"No, there's an ambush ahead!"

As soon as he entered the remote alley closest to the medical center, Qi Jiang heard the sound of metal collisions and chaotic footsteps.

He turned around warily and shouted to Qi Lan in a low voice:

"Quickly, run back with Miss Lin!"

Lin Mi's legs went weak and he looked at them with tears in his eyes: "I can't leave. Please go save my parents. They must have been discovered by the pursuers!"

Qi Lan held her cold little hand tightly, her eyes full of care, but she didn't say anything.

"Answer me, are you willing or not?!"

Panic and worry came over me at the same time.Lin Mi saw half a piece of gravel falling from the broken wall on the ground, and broke away from Qi Lan's hand to pick it up.

He hugged her hard and saw her delicate little hands tightly grasping the stone, her weak shoulders trembling slightly, and her heart was tight and painful.

"Don't worry Mi'er, I'm going to find your parents now."

Lin Mi's lips curved, revealing a hint of joy, "Let's do it together!"

"No, you and your second brother go to the church first. Brother Chen and the others are probably here too. It's enough for me to stay here."

She was reluctant to leave, and Qi Jiang was worried about his third brother's safety, but Qi Lan didn't give them a chance to change their minds.

The wall in front of him pales in comparison to the walls of Hongzhai, Gu Mansion and the police station that he climbed over not long ago.

In the blink of an eye, the young man jumped over the wall nimbly.


"You have to be good-"

The girl reluctantly looked at the place where he had just stood, with a sore nose and mixed feelings in her heart.

The lives of my father, mother, and boyfriend seemed to be tied up by an invisible rope and dragged in an unknown direction.

But she had no energy to worry and couldn't use her strength anywhere.

That night, she persuaded Chen Xing to let him take her from the rural river to the city by water in the middle of the night to find Qilan.

The cold river water whimpered under the thin wooden boards.It was dark all around.

Every time he encountered unknown objects floating in the river and smelled the stench, Chen Xing retreated several times, but Lin Mi refused to give up.

In the river, she couldn't see the shore in all directions, her clothes were soaked and frozen to the body, but she felt very warm inside.

This time, Qilan traveled alone in the opposite direction. In order to save her parents, Lin Mi fell into a dilemma she had never faced before.

"Ms. Lin, my third brother is always cautious when doing things, so just listen to him with peace of mind, okay?"

Qi Jiang led her forward less than a hundred meters when a loud bell rang clearly into his ears.

"I heard the bell, it was from that direction!"

Lin Mi was a little excited, but saw Qi Jiang's face darken.He couldn't help but pick her up and staggered along another path.


In the northwest corner, there was an abandoned old church, and the eerie bells rang three times.

Chris held up a gas lamp and led Chen Xing and Mo Qianqian to the cemetery behind the church.

Hearing the bell ringing, the three of them hurriedly looked up at the roof covered with dead vines.

The new church in the east, where believers flowed in endlessly, had clergy ringing the bells on time.

There is a big commotion in the old church that has been silent for many years, and why?
It has long been forgotten and avoided by the world.Besides, now is not the time to ring the bell on time!

"Did you also notice something strange?" Mo Qianqian leaned against a black marble tombstone and turned to look at the foreign girl whose expression changed slightly.

"Someone must be ringing the clock. But these stairs are destroyed, how can we get to the fifth floor?" Chris was very confused.

"For some people, they can go up without stairs."

Mo Qianqian raised his head and smiled, grabbing Chen Xing's back with both hands, "Please squat down and lend me some strength. Climb up and catch the clock ringer to see if it's a human or a ghost."

The foreign girl's jewel-like blue eyes widened in disbelief.As a child, she saw parishioners attending events and her father presiding over the ceremony.I vaguely remember many details.

The big bronze bell is suspended five floors above the ground.

The first time she heard the bell ringing was when she was two and a half years old.

The person in charge of the big clock at that time was a strong young man.

I heard that he came here as a wanderer from out of town.The man knew some foreign languages ​​and was diligent, so he was taken in by his father to work.

To ring this bell, one has to climb many flights of stairs.Finally, you have to stand on a high platform on the fifth floor to pull a thick iron chain.

The days passed monotonously.The man kept ringing the clock for half a year.

The last time Chris saw the young man ringing the bell was at her father's funeral 12 years ago.

A bouquet of white flowers was placed silently in front of the coffin by a pair of rough hands.

Finally, the young man bowed deeply.

Since her father died of illness, her mother no longer allowed her to come to church.I don’t know if the other person left or died later.

At this moment, Mo Qianqian used his strength to jump off Chen Xing's back, taking off like a nimble dove.

He stepped on a window ledge on the second floor at a height of more than two meters, and then jumped to the third and fourth floors.

The height between the fifth and fourth floors is much higher than other floors.

However, it cannot be said to be difficult.As long as you can find some hard objects to put your feet on, maybe you can do it.

Just as she was confidently searching for useful things along the dusty railings on the fourth floor, Chen Xing's anxious voice suddenly came from beneath her feet:
"Qianqian, be careful behind you!"

The bells suddenly stopped ringing.

At the same time, a dark square object fell from the top and flew towards her without hesitation.


Mo Qianqian turned sideways suddenly, and the thing hit the railing loudly.The already shaky wooden railing collapsed.

I thought it would fall down, but it just spun around and headed towards the target again without giving up.

With so many layers separated, Chen Xing was so anxious that he was running around on the ground.

On the contrary, Mo Qianqian was not worried at all, and instead started a game of "hide and seek" with it.

"Ah Xing, do you have any impression of this thing? Even a little bit will do!"

He patted his head inexplicably and thought over and over again in response.

The memory is really a blur.

Seeing that Chen Xing remained silent, Mo Qianqian finally became anxious:

"Isn't it like some of the 'strange boxes' you have in your laboratory? I remember them all, and so does Anan, but you can't remember anything!"

Chen Xing was stunned by these words.

Although he lived in the Republic of China, he was very interested in all kinds of novel inventions and creations in the world.

Taking a closer look, there is a small flashing dot in the center of the dark square. It alternates between blue light and white light, changing very quickly.

"Wait a minute, I think I had a dream."

Chen Xing couldn't remember the specific day it was done.But in the dream, he was no longer a teenager, but a middle-aged scientist wearing thick-soled glasses and a black robe.

The table is full of strange robots.A lead cage was thrown at the foot of the table, with a black square inside.

"Qianqian, don't touch that thing, it's very dangerous! I remember something."

"It's really dangerous," Mo Qianqian breathed out, "I've died twice anyway, why am I afraid of dying again?"

Before Chen Xing could think about what "die twice" or "die again" meant, she raised her foot and kicked the black box hard.

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