Chapter 15 15. Victory

The Qiudao lizard began to tremble crazily, and its curly green tail swung several times in a row like a catapult.

Shen Xingchen was puzzled, that's it?nothing...
Suddenly, she saw that Xuanmao's body seemed to be nudged several times in a row, and its body suddenly tilted backwards.

After a while, he straightened his body again, the golden light that flowed when he opened his eyes turned gray, and when he turned to Shen Xingchen, his eyes were already in a state of dullness, ignorance and confusion.

"Mysterious cat!"

Isn't this exactly the same state as the phantom jelly?

It turned out to be this skill!
Shen Xingchen scolded her madly in her heart, but she didn't have any item cards to use, so she could only keep calling the name of Yinyin Black Cat.

At this time, she deeply felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness and depression.

"I won!" The boy's huge secret joy welled up in his heart, this time it was definitely a success.

Since he fought against people of different levels, he has counted dozens of data about the hit rate of hypnotic spores.

Phantom beasts that are five levels lower than the Lizard of Chu Island have a hit rate as high as 86%, about 60% for the same level, and about 23% for those with a higher level.

"Chill Island Lizard! Command him to stop attacking."


I saw that the tree-like black shadow spreading wildly on the ground really slowed down.

Seeing this, the "backpacker" was overjoyed, thinking that this battle not only has a great chance of drawing the magic jelly card, but also the panel will evaluate the excitement of the game and give the winner extra rewards

Thinking of this, the gentle smile on his face gradually became presumptuous.

As for the weird loot item added by the girl opposite, I think it is dispensable, not to mention the almost zero chance of being drawn.

Just because the progress is so slow, it must be a tasteless ability, and don't expect the other party to get any valuable resources based on this.

"Qiu Qiu!"

The Qiudao lizard screamed and brought the "backpacker" back to God from his beautiful imagination.

The tree-like black shadow on the floor seemed to be injected with chicken blood during the few seconds he was in a daze, and twisted and stretched more cheerfully, as if it was not hypnotic spores but a stimulant.

The smile of the "backpacker" also distorted in an instant.

"That's not right..." He looked at the sluggish black cat in front of Shen Xingchen, and watched the black ocean approaching like a ferocious wave across tens of meters.He was at a loss for words for a moment.


Seeing that its owner lost the chain at this critical moment, Qiudao Lizard had no choice but to dodge left and right. Unfortunately, the black tree-like shadow seemed to be equipped with a tracking system, and locked onto the target tightly.

Without warning, the black cathode cat that should have been hypnotized in the distance jumped out of the black ocean and bit the lizard's back fiercely.


"Mill Island Lizard!"

The "backpacker" looked at the black cat in disbelief, who was crouching down in front of him, with cat eyes wide open, constantly biting and attacking the Qiudao lizard.

I can't do anything, I can only watch the weak Huanshou anxiously.Because the Qiudao lizard is currently in a state of insufficient physical strength, even the most basic dodge is a bit reluctant.

"Qiu Qiu"

In the end, the Qiudao Lizard couldn't withstand the fierce attack of the Yin Yin cat, and collapsed.


The sportsman referee rang the electronic bell for the end of the game and announced loudly: "The Mound Island Lizard is incapable of fighting, and the 3566274th non-interference private game is over."

"The winner is..."

"Cathode Mysterious Cat and Stars!"

Shen Xingchen immediately stepped over the railing and trot towards the black cat, but he didn't notice that the rescue card with the black cat's information in his hand disappeared out of thin air as a star.
Xuanmao's cat eyes flashed, and he walked up to her steadily.

"Thank you. Cathode black cat."

"Thank you for helping me get back the phantom jelly."

Shen Xingchen knelt down and wanted to touch his fleshy claws.

This battle made her slightly change her impression of black cats being wild and unruly, causing harm to her neighbors, and she became a little more kind and grateful.

The big black cat's round pupils blinked twice, dodged Shen Xingchen's overstretched paws, and began to step on the girl's brand-new white cloth shoes. If it was a small milk cat the size of a palm, Shen Xingchen promised to hug her immediately. Take off the whole pair of shoes and make him a nest.

But right now, it is a phantom beast cat that is bigger than an adult cat and has powerful claws!

Shen Xingchen grinned in pain.

Now she just wants to go to the emergency room to see an orthopedic doctor.

"Xuanji Black Cat is really strong!"

The boy came from afar while clapping his hands exaggeratedly, and crossed the road with a look of amazement.

"The whole battle doesn't even need a beastmaster!"

Shen Xingchen: "..."

Xuanmao was instinctively disgusted with him, and he didn't even step on his favorite white cloth shoes, and went directly to the uninvited guest's feet and vomited a ball of fur.

Shen Xingchen: Big cat plus 10 points.

How can a "backpacker" tolerate being treated like this, the unwillingness and resentment in his heart are like a volcano about to erupt, his face is blushing with excitement and his neck is thick.

He stopped pretending his usual innocent expression, and rushed over to fight Shen Xingchen.

And the cathode black cat couldn't pierce him, so it also stood in front of Shen Xingchen and arched its back, blowing all the hair off its body.

But the scene was deadlocked for a long time, and an electronic sound came from the panel, breaking the tense atmosphere of one person and one cat.

[Start the drawing of loot, please come to the front of the public card pool for the winner "Star" to draw]
Shen Xingchen followed the black cat's back, skipped over the gnashing boy, and walked towards the pond that popped up again at some point.

Looking at the girl's back, he said disapprovingly,

"Don't be too happy too early, you have a great chance to draw your Eudemons card, and it will hardly cause me much loss."

[Please put your hand into the public card pool to get it once]
Shen Xingchen, who was standing by the pool, suddenly turned his head, with a smile sticking to the corner of his mouth, "That's not certain."


"Cathode mysterious cat."

Shen Xingchen didn't want to spend too much time talking with him, so he shouted to the back,
"Come and smoke. This should be your chance."

At this time, Xuanmao's wide-open golden pupils reflected the girl's beautiful figure, and every strand of Shen Xingchen's hair shone brightly reflected by the ocean of starlight in the pool.

He jumped up and down to the girl's side lightly, and the meowing sound he made was softer and stickier than before.

Under the eyes of everyone, he stretched out his cat's claws to dig into the pond.

And Shen Xingchen next to him acted as a safety barrier, holding his fluffy body with his hands to prevent him from falling.

"Tsk!" The boy in the distance stared at the black cat and the girl on the stage.

At the same time, he kept persuading himself like a mantra.

Will not.

Recently, my character has exploded, and a group of lucky ones.

Pick up a rare anodized white cat.

Yesterday, I also drew a fantasy fragment card.

Even if...

It doesn't matter if luck is on your back.

No matter how lucky you are, you will lose a Eudemons card, a little favorability stardust...
It couldn't be worse.


Xuanmao's paw finally pulled out a card.

[The loot has been drawn]
[Trophy name: [All items obtained within these two weeks by relying on special physique (backpacker): 0.1%]]
Shen Xingchen, who was trying to stop the black cat from dipping its paw into the pool:? ? ? ! ! !

"Backpacker": Huh? ? ?
[Start accumulating now...]
(End of this chapter)

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