Chapter 33 Reporting Plagiarism
Wen Nanqiao directly sent 3 yuan to Ruan Yao.

Ruan Yao: [? 】

Wen Nanqiao replied happily: [Sister, you have become popular on the Internet. I sell the four questions you wrote to me before, and the income is quite good. This is your dividend. 】

Ruan Yao: [...Is there really someone buying that thing? 】

Wen Nanqiao laughed and said: [This is the power of celebrities... How about those Internet celebrities and celebrities receiving millions of dollars in endorsement fees?You look prettier than a star, and you are a top student that everyone envies, and you are also popular all over the Internet...]

[That is to say, this question is too difficult and has a threshold. If you sell the photo, maybe you can get 30 dividends! 】

Ruan Yao: [...emmm, forget it. 】

It is risky to rely on face to eat, she prefers a stable life.

Of course Wen Nanqiao also knew that Ruan Yao couldn't sell the photos, so she was just talking about it.

He is now a pillar of Huaxia University, and the future is bright. Maybe he will be poached by a big company before he graduates, with a starting annual salary of at least 50.

There is no need to sell photos.

Wen Nanqiao was very satisfied with his steadily improving partner. After chatting casually, he offered a piece of gossip: [By the way, I just saw Professor Liu Xing come out of Professor Jiang Shixing's office mysteriously. 】

【He seems very nervous, he didn't even hear me say hello to him. 】

[With the sensitivity of my profession, I think that after two days, I might see shocking gossip. 】

Ruan Yao's heart suddenly sank.

Is this Liu Xing's action?
She dealt with Wen Nanqiao casually, and at the same time sent a message to Jiang Shixing: [Second brother, how is your thesis going? 】

Jiang Shixing replied after a while: [I was eating out and was about to go back. 】

He seemed to be in a good mood, and directly sent a red envelope to Ruan Yao: [My thesis has been finished, I can polish it tonight, and then I can send it to "sua". 】

[Send you a red envelope to celebrate.Let's celebrate when the paper is published. 】

It seems that the second brother really has great expectations for this thesis, and even talked too much... Ruan Yao accepted the red envelope: [Yeah, I'll wait for you! 】

The second brother was still eating outside, but Liu Xing came out of the second brother's office... Ruan Yao thought about it, and sent a message to Wen Nanqiao: [If Liu Xing wants to gossip, please share it with me. 】

Liu Xing is probably going to steal second brother's thesis, but she is just an ordinary student, and even if second brother really breaks up with Liu Xing, he will not tell her specifically.

And this kind of conflict between high-level officials is even less likely to spread to ordinary students.

Wen Nanqiao's gossip is much more reliable.

Wen Nanqiao didn't expect Ruan Yao to gossip like this, and suddenly felt like she had found a bosom friend: 【No problem! 】

Get along well with Ruan Yao, and her business will be guaranteed in the future! -
Jiang Shixing said goodbye to his friends and went back to school.

Before I got to the office, I heard the congratulations from Liu Xing's office next door: "Congratulations, Professor Liu Xing, when this paper is published, you will be promoted to a first-class professor."

"This paper is really well written! I think it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world if it is published. Maybe Professor Liu Xing will be named an academician directly!"

There are also grades among professors, and only those who are promoted to first-class professors are eligible to apply for promotion to academicians.

Both Liu Xing and Jiang Shixing were stuck as second-class professors for a long time and have not been able to advance.

Liu Xing couldn't hide his smile in his humble voice:

"I don't care about job titles or anything. I'm very satisfied if I can finish the thesis I want."

Jiang Shixing paused.

Has Liu Xing finished his thesis too?

Although it was a coincidence, he didn't pay much attention to it.

He believes that his paper, incorporating the ideas provided by Yao Ruan, is unrivaled.

Thinking of the thesis he finished, Jiang Shixing's footsteps became a little brisk, and a smile could not help but rise on the corner of his lips.

It is his lifelong wish to be able to write a satisfactory dissertation... Now, this wish has finally come true.

In order to write this paper, he stayed up late until he suffered from neurasthenia, and almost gave up all entertainment. Even eating, he only made the simplest and most efficient steamed buns and egg soup. Into the hospital...

Now, those miseries also seem to have dissipated with the completion of the dissertation.

Next, Jiang Shixing didn't close his eyes all night, devoting all his energy to polishing and revising the thesis.

He was not satisfied with keeping the paper until it was bright, and sent it to the mailbox of the editor of the "sua" journal.

Jiang Shixing got up to exercise his stiff body that had hardly moved all night, and went to the restaurant to order simple steamed buns and egg soup as usual.

He didn't stay in the restaurant to eat, but returned to the office with the meal, and refreshed his email to reply while eating.

...It's been a long time since I waited so impatiently for a reply from someone like a brat...

Jiang Shixing thought with some self-mockery, but the movements under his hands didn't stop at all.

He thought, after getting a reply from the editor, he would take Ruan Yao to a big meal first, and then buy all the things she likes for her...

He wants to be the first to share this joy with his sister who has helped him a lot.

Finally, at 10 o'clock in the morning, there was a new reply in the mailbox.

Jiang Shixing's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened his email to reply——

[Sorry, Professor Jiang, the paper you provided was sent to us by Professor Liu Xing yesterday... Is there any misunderstanding? 】

The other party's wording is very euphemistic, but the meaning is very clear - Professor Jiang, did you plagiarize Professor Liu Xing's thesis?
a bolt from the blue!

Jiang Shixing only felt that his brain was hit hard by the hammer, and there was a buzzing sound, and he couldn't react for a while.

How did Liu Xing have his thesis? !
In addition to locking the computer every day, he locks the door every time he goes out...

Thinking of this, Jiang Shixing suddenly froze... That friend who hadn't contacted him for several years suddenly came to him yesterday, saying that there was something urgent, and dragged him out of the office in a hurry...

Then after he helped with the work, he had to take him to eat together...

At this moment, Jiang Shixing only felt that something exploded in his mind, and all the unreasonable things he ignored yesterday surged out, and everything made sense...

His thin lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were burning with ice-cold anger, his whole body was clearly extremely angry, but his hands were steady and precise.

Jiang Shixing directly clicked the report button of the "sua" journal, and applied for the editor of the journal's Huaxia District to intervene in the investigation.
at the same time.

Ruan Yao also received a message from Wen Nanqiao: [Sister, my intuition is really accurate!Just now the editor of the "sua" journal in China came to our school... because Professor Jiang Shixing reported that Professor Liu Xing plagiarized his paper. 】

[They are already in the investigation room of the school.Tsk tsk, it's really exciting. It is said that Professor Liu Xing submitted the paper first, and Professor Jiang Shixing's report may kill him. 】

Ruan Yao's heart tightened, and after asking where the investigation room was, she rushed there immediately.

On the way, she sent a message to her eldest brother, hoping that he could come to school.

The "sua" journal is the top authoritative journal in the mathematics field. Once plagiarized by it, all future papers of this person will never be accepted.

Being rejected by "sua" for plagiarism will also mean being rejected by journals in the entire mathematics community.

It can be said that this person will only be confined to the same place from now on, and will not be able to rise one step further.

...Liu Xing has submitted this paper first, and the current evidence is extremely unfavorable to Jiang Shixing. If there is no conclusive evidence that can be reversed, this report will only make Jiang Shixing plagiarized.

Although Ruan Yao placed evidence in advance to prove that the thesis was indeed written by the second brother, but this is the first time she has experienced such a thing, she still feels more secure with her elder brother around.

(End of this chapter)

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