Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 73 Tang Family's Internal Controversy

After the shareholder meeting ended, Tang Cui opened a meeting group again. Tang Ming roared like a volcano in the group, scolding Tang Chengwu bloody, "Tang Chengwu, you bastard! Why did I give birth to such a useless thing like you! You have ruined all the property of our old Tang family! Come back to me! I will break your dog legs today..."

Tang Chengwu was so scolded that he didn't dare to say a word, so he could only pretend to be dumb.

After cursing angrily for a while, it was obvious that his saliva was dry, so Tang Ming stopped to find some water to drink.

Taking advantage of Tang Ming's time of cursing, Tang Fei, who had checked the relevant information of Hengsheng Investment, had a careful thought at the moment. Hengsheng Investment is definitely a golden hand.
Tang Fei made up her mind to keep the 1% shares under her name, so, "Brother, you have to be responsible for the trouble you caused! 53.6%, Ran Ran only has 52% under his name, and your 1% will be included."

"Big sister, don't wait for this!" Although he missed the basket, Tang Chengwu didn't want to lose money.

Tang Ranran, who was too lazy to speak, rolled her eyes silently. Does this mean that all 52% of her is out?

Tang Chengwen seconded, "I agree with what my sister said, brother, your 1% will be included."

Tang Chengwu was very unhappy, "Why!"

Tang Fei: "Just because of your dereliction of duty, you still have an affair with that hot woman!"

Tang Chengwu: "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Fei: "Hmph, just looking at your guilty expression, I knew something was tricky! Do you believe me or not? I'll tell my sister-in-law?"

Tang Chengwu hurriedly said, "Don't, there really isn't one! Big sister, don't gossip, disturbing my house."

Tang Chengwen: "Brother, even if you have nothing to do with that woman, it is an indisputable fact that you are the quality inspection director, right? You have to be responsible for your dereliction of duty!"

"You, you..." Tang Chengwu was angry, but he couldn't defend himself.

"Hey..." Shen Fenghua sighed, and said, "Ah Wu, you are indeed responsible for this matter, and the demands of Xiao Fei and Ah Wen are not too much."

"Mom, it's only 60 billion!" Tang Chengwu was not reconciled, he also wanted to get on the big boat of Hengsheng Investment and have a sip of soup along with it!
"You still have the nerve to say it! If it weren't for you, would there be only 60 billion?" After drinking half a cup of tea and moistening his throat, Tang Ming was full of anger again, "You can still get 60 billion, you should be content!"

"I..." opened his mouth, wanting to say something more, but Tang Chengwu finally gave up, his parents spoke up, it was a foregone conclusion, he could only admit it, "I see, all my 1% is sold."

Tang Chengwu sadly accepted the reality, and then solemnly stated again, "But I want to declare that Du Tong and I really have nothing to do with each other, we are innocent!"

This is absolutely unacceptable.

Tang Fei rolled her eyes and said perfunctorily, "I know, I know."

Tang Chengwen: "Don't worry, brother, I know you are innocent."

Tang Fei continued, "There is still 0.6%, little girl, you also have negligence in your duties, and this 0.6% is up to you."

Tang Ranran: ...

Although she didn't say much, is it really unnecessary to ask her opinion?

Unable to bear it anymore, Tang Ranran said, "Based on 80%, I only need to sell 41.6%, right? Even if rounded, that's 42%."

"Ran Ran, didn't you listen to what Chen Dafu said? You keep 10% for yourself, and the Hengsheng people will definitely deal with you when they come to power! How can we small people like us beat them? Listen to auntie, sell them all!" Tang Fei persuaded with a well-founded attitude.

"Auntie, you who haven't transferred any shares are not afraid of them cleaning up, what am I afraid of?" Tang Ranran yelled at her.

"How can I be the same as you! I'm only 1%, just a little bit, why are they punishing me?" Tang Fei immediately retorted, then lowered her voice, and said darkly, "I heard that wealthy families are very dark, and even have killers! If you don't agree, Ran Ran, maybe they will send killers..."

"Second boy, what nonsense are you talking about!!" Tang Ming scolded.

Tang Cui was speechless, "Second sister, have you watched too many TV series? A society ruled by law."

Tang Fei has reason and evidence, "TV comes from reality, who is behind Hengsheng Investment? It's the Xie family, the clan, the privileged class! You... are so naive!"

Uh, Tang Ranran was sweating silently. I have to say that class privileges do exist, but killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, she is such a small person, she can't be sent by Hengsheng to kill her, right?

In fact, Tang Ranran didn't intend to keep so many shares, but she couldn't just ask her to give them all!
Tang Chengwen chimed in, "Ran Ran, Second Sister is right, you keep too many shares in your hand, which is actually a disaster."

Regarding the behavior of Tang Fei and Tang Chengwen, Tang Cui really couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Okay, second sister, fourth brother, don't scare Ran Ran, I sell all 2% in my hand, and parents, you also give up some, and leave some shares for Ran Ran to enjoy the bonus."

After Tang Cui finished speaking, Tang Ming remained silent for a long time.

Regarding Tang Ming's silent attitude, as a husband and wife, Shen Fenghua is very clear, and can only stand up and speak out in cooperation, "Xiao Cui, you are also aware of the current situation. The house has been mortgaged by your third brother, and it may be seized by the court one day. It will be sleeping on the street! Your father and I are old, and we are counting on the shares in our hands for retirement!"

Tang Ming still didn't open his mouth. The couple's attitude was obvious, they didn't want to sell.

Tang Fei hurriedly said, "Little girl, give up all your 2%, then Ran Ran can still keep 1.4%, even if it is to eat dividends, it is enough to spend."

Tang Chengwen immediately echoed, "That's right, that's right, we're only 1%, 1.4% is a lot."

One by one... Tang Ranran was speechless and didn't bother to argue with them, "Hey, forget it, I'm sure I won't be able to handle it after the Hengsheng people take over. I'll sell all 52% of the shares under my name, but they only give 60 billion, which is not enough for me to redeem the shares. What should I do about the price difference?"

As soon as Tang Ranran said this, the group immediately fell silent.

Ten seconds later, Tang Cui could only stand up when she saw that other people were obviously unwilling to pay, "Then I will keep 1%, and I will sell the remaining 1%. Ran Ran, you can use my 60 billion yuan for turnover, and count it as my investment in the YS-212 star project."

Tang Ranran, "60 billion may not be enough. Next month's 3% stake will be 192 billion."

Tang Cui: "Brother, there are still 60 billion."

Tang Chengwu, who was named, jumped up immediately. He had already lost blood by selling the shares, and was arranged by others before the money came?How can that work!
Tang Chengwu had a very good reason and didn't need to write a draft at all, "No, the family wants to buy a house! Shubai is going to get married, and the house is all looking forward to it, so the money is short. As you know, Shubai's girlfriend is the daughter of the head of his department. When they get married, Shubai has a bright future! What you are buying is not a house, but an official career for Shubai!"

Tang Cui: "It's just a turnaround, it's not that I won't pay you back."

Tang Chengwu resolutely refused, "No, I don't know how to explain to Wen Min about selling shares. If the money is not in hand, she will have a quarrel with me! Little sister, you don't want to see my brother and my wife break up, do you?"


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