In Jiang Huaian's live broadcast room.

Fans of Jiang Huai'an watched a crowd of people pouring into the live broadcast room, and instantly cheered up 12.

As long as these people dare to spout, they will immediately show their fighting power as fans!
Concentrated and waited for a long time——

【6666! 】

[Except for 666, I don't know what to say anymore. 】

[Good guy, this is all the national college entrance examination stars gathered in one live broadcast room, right? 】

[I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to get in close contact with our province's top student in the college entrance examination, Peng Jun... Did he come to the live broadcast room the day after tomorrow?I must have been waiting early! 】

[Fuck, this Li Yaoqiang who is giving a lecture is the champion of our bulk packaging province!Brother An, I will give you a gift, can you help me get an autograph from him? ? 】

After Li Yaoqiang finished speaking a question, he happened to see this comment, and was immediately amused:
"I won't sign it for you. You give the anchor a gift, but I can't get it."

"But if you can talk to Ruan Yao and let her be my tablemate tomorrow, I will give you my autograph."

What the hell!

Xueshen actually chats with people in the live broadcast room!
And it's a joke!

In an instant, the comments in the live broadcast room increased again!

[Hahahaha, brother Yaoqiang, you are too useless, right?If you want to be at the same table with Ruan's father, you have to rely on us? 】

Li Yaoqiang: "That's because you don't know how competitive I am."

[Brother Yaoqiang, can you share your study method and daily schedule?I want to learn from you! 】

Li Yaoqiang: "Okay! Later, I will write a summary document and post it in the live broadcast room."

"However, my learning method is summed up by myself, and it may not be applicable to you. You can just choose what is useful to you and absorb it."

[Li Yaoqiang, you are forced to come to the live broadcast room by Ruan Yao, right? 】

Li Yaoqiang sighed: "I really want to enjoy this kind of treatment...but the reality is that 48 other people are competing with me for this opportunity."

[Fuck! !Is Ruan Yao so popular at school?Are you rushing to help her broadcast live? 】

Li Yaoqiang: "Aren't you rushing to call her daddy online? Everyone is the same."

【Brother Yaoqiang, what should I do if I don’t study well?Certainly not admitted to 985, 211 schools. 】

Li Yaoqiang: "Come over when I'm live broadcasting the lecture with others, and ask boldly if you don't understand anything."

"Although I can't guarantee that you can improve a lot, you should be stronger than now."


Jiang Huaian's fans were dumbfounded watching the happy live broadcast room.

Let's find fault... where are Xie Yunxi's fans?

Xie Yunxi's fans were very upset.

They felt the joyful atmosphere in Jiang Huaian's live broadcast room, and then returned to Xie Yunxi's live broadcast room——

A famous teacher:
"This question is simply a sub-question. People who don't even know how to do this, don't even think about taking Huaxia and Qingbei exams. It's not bad if they can pass a similar one."

"If Mr. Xie hadn't paid me a lot of money to teach you, I really wouldn't want to come! You are simply the worst students I have ever seen!"

"Whose question is this? Is it embarrassing to ask? In class, if you pay attention to the class, you won't come here to ask!"

There was silence in the live broadcast room, everyone was scolded by the teacher like a quail, like reliving a classroom nightmare, no one dared to speak.

At this moment, I don't know who said:
[Sorry sisters, I can't bear it anymore.I'm going to Jiang Huaian's live broadcast room. 】

[I went too... I was scolded in class, and I was scolded after class... If I continue to be scolded, I will be depressed.I'd better go and listen to the lectures of the gods. 】

[I also think... although a famous teacher is good, but this level of severity is really not something ordinary students like us can withstand...]

Almost instantly, the popularity of Xie Yunxi's live broadcast room dropped by one-third, while the popularity of Jiang Huaian's live broadcast room skyrocketed by two-thirds...

Not only people who came from Xie Yunxi's live broadcast room, but also some passers-by who didn't pay attention to these before, because Jiang Huaian's live broadcast room was too hot and came here curiously.

The passers-by were shocked as soon as they entered.

[Fuck!It’s the first time I’ve seen so many people in the learning live broadcast room. Now the fans who are chasing stars are not learning for love, but for love? 】

[This relationship is good, which star is this?I let my daughter chase him too! 】

[Suddenly I was moved... This is the leading role a star should play... What kind of ghosts and monsters are those in the entertainment industry now! 】

Jiang Huai'an's fans looked at these remarks, only feeling their hearts swell, both happy and sad.

Because they were fans of Jiang Huaian, they were ridiculed by the whole network as "concentration camps for illiterates"...

Although everyone has always been united, they tried their best to ignore this ugly title, and tried their best to push back everyone with malicious intentions.

But now seeing other people's recognition of them, and even taking the initiative to join them, I still can't help but feel sad and relieved.

... There is a sense of relief that one's persistence and hard work are finally understood by others.

And they knew very well that all of this was brought by Ruan Yao.

If there is no Ruan Yao, they are still being ridiculed and misunderstood...

[Long live Father Ruan! 】

There are no less than a hundred posts in Jiang Huai'an's post with this title, and the number of likes on each post is frighteningly high.


"What?! Jiang Huaian stole the heat from my live broadcast again?!"

Xie Yunxi had just returned from filming the commercial when he got this bad news from Brother Li.

His whole body is about to collapse:
"Why?! I have hired a famous teacher, and those students still have to go to his live broadcast room? Will his live broadcast room drop gold?"

Brother Li also had a dark face and a heavy heart.

He also didn't understand what was so attractive about Jiang Huai'an's live broadcast... Could those students teach better than the famous teacher?
But it doesn't matter because there are worse things...

"Yunxi, don't worry. I just found out that the 'dor' brand is already looking for a spokesperson for the next season this year."

"And they... like Jiang Huai'an more."

Xie Yunxi kicked over the stool and cursed out of control!
Brother Li sighed helplessly, looking at Xie Yunxi who was about to lose his mind, he could only force himself to be more calm:

"Looking at the current situation, as long as Ruan Yao is around, it is impossible for us to surpass Jiang Huai'an in the live broadcast."

Xie Yunxi said coldly: "Then let's bring Ruan Yao over!"

Brother Li looked at him helplessly: "Do you think it's possible?"

Xie Yunxi was silent... With the relationship between Ruan Yao and Jiang Huai'an, it was impossible to win her over.

And it's not necessary.

They have Fu Qingyang's distinguished guest - Wen Siyu as their backing, and they can just find an opportunity to directly instigate Qian Dao.

Without the drama directed by Qian, it is difficult to catch the attention of the 'dor' brand just relying on the popularity of the live broadcast.

Seeing that Xie Yunxi had calmed down, Brother Li said:

"I found out that Director Qian and Jiang Huai'an will have dinner with the main creators of the film tonight. President Fu Qingyang may also come."

Because this play involves some theoretical knowledge of mathematics, Director Qian invited Fu Qingyang to be a consultant.

Xie Yunxi sneered and said:

"That's even better. Inviting Director Qian, Chairman Fu Qingyang, and other main creators over in front of Jiang Huai'an will hit Jiang Huai'an even more."

"It would be even better if he abandoned the live broadcast room because of this blow."

Brother Li nodded, thinking of something, and asked: "By the way, have you contacted Professor Wen recently? It would be better to have her help to set up the line tonight."

Xie Yunxi's body stiffened slightly.

Oh!Good night everyone~

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