Getting Rich All Stars Starts From Growing Vegetables

Chapter 798 Buying Oil from Other Countries

Chapter 798 Buying Oil from Other Countries

For various reasons, Yan Qian was not going to announce his situation to the public, so the qualitative change of his mental power did not cause any commotion. Only Gu Siyao and Tang Ranran were aware of the situation.

Obviously stimulated, Gu Siyao worked hard and produced a research result three days later.

After discussing with Tang Ranran, the two started clinical trials.

Preliminary conclusions followed soon after.

The top-grade potion Pure Ice Crystal Blue, made from white crystal grass, is still a legendary existence.

After the Fire Red Ice Spirit is transformed, the Fire Ice Crystal Blue obtained by refining is equivalent to the low-end version of Pure Ice Crystal Blue, which can enhance the 4S level of spiritual power and help with promotion. This has been verified.

Afterwards, after the Black Fire Flower was transformed into an ice spirit, Gu Siyao also produced a potion and named it Black Ice Crystal Blue.

According to Gu Siyao's judgment, the power contained in the Mysterious Ice Crystal Blue is less than that of the Fire Ice Crystal Blue, which is equivalent to a low-end version of the Fire Ice Crystal Blue.

There were two doses in total, one for Gu Siyao himself. They had little medicinal effect, and could only be described as having a negligible effect.

The other one went into the stomach of Jiang Qian, the little white mouse.

Jiang Qian: "I feel my mental strength has become stronger! But, only a little bit."

Jiang Qian couldn't describe exactly how much it was, but it wasn't much anyway.

Preliminary conclusion: Mysterious Ice Crystal Blue is not suitable for 4S level, and is only useful for SSS level and below.

After the Xuanling Dragon Fruit turned into an ice spirit, it also produced a potion, named: Lingbing Jinglan.

The effect of Lingbingjinglan is even worse.

Jiang Qian didn't feel anything after drinking it, but Wu Pingyang felt a little stronger after drinking it. In other words, it is effective for SS level and below.

As for the first one discovered, it was the fire snow crystal flower produced by the collision of the fire ability of a 4S-level psychic and the extreme cold.

A snowy blue color is also available.

Its effect is at the same level as the Mysterious Ice Crystal Blue, applicable to SSS level, but it is slightly worse than it.

In addition to this, there are some other materials that have been transformed into ice spirits, but due to insufficient quantities, Gu Siyao did not research anything. Since he has already produced several models, he is too lazy to continue researching other ones.

The X Ice Crystal Blue series has the miraculous effect of directly increasing experience for psychics of different levels. It is definitely a psychic potion with a miraculous effect, but... their cost price is also very beautiful!

The Fire Red Tree is non-renewable, and there is only this batch of it.

As for Xuan Huohua, Tang Ranran took out the seedlings, but let alone planting them, it was extremely difficult for the seedlings to survive in ordinary environments. Gu Siyao was exhausted from busying himself with rescue, and expediting their growth? It was impossible.

The growth area of ​​volcanic magma is too difficult and it is impossible.

And even if it can be planted, with a purification value of over 90, and a price starting at 10 trillion per unit, SSS-level psychics can only look on and stop.

Xuanling pitaya is of average difficulty to grow. It only requires a high temperature and high sunshine environment. For Gu Siyao, this is not a problem at all. However, with a purification value of 72, there is still a failure rate in the ice spirit transformation process. So, if you calculate it, not counting the labor costs, the material cost alone, a Lingbingjinglan starts at at least 2000 billion.

Except for the wealthy, ordinary people simply can't afford it. According to Gu Siyao's estimation, an SS-level with good qualifications can be promoted with thirty or forty guns, while those with poor qualifications may need more than a hundred.

The total price of this promotion is enough to put pressure on even the trillionaires.

The final Snow Ice Crystal Blue, the raw materials for refining are cheap, less than 10 billion, but! Its main material is only 4S-level top fire, under the freezing cold wave, the collision of supernatural fire and extreme cold can only produce a little bit.

Gu Siyao has calculated that with the full strength of a 4S-level fire element, one wave of mental power can only produce half the amount of a potion.

To sum up, the X-Ice Crystal Blue series of potions are very practical, but 99.9999…% of people cannot afford them.

After Gu Siyao submitted the report, the bosses above held a meeting. After a heated discussion, all the bosses unanimously set their sights on Huo Chiliu.

Then the question came back to Tang Ranran.

At the beginning, the people who discovered Huo Chili were Tang Ranran, Zuo Zhou, Li Zheng and Xie Xingyun.

The original intention was to record special species. Xie Xingyun had relevant videos and pictures, so Xie Xingyun, who was still studying, submitted detailed information.

Then Tang Ranran also submitted a detailed report. Hiding the factors of cultivating immortals, Tang Ranran's report was quite detailed.

But it was useless for her to write in detail. Was there any Fire Red Oyster in the Spirit Stone Mine? That was a random event!
I've dug so many mines, but there's only one.

After submitting the report, the next step is...

If you want to find the Fire Red Ox, you have to find a Spirit Stone Mine. But if you find a Spirit Stone Mine and no one wants to buy it? You have invested manpower, material resources and financial resources, so you have to get some return!
The big men from the military units who were friends with Tang Xuan's intelligent computer kept saying, "Please collect the energy stones! Please!"

Tang Ranran could only deal with it by saying, “I’ve been busy lately and really don’t have time to grow vegetables.”

After dealing with a wave of them, knowing that there was a high probability that they would have to look for spirit stone mines again, Tang Ranran avoided Gu Siyao and found a time to talk to Yan Qian alone.

"How's your collection of energy stones going?"

Tang Ranran had already informed Yan Qian about the matter of growing vegetable plates in early September. Although he was recovering from his injuries, he could definitely work online. It was already mid-October, and more than a month was enough time to deploy the operation.

"Among the energy stone mines that have been discovered so far, those on the Freedom Star or those that have been auctioned off and are privately owned have already been acquired by our Yan family. We also got a batch from the Federation."

At this point, Yan Qian paused and continued, "Those collective shares belonging to the government or the military are to be added to the military treasury and local finances. I did not touch them."

"Well, do you still want to continue collecting?"

"No need. The sale of energy stone mining rights will be discovered no matter how secretive it is. Our current actions have already alarmed other families. So many eyes are watching us. We will look for mines ourselves later. By the way, we have held several meetings. It is likely that we will look for mines again and look for Fire Red Oyster. Are you going to make that vegetable plate public?"

"Well, I plan to exchange the vegetable growing plate for a high-level energy stone."

Although there are a lot of spirit stones, more is fine, especially high-quality and top-quality spirit stones. What's more, the advent of the vegetable growing tray will also benefit the public!
"That's good too. You don't have to worry about me." Yan Qian agreed. It would definitely be a good thing for the empire if the energy stone could be utilized.

Yan Qian added, "However, the announcement of the vegetable planting plate still needs to be carefully considered. It is best to keep it confidential and only let some high-level people know about it. We will try to exchange energy stones from the Federation, Zerg, and even the aliens."

"I see!"

Tang Ranran nodded repeatedly. She understood that it meant buying oil from other countries and exploiting their non-renewable resources!

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