He knew that this question was not difficult for Ruan Yao at all...she was here to help him...

Even though he refused to be at the same table with her just now, she still helped him cover up without hesitation...

Ruan Yao is really kind! !

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Teacher Zhou asked Ruan Yao to leave.

He picked up the lesson plan and glanced at the students in the classroom expressionlessly.

"The quiz in the next class will be the content of my class. All those who fail will fail at the end of the semester!"

There was a burst of wailing in the classroom.

Teacher Zhou turned a deaf ear and walked out with the lesson plan.

As soon as he left, Ruan Yao's desk was surrounded immediately.

"Shen Ruan, can you lend me your notes?"

"Father Ruan, let me treat you to dinner, can you let me copy your notes for this class?"

"Shen Ruan, please... I can't live without you..."

Peng Jun also stood in front of Ruan Yao, his expression was ashamed, grateful, and a little unspeakable:

"Ruan Yao, thank you for helping me..."

"I was wrong before. In the next class, I will definitely be your deskmate."

Before Ruan Yao could speak, the students next to her were anxious:

"Peng Jun, what are you dreaming about! The seat at the same table as God Ruan is mine! I will sit at the same table with God Ruan in the next class!"

"Li Yaoqiang, don't be too shameless! It's yours to return God Ruan's seat at the same table. Has God Ruan agreed? Everyone must compete fairly!"

"I suggest everyone take turns! The golden throne next to God Ruan cannot be exclusively occupied by someone!"

"You boys should stop thinking about it! Ruan Shen must be willing to sit with our female classmates!"

For a moment, everyone was arguing for Ruan Yao's seat at the same table.

Peng Jun, who originally proposed to be at the same table with Ruan Yao with the intention of making amends, was stunned.

He stood there in a daze...

45 minutes ago, didn't everyone want to be at the same table with Ruan Yao... Why can't they even grab it now?
Inexplicably, a sentence emerged in Peng Jun's mind: Eating shit can't keep up with hot...

Ruan Yaojiu: ...

She was so noisy that she couldn't help calling out:
"No, after all, everyone has entered the elites who have been selected by thousands of people. Can you show the dignity of your masters?"

Everyone: "What dignity do you need in front of better learning methods?"

Ruan Yao was ashamed.

She looked at these 49 elites, her eyes suddenly lit up——

"Everyone stop."

Everyone fell silent immediately and turned to look at her.

Ruan Yao smiled and said:
"Whether it's lending you your notes or being at the same table with you, it doesn't seem to be good for me?"

Everyone's faces froze immediately, and they once again regretted their indifference to Ruan Yao just now, so that there is no problem at all in rejecting them now.

But tomorrow there will be teacher Zhou's class again, Ruan Yao doesn't have any loss if they don't borrow their notes, they can't get Ruan Yao's notes, they just rely on their own groping and self-study, it is very likely that they will fail tomorrow, and then they will fail the course!
"Ruan Yao, I know I was wrong!" Li Yaoqiang responded the fastest, and immediately said, "As long as you agree to lend me the notes and sit at the same table as me, I can do whatever you want!"

The other students also reacted instantly:

"Li Yaoqiang, you are shameless! God Ruan, I can do anything!"

"Me too!"

"Ruan Yao, we are both girls, I can do more for you than they do!"

"You guys are shameless! Follow what I say, are you parrots!"

Ruan Yao got a headache from being quarreled again:
"Stop, stop, stop!"

Everyone stopped quickly and looked at Ruan Yao eagerly.

Ruan Yao coughed:
"I don't ask you to do anything... It's just that I set up a shared learning live broadcast room on the Internet, you know?"

"If you can take turns taking an hour every day to go to the live broadcast room and answer questions raised by netizens, I will lend you the notes."

Although President Fu Qingyang linked up with the teachers of the university to give lectures, those teachers were very busy after all, and it was impossible for them to be there every day.

If these elites in the class can go to her live broadcast room to give lectures, even if each person takes a round for one day, it will take almost two months...

In this way, she doesn't have to watch the live broadcast room every day to give lectures, and the whole person can be much more free.

And the price she has to pay is just an insignificant class note, perfect!
Hearing Ruan Yao's words, the students were all stunned.

Everyone was a little unbelievable... What did Student Ruan say?As long as they set aside an hour every day to give lectures, they can get her notes?

Oh no, according to the number of people in the class, one hour was vacated for nearly two months...

They earned blood!

Ruan Shen is worthy of being Ruan Shen, this structure, this realm, this awareness of sharing... are simply not comparable to them.

"Thank you God Ruan!"

"Thank you, Papa Ruan!"

"God Ruan, you will always be my god!"

For a while, there were endless cheers.


Six pm.

In the broker's office.

Zhao Hui looked at Xie Yunxi's live broadcast room, frowning so much that a fly could be crushed to death.

"It's not so good... Huai'an, Xie Yunxi also realized that it is impossible to keep netizens by paying for signing in... He spent a lot of money to hire more than a dozen famous teachers to give lectures in the live broadcast room in turn."

"In this way, the advantage of our live broadcast room is gone. No, because of the unstable time of those college teachers, our live broadcast room can now be regarded as a disadvantage!"

Even though Ruan Yao is there every day, she has limited energy and cannot take care of every student.

It is completely incomparable with the famous teachers who take turns giving lectures.

"It's not enough if it's not hot enough." Jiang Huaian was studying the script sent by Director Qian.

He doesn't care much about the popularity of the live broadcast room now.

Zhao Hui couldn't help but sighed:

"I know you want to concentrate on becoming an actor, and the popularity on the Internet is not very important to you."

"But are you willing to give Xie Yunxi the opportunity to endorse the 'dor' brand that you have prepared for half a year?"


The script slipped from Jiang Huaian's hands.

Jiang Huai'an was completely blown up:
"Damn it! I've been busy researching characters recently, so I forgot about it!"

He chose to participate in this live variety show to wash away his "illiterate" hat in order to compete for the endorsement of the 'dor' brand, and he also went to find his second brother... and live broadcast with his younger sister.

As a result, under the leadership of the younger sister, things went more and more unexpectedly. Later, he even got caught up in the director Qian's play that he had never dreamed of before...so much so that he was only immersed in thinking about the role. I forgot about the endorsement.

But in fact, the endorsement of 'dor' is as important as Director Qian's play!

Because this endorsement is the representative of an artist who has truly gained a foothold in the entertainment circle...

Only when he gets this endorsement, will he be taken seriously by the real bigwigs in the circle, and he will be considered for any investment or opportunity in the future.

Even if it was a hit in Director Qian's movie, and the actors who received better and better scripts, they all started by endorsing the 'for' brand.

"What should we do?" Jiang Huai'an panicked, "Shall we invite famous teachers too?"

Zhao Hui looked at him helplessly:
"Xie Yunxi invited all the teachers from prestigious schools."

"The day after tomorrow, the second variety show will officially start broadcasting. Even if I don't sleep for two days, I can't invite so many famous teachers at once!"

"Besides, good and evil are mixed in this line of work, and many famous teachers are just famous... If you hire a bad teacher, your reputation will be ruined instead."

At this moment, Jiang Huaian's cell phone rang.

He took it out and took a look, the expression on his face was joy.

The update is complete~Thank you for the big rewards!

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