"Xia, Vice President Xia? Why are you here..."

Du Weiran was taken aback, and subconsciously turned to look at Wu Yixuan.

Wu Yixuan's complexion was also very ugly:

"Yunyun, how did you know the news that Mr. Jiang has accepted apprentices again?"

It is clear that Mr. Jiang only accepts disciples internally, and it is impossible for people who are not related to hear about it!
Xia Yunyun watched Wu Yixuan and Du Weiran get off the elevator together, how could he not know what was going on?
She closed her eyes, only feeling that her heart... was completely dead at this moment.

"Wu Yixuan, before you ask me, you should ask yourself first!"

Xia Yunyun sneered, "Why would Du Weiran know something that I, your real girlfriend, don't even know?"

She hardly ever talked to Wu Yixuan in such an aggressive tone.

For a moment, Wu Yixuan actually felt uncomfortable.

He couldn't help frowning: "I told Wei Ran about this just to repay my kindness."

"Can you forgive me a little bit?"

Xia Yunyun snorted lightly.

Maybe it was because I was disappointed enough, I suddenly felt like I was looking away.

She looked at Wu Yixuan indifferently: "Let's break up."

When she said those three light words, she was not as sad as she had imagined.

Wu Yixuan:? ? !
He was completely bewildered, as if someone had hit his head hard with a stick!
Xia Yunyun... actually broke up with him? !
She doesn't want him anymore? !

That Xia Yunyun who always chased after him, obeyed him, and always understood him and tolerated him... actually said that he wanted to break up? !

For a moment, Wu Yixuan felt unreal.

He laughed loudly, and said indiscriminately:
"You want to break up with me?"

"Xia Yunyun, don't you want to see what you look like?"

"After breaking up with me, do you think you can still find a man as good as me?!"

Xia Yunyun: ...

At this moment, Ruan Yao's voice came from around the corner:

"Why hasn't Xia Yunyun come over yet?"

In the next second, Ruan Yao and Jiang Weiran came out from the corner.

Looking at the handsome but cold Jiang Weiran, Du Weiran couldn't help gasping.

This man... is really good-looking...

Dozens of times better looking than all the men she had ever met before!
Wu Yixuan, the school grass of the art department, immediately looked ordinary in front of him...

Wu Yixuan's expression also changed slightly, he turned his head to look at Xia Yunyun, and asked:

"I said, why did you break up with me suddenly! It turns out that you found a better man!"

"Xia Yunyun, I really misjudged you! I thought you were a gentle, virtuous, loyal and good woman!"

Xia Yunyun:? ?
Before she could react to being scolded, Ruan Yao was the first to speak:

"President, what are you farting about?"

"This is my third brother, who was invited by me to help."

"Don't cheat on yourself and see who is cheating, okay?"

"Xia Yunyun broke up with you purely because he saw clearly that you are a bad character who is scumbag, irresponsible and likes pua, understand?"

Wu Yixuan's face turned green when he was scolded, he was angry and annoyed, and he was holding back his anger because he was completely crushed by other men.

Suddenly, Du Weiran seemed to realize something, and looked at Ruan Yao aggrieved:
"Ruan Yao, it's you again."

"Since you joined the art club, the atmosphere in the whole club has been particularly bad."

"Why do you always mess things up to make everyone unhappy?"

Ruan Yao lazily glanced at Du Weiran:
"Where is it. Isn't the club atmosphere bad because two rat droppings ruined a pot of soup?"

"The last piece of mouse shit doesn't seem to have appeared in the group now..."

"Let me take the liberty to ask, is this a relay race?"

Du Weiran:? ?
Jiang Weiran, who had been standing by the side without speaking, looked at the time and said to Ruan Yao and Xia Yunyun:

"The time is almost up, let's go first."

He has little interest in these emotional entanglements.

Coupled with his character, it is impossible to say anything at this time.

Ruan Yao nodded, and took Xia Yunyun's hand:
"Go, go, don't let the mouse shit get dirty."

Xia Yunyun: ...

After Ruan Yao felt so peaceful, the sadness in her heart suddenly dissipated.

Xia Yunyun left with Ruan Yao and Jiang Weiran.

Wu Yixuan looked at the backs of the three people... I don't know if it was a coincidence that Xia Yunyun happened to be standing with Jiang Weiran.

The two seem to be inexplicably...a good match.

Wu Yixuan couldn't help clenching his fists.

He turned his head and looked at Du Weiran:
"Let's go too..."

Du Weiran looked at Wu Yixuan worriedly:

"President, I didn't expect Vice President Xia to know such a handsome person who has connections with the Art Association..."

"I'm sure I can't compete with Xia Yunyun, what should I do?"

Wu Yixuan suddenly felt restless.

Xia Yunyun used to do his best no matter what he did, it was impossible to ask him such a stupid question.

Wu Yixuan said impatiently:
"If you can't compete, you won't be able to be Teacher Jiang's apprentice."

"It's useless for you to ask me what to do. I'm not qualified to let Mr. Jiang see my face."

Du Weiran choked.

She looked at Wu Yixuan who had an obviously bad face, pinched his palm lightly with her fingertips, and wisely stopped talking.


After that, a few more people came one after another.

After all, Mr. Jiang only recruited students in a small area this time, and not many people came.

Teacher Jiang's assistant called people by name at the door, and went in for an interview one by one.

Soon, it was Xia Yunyun's turn.

"Go." Ruan Yao made a cheering gesture to her, "You're fine!"

Xia Yunyun nodded and walked in.

She stayed inside for an exceptionally long time, taking more than half an hour to come out.

Behind her is Du Weiran.

Seeing that Xia Yunyun's face was a little weak, Du Weiran bit her lip and said tentatively:
"Vice President Xia, what will Mr. Jiang ask inside?"

"Is the assessment difficult?"

Xia Yunyun sneered and glanced at her:
"Don't you know when you go in?"

Du Weiran choked on being stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Wu Yixuan, seeing that he didn't speak, so he had no choice but to sit back.

Xia Yunyun didn't even look at Wu Yixuan, but turned to Ruan Yao and Jiang Weiran and said:

"Let's go. Thank you for coming with me today."

"Small things." Ruan Yao smiled.

The three of them left the gate, Jiang Weiran went to drive, Ruan Yao and Xia Yunyun stood at the gate and waited.

At this moment, Wu Yixuan chased him out.

He stood not far from Xia Yunyun, with a serious expression on his face:
"Yunyun, can you give me some time, I want to talk to you alone."

"There is a misunderstanding between the two of us!"

Xia Yunyun had no intention of talking to him, and said calmly:
"There is no misunderstanding between the two of us."

"You'd better go back and be with Du Weiran quickly, or she won't be able to find you, and she should be flustered again."

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