Dafu said with an ugly face, "It's not about selling blood, it's about being so angry that you vomit blood! See for yourself!"

Chen Dafu threw the quality inspection report with unqualified purification value into the meeting room.

Everyone received the documents, and at a glance, the meeting immediately exploded again.

"The purification value is unqualified?!"

"Purification value 0.0385!"

"How can this happen? The purification value of Xinliang Qinggan's product description is 0.05, but in fact it is around 0.055. How could it be 0.0385!"

"This purification value has exceeded the allowable deviation value!"

"Once this test report is exposed, our reputation and credibility will be ruined!"

"Wait, have you checked the authenticity of this report? Could it be fake?"

"That's right, could it be that they lied to us?"

"What exactly is going on?"


After the heated debate subsided a bit, Chen Dafu said again, "I don't want to believe it's true, but Secretary Tao gave me a box of 00087572 batches of nutrient solution, and I've already had someone test it. There are 12 in a box, and all of them are unqualified. They are all below 0.05, and even three of them didn't even reach 0.04."


The crowd gasped.

Tang Ming asked angrily, "How could there be such a major accident!?"

"What's going on? It's not your son's good deed!" Chen Dafu sneered.

What Tang Cui could find out, Chen Youwei, who was also in charge, naturally found out, and then Chen Dafu knew the whole story.

In a few words, Chen Dafu told the story of Song Bin and Du Tong, and by the way, revealed the story of Tang Chengwu and Du Tong having an affair.

"You spitting blood! Du Tong and I are in a normal superior-subordinate relationship, we are innocent!" Tang Chengwu immediately opened his mouth to deny.

He admits to making a mistake at work, but it has something to do with his subordinates, so he can't admit it, otherwise his family will be in trouble.To stay innocent in the world!

"You, bastard!" Tang Ming was so angry that his eyeballs protruded, his expression was as if he wanted to follow the network cable to kill Tang Chengwu, a bastard! "Come back, immediately! Immediately! If I don't smoke you to death today, your surname will not be Tang!"

"Dad, I, I have something to do, so I won't be back soon." Knowing that he had made a big fuss, Tang Chengwu dared not go back to the Tang family's mansion. He had already bought a spaceship ticket to the next planet, and was ready to go out to avoid the limelight.

"Brother, you are going to kill us!" Tang Fei was so angry that she was about to cry. 90 billion became 60 billion, which is a reduction of 30 billion, a total of 30 billion! "Little sister, big brother is unreliable, why are you so confused!"

"I was negligent." Without making any excuses, Tang Cui simply admitted her mistake. The employee was bribed, and it was indeed her negligence.

"How can you blame Lao Wu for this? Isn't Mr. Chen's son also managing the group?" The old mother Shen Fenghua couldn't help but speak for her daughter, and at the same time threw the blame for poor management on Chen Youwei.

"Ms. Tang's shirking responsibility is really amazing!" Chen Dafu sneered, with sarcasm, "My family is promising, but I am not responsible for product quality control."

Tang Fei chimed in, "Employees have been bribed, isn't he responsible?"

Chen Dafu: "Hmph, strong words!"


Fifth update~ Well, the explosive update on the shelves has passed, and the next is two daily updates~Rewards, monthly ticket plus update~50 monthly tickets plus update~Give a monthly ticket~(˙o˙)

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