Chapter 81 Huh?she felt the aura

As the saying goes, if the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain. This is true.

Tang Ranran wanted to hide for leisure, but people who cared about the money in her pocket came to her at any distance!

I'm so bored!
So I can't live here anymore.

After tidying up the relics left by her cheap parents and locking all the valuables worth over one million in the safe, Tang Ranran went out, and she was going to stay in a hotel.

On Sutar Star, the most prosperous city is Tafina. Tang Ranran directly took a taxi and went to the busiest commercial center in Tafina.

During the ride, Tang Ranran had already prepared a detailed strategy on the Internet.

According to the information provided by enthusiastic netizens, the commercial area has the most complete variety of goods, covering all kinds of luxury goods, and the most suitable place for rich people is: Suyaxi Shopping Center.

Tang Ranran believed in the eyes of the majority of netizens, and went directly to this Suyaxi Shopping Center.

Arriving at the sky above the shopping mall, looking down from the window of the suspended car, the signboard with the words 'Suyaxi Shopping Center' is particularly prominent, and it is still shining golden in broad daylight.

At a glance, it is full of moats!

After downloading the map of the shopping mall with his brain, Tang Ranran could only say, it's big, it's really big!
The entire shopping center is divided into 120 shopping areas, and each area is equivalent to a large shopping mall with dozens of floors.

One month is not enough to go through all the shopping.

Facing the driver's question, "Which shopping area do you go to?"

Tang Ranran could only, "Wait a minute!"

First look at the map, electrical appliances area, daily necessities area, food area, clothing area, children's play area, gourmet area... VIP area!
Hey, the VIP area here is still classified?

Ordinary VIP area, good product VIP area, boutique VIP area, luxury VIP area, and the most advanced supreme VIP area.

Tang Ranran quickly looked at the relevant requirements for entering the VIP area.

It does not cost money to apply for VIP, but capital verification is required.

As a local tyrant with a brain balance of 2112 billion, Tang Ranran obtained a luxury VIP member after cooperating with a capital verification procedure.

Members of this level require a brain balance of more than 1000 billion.

As for how to achieve the achievement of the supreme VIP member?
About 10000 trillion or more in cash?
Anyway, she is not qualified.

Tang Ranran said to the driver, "Go to the boutique VIP area."

She is a little girl from every family, and she goes directly to the luxury goods area, because she is afraid of being targeted by someone with a heart.To be on the safe side, she has to go through the inner passage of the mall.


Soon, the suspension car was parked in the parking lot of the boutique VIP area.

Get out of the car and walk along the smart brain navigation for a while. After an identity verification at the entrance gate, Tang Ranran successfully entered the boutique product area.

Without stopping, Tang Ranran navigated directly, walking towards the luxury VIP area while checking the products in the luxury area.

What does the luxury VIP area sell?

Food raw materials with purification value above 20.

A gourmet restaurant that starts with a meal.

Large storage space buckle with more than 10 cubic spaces.

Suspended vehicles equipped with storage space buckles, spaceships, and even... mechs!
In addition to mechs, there are even special healing items from healers!
It is indeed a place where more than 1000 billion cash can enter consumption, and the things sold are really expensive!

Tang Ranran walked briskly for half an hour, with a feeling of 'a bumpkin coming to the city to see the world', and finally arrived at the luxury VIP area.

It is still identity verification, and then successfully entered.

No need to check the map, after entering the door, Tang Ranran's left and right sides are all pure food raw material stores.

The store on the left is more than 20 stores, and the store on the right is more expensive, more than 25!

Without thinking, Tang Ranran chose to visit the shop on the right.

Luxuriously decorated, a store looks like a jewelry showroom.The inside is full of square, individual 'jewelry' display glass cabinets.

"Hello, need I introduce you?"

As soon as Tang Ranran entered, the handsome shopping guide greeted him with a friendly smile.

"No, I'll just take a look."

After Tang Ranran finished speaking, the shopping guide returned a polite smile and consciously stopped disturbing her.

Without sales promotion, Tang Ranran was happy and quiet, and looked at each one leisurely.

When he walked to the display cabinet of the treasure of the store in the middle, Tang Ranran was taken aback suddenly, huh?
Seems to have aura?
Get a little closer!
The nose was almost stuck to the glass of the display case, Tang Ranran was sure, it really had aura!

It's just extremely thin, a state that is almost equal to nothing.

Where did the aura come from?Could it be that……

Tang Ranran's eyes fell directly on the products in the display cabinet.

The line of sight is through the transparent special bulletproof glass, which is covered with a layer of red velvet cloth. On the red velvet cloth is a fresh-keeping food box made of transparent material. It is obviously the high-end fresh-keeping food box with the best fresh-keeping effect on the market.

It can be seen that there are several yellow fruits in the box, which are oval in shape and somewhat similar to small kumquats in shape.

Looking down, Tang Ranran landed on the product description label.

[Chuan Maoxing small yellow orange fruit, slightly sour taste, crisp and delicious, can be eaten directly... Radiation value: 0, purification value: 30.15.Price: 1888 million per unit. 】

At this price, it is very beautiful.

Thinking that there were four to five catties of strawberries on his ten strawberries, Tang Ranran felt a little regretful, and felt that he had lost money again!

After secretly regretting it for two seconds, Tang Ranran returned to the scene and continued to experience it.

She definitely has aura!

The aura emanating from Lingzhi!
It is obvious that the fresh food box has the effect of locking the aura to a certain extent, so the aura she can feel is very thin, almost non-existent.

Preliminary conclusion: Chuanmaoxing small yellow orange fruit is a spiritual fruit!
Tang Ranran didn't feel the aura of the food that Yan Xing bought with a purification value of 10, whether it was plants or meat, and they didn't even have aura.

So, the one with high purification value is the spiritual plant?

Experiment is the only means of testing the truth.

Tang Ranran began to verify, wandering around in front of each display cabinet, observing carefully.

Two hours later, Tang Ranran confirmed that there are a total of 20 display stands here. Apart from this little yellow orange fruit, there are two other display stands with thin aura.

The products on these two counters have purification values ​​of 28.59 and 29.01, both close to 30, and one of them is meat.

A preliminary conclusion can be drawn: the ones with high purification value may be spiritual plants, and there may even be spiritual beasts!
If this conclusion is true, where there are spirit plants and beasts, there must be spirit energy!

There may be aura in this world!

Tang Ranran checked the relevant information, and found that none of these commodities had a specific place of origin.

Take Chuanmaoxing Xiaohuangchengguo as an example. The only explanation on the Internet is: it is from Chuanmaoxing, and there is no way to find out where it is.

However, there are still enthusiastic netizens. Some enthusiastic netizens posted that the small yellow orange fruit was found in the plateau mountains of the Sichuan Maoxingbai Oasis.

There is also a wave of popular science below, the White Oasis Plateau Mountains, an inaccessible area with deep mountains and old forests, there are green monsters and strange beasts, a four-star dangerous area, and ordinary people will give away their heads when they enter.


(End of this chapter)

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