Chapter 139 Inconvenient?
When Ruan Yao heard that Jiang Shihan had guests coming, she thought about the special situation of Yang Yang and his mother, and said:

"Then I'll take Yangyang and the others back first."

Jiang Shihan didn't force it: "Okay, I'll ask the housekeeper to deliver the food to you."

Ruan Yao and Yang Yang explained the situation, Yang Yang expressed his understanding obediently, and led her mother and Ruan Yao to go out together.

When the three of them walked out of the gate of the villa, they happened to meet Zhang's car coming in.

Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang who were sitting in the car didn't take a second look at Yang Yang's mother and son next to them.

Zhang Zuoqiu rolled his eyes lightly, but quickly withdrew his gaze indifferently.

Soon, the car drove into the parking space of the villa. Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang, supported by Zhang Zuoqiu and the housekeeper, came to the living room.

As soon as they saw Jiang Shihan, the tears of the two old people flowed down:

"Nephew, we have found out about our daughter's whereabouts...but the situation over there is more complicated, and we need your relationship to rescue her..."


Ruan Yao took Yang Yang and his mother back to the villa, wondering if the housekeeper would bring food in a while, so she let Yang Yang move freely.

She sits on the couch and does her own business.

When the housekeeper brought the food, she went up to the bedroom to call Yang Yang, but no one came after knocking on the door twice.

Ruan Yao twisted the doorknob and found that the door was unlocked. She opened the door and went in, only to see Yang Yang laying on the table, concentrating on drawing something.

Afraid of disturbing him, Ruan Yao walked over lightly, and was amazed by Yang Yang's paintings.

Yang Yang is drawing Ultraman...

Although he was just copying, the five-year-old child has never learned any painting skills, and he can paint Altman vividly just because of his hobby.

This drawing talent is really amazing!
Ruan Yao instantly thought of the third brother in her heart... Yang Yang is such a cute and sensible child, it would be great if she could learn to paint from the third brother.

A child's love is the purest, he might be able to warm the third brother's heart.

However, Ruan Yao also knew that the third brother could not agree.

There is no rush for this matter.

Ruan Yao waited quietly and waited until Yang Yang finished painting before asking him to have dinner.

On the second day, there were not many classes to attend.

After class, Ruan Yao asked Shang Yangyang to visit the painting supplies store.

... Although it is impossible for the third brother to accept Yang Yang immediately, he cannot leave such a good talent alone.

Ruan Yao plans to ask Xia Yunyun to help teach...

There are only a few of the largest painting supplies stores in the capital. While shopping, Ruan Yao made a video call with Xia Yunyun and asked her what kind of painting supplies to buy for children.

Xia Yunyun gave her advice one by one, and Ruan Yao bought it according to Xia Yunyun's advice.

Soon, all the painting supplies were bought, and Ruan Yao took Yang Yang's little hand to the cashier to pay.

Before reaching the cashier, I heard a girl's pitiful voice:

"Handsome guy, just give me this painting set."

"In order to find it, I really ran all over the capital."

In the next second, a voice full of embarrassment that surprised Ruan Yao came:
"Sorry... I really want this painting set too."

Third brother? ?
He also came here to buy painting supplies?
The girl's third brother said so, and immediately said:
"You can buy it online!"

"Please please, I really want it! Can't wait a moment!"

The third brother fell into a long silence, and he obviously didn't know how to firmly reject people because of social fear.

Ruan Yao took Yang Yang and walked over:
"Then can't you also buy it online?"

"Sorry, we want this, but we can't sell it to you."

The third brother was relieved when he saw Ruan Yao coming.

Seeing that Ruan Yao was just a college student, the girl pouted, muttered pettyly, and turned away.

"Thank you." The third brother and Ruan Yao thanked, and then their eyes fell on Yang Yang who was holding her hand,

"This is?"

Ruan Yao smiled and said, "A child who was rescued by accident."

"Yangyang, this is my third brother, he is really good at drawing!"

Yang Yang's eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him obediently:

"Hello, big brother!"

Third brother's ear tip turned red with a brush, he waved his hand:


Ruan Yao climbed up the pole and said: "Third brother, meeting is fate, can you give Yang Yang some advice?"

The third brother was stunned, but frowned in embarrassment:

"My house is now... I'm afraid it's inconvenient."

Ruan Yao was stunned for a moment.

The third brother's house is not convenient? ?
What happened in his family? !

(End of this chapter)

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