Yang Yang's body was only half the size of the opponent, but he was not weak at all, he raised his small arms to block Ruan Yao's body.

"Big sister, don't be afraid, Guo Ziliang is just a paper tiger, he is very hypocritical!"

Ruan Yao slightly raised her eyebrows.

Of course she would not be afraid of a little kid, but Yang Yang's appearance as a little adult made her feel very novel.

"Who are you calling a paper tiger!" The little fat man was furious when he heard Yang Yang's slander.

He came over more and more angrily, but the drawing board and colored pens held by Yang Yang attracted his attention.

"Where did you get such a beautiful brush, give it to me..."

As he spoke, he naturally reached out his hand, trying to snatch the paintbrush from Yang Yang's arms.

But he is heavy and his foot is not stable enough. It is difficult to grasp the balance, and he almost exerts all his strength in order to grab Yangyang's brush.

Seeing him coming, Yang Yang turned around lightly and deftly, and dodged to the side. The little fat man couldn't stop the car by himself, so he staggered forward two steps, and sat down on the ground.

"Guo Ziliang, this is a gift from someone else." Yang Yang stood in front of the little fat man with a serious face and said, "You can't grab it randomly!"

"In the past, you robbed me in the class, and you led too many people, so I couldn't beat you. But now you are alone, and I'm not afraid of you."

The little fat man didn't seem to have expected that Yang Yang, who had always been thin, could knock him down so easily. He sat on the ground in a daze, and then opened his mouth and burst into tears!

Just at this moment, the fat woman who hadn't seen her before came out of nowhere, screaming "what's the matter, what's the matter", and rushed over quickly.

Seeing that woman coming, Guo Ziliang seemed to have found his backbone, pointing to the paintbrush in Yang Yang's hand and said:

"Mom, I want that brush!"

The woman frowned and took a look, found that it was Yang Yang, and immediately said:
"Hey, isn't this Yangyang? Why are you here?"

"Oh, good friends are meant to be shared with each other. You give Liangliang your paintbrush for fun, and Liangliang will give you his paintbrush too, okay?"

The fat woman was talking, but her hand had already taken the paintbrush in Guo Ziliang's hand and fortified it to Yang Yang.

I don't know when I bought those paintbrushes. Guo Ziliang grabbed the brushes, they were black and oily, and they looked dirty and disgusting.

Yang Yang shook his head: "I don't want it."

"I haven't used the paintbrush that big brother gave me, so I don't want to exchange it with Guo Ziliang."

Hearing what he said, Guo Ziliang cried louder in an instant.

The woman was impatient, and wanted to grab the paintbrush in Yang Yang's hand:

"Why is this kid so selfish? It's just a few paintbrushes, I'll give it to you after two days of playing, and it's not bad!"

Yang Yang's family is no secret in the class, not to mention classmates, even some parents look down on him.

If he offends, he will be offended. Anyway, his good-for-nothing father and idiot mother cannot make decisions for him.

Seeing that the fat woman was about to grab the paintbrush in Yang Yang's hand, a figure suddenly stood in front of Yang Yang and blocked the fat woman's hand.

"You are?" The fat woman looked at Ruan Yao who was blocking her in surprise.

Just now she noticed that this girl has a completely different temperament from her surroundings, but she never thought that she would have anything to do with Yang Yang.

After all, with Yang Yang's troublesome family, who would want to have anything to do with him.

Ruan Yao glanced at the woman with a smile, then squatted down, and said to the crying little fat man:
"Do you like Yangyang's brush?"

Although the little fat man was rude, he was only five years old. Hearing Ruan Yao's gentle question, he nodded subconsciously.

Ruan Yao smiled more and more gently:

"Yangyang's mother bought it for him~ You can ask your mother for it, and she will definitely buy it for you."

When the little fat man heard this, his small eyes lit up, and he rushed over to grab his fucking leg:
"Mom, I want the paintbrush set."

The woman raised her eyebrows immediately: "What to buy, isn't it here..."

Have it……

Before the two words could be uttered, Ruan Yao's gentle and gentle voice came over again:

"Yangyang's mother said that she bought it for him because she loves Yangyang. Only mothers who love their children will do it~"

"Your mother doesn't want to buy it for you, it means she doesn't love you!"

When the little fat man heard it, he cried even more terribly.

"No, you little girl, don't talk nonsense!" The fat woman was anxious, and shouted at the little fat man who was holding on to her leg, "What can a fart paintbrush prove, I..."

But the little fat man didn't listen at all. He was used to being self-willed. He always got what he wanted, so how could he listen to the fat woman.

The more the fat woman talked, the louder he howled, which directly attracted other people in the community.

"Oh, is the Guo family's child crying again?"

"Take care of this kid, it's really noisy!"

"How many times has this happened? Why does this family seem to be dead? I never care about it."

Hearing the disgusting comments from the people around her, the fat woman's face turned red, and she wanted to pick up the little fat man, but he didn't cooperate at all, and started rolling all over the floor instead, which made others laugh.

For a time, the scene became a mess.

Ruan Yao hid her achievements and fame deeply, and when the people around her came over, she dragged Yang Yang away from the battlefield quickly.


On the way back to the car, Yang Yang looked at Ruan Yao once in a while, but stopped talking for a long time.

"Ask what you want to ask." Ruan Yao finally couldn't bear it when she was peeked at by the kid for the tenth time, "I will answer whatever I can answer you."

Hearing what she said, Yang Yang immediately summoned up his courage and asked in a low voice:
"Sister, big brother is also in this community... just now you said that my mother bought the painting set, did he hear it too?"

"Cough cough cough..." Ruan Yao coughed suddenly.

She made an excuse casually at the time, but she didn't expect third brother...

But I shouldn't be able to hear it... The third brother still has to clean up the house, so it's impossible to suddenly come to the gate!
"Kids, don't think about it." Ruan Yao rubbed Yang Yang's hair indiscriminately, "Don't tell big brother about this, do you understand?"

If the third brother knew that she said he was Yang Yang's mother...it would probably block her...

Yang Yang nodded heavily: "Don't worry big sister, I won't say anything!"

That night.

Ruan Yao lay down on the bed, and sent a good evening emoji to the third brother: [What is the third brother doing. 】

When I'm free, I still need to chat with my third brother more to enhance our relationship.

After a while, the other party replied:
[Nothing.Learning how to be a boy mom. 】

Ruan Yao:?
Ah, this weird tone of voice...

She said with a guilty conscience: [When I was at the gate of the community today, Yang Yang met a kid who bullied him at school... I have no choice but to, third brother... Do you understand? 】

Jiang Weiran: [Can you understand, I am already a male mother. 】

[You left on purpose today because you want me to accept Yangyang, right? 】

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