Chapter 25 Share
After practicing for a few days, Lin Jia finished digesting the spirit of the crane, and went out to ask someone for some news and see how the situation was going.

If a crane is lost, there should be no movement.

Not long after she walked, she saw a few women laughing and talking together, as if they had some happy event.Lin Jia listened closer, it turned out that Liu Yun usually likes to bully girls, these girls are all watching, because Liu Yun's background is too powerful, no one has dared to say anything.

This time, the crane place guarded by Liu Yun lost a crane and was scolded. These women gloated here.

"Haha, that Liu Yun is usually so arrogant, but now he is reprimanded by the elders, his face is almost yellow!"

"It deserves it! I usually hate us so much, but this time it's good, I made a fool of myself!"

"I heard that the elder was going crazy with anger, after a reprimand, you didn't see Liu Yun like that, it's so funny!"

They talked to each other and gloated non-stop, as if Liu Yun's predicament gave them a chance to vent.

Lin Jia approached them, pretending to be passing by, deliberately slowing down so that their conversation would fall into her ears.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she finally achieved her goal.

According to her experience, to steal cranes, it is best to commit the crime every few days.

After learning about this, Lin Jia immediately ran back to her room, very happy.

Liu Yun's lesson is not enough, she has to steal a few more times to make him bleed profusely.

A few days later, Lin Jia calmed down for a few days, and then became restless again.

In the middle of the night, she slipped out again, and when she came back, she had two cranes in her hands.

She had already been there once, and this time she was naturally familiar with the road, but when she came back and met Liu Si, Liu Si was shocked to see Lin Jia carrying two cranes.

Liu Si's eyes widened, his face was full of shock: "Lin Jia, you, where did you get the crane?"

Lin Jia said calmly: "Liu Si, this is not your business. I advise you to go back to sleep. It's not good to wander around at night."

"This, how is this possible!" Liu Si knew that the origin of the two cranes was by no means simple, but seeing Lin Jia's firm attitude, he did not dare to ask further questions.

He stammered: "Lin, Lin Jia, you have to be careful, don't, don't let other people find out!"

"Thank you for reminding me." Lin Jia said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have my own measure. You can go back quickly, good night!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jia carried the crane and left, leaving Liu Si with a confused expression on the spot.

Liu Si knew that Lin Jia's move was not simple, but he had no choice but to leave with doubts in his stomach.

Lin Jia returned to the house, a little regretful.

I knew that I would not come back, so I dealt with the two cranes outside, but regretting it now will not help.

She thought, since Liu Si had seen it, he couldn't just let him know and not participate.

If he is unbalanced and reveals the matter, then he will be in big trouble.

As the saying goes, "Short handedness, soft handedness", if you ask him to eat together, he will also be responsible for leaking it. Only by letting him get involved, will he not easily leak the secret.

Lin Jia decided to drag Liu Si into the water as well.

If he was the only one who committed the crime, if he was discovered, all the punishment would fall on him.

But if Liu Si is also involved, even if the matter is revealed, he will be jointly and severally responsible.

Moreover, if Liu Si ate the crane with him, he would become an accomplice.

For his own benefit, he will inevitably keep the secret, instead of reporting on Lin Jia easily, there is no better way than letting the other party commit crimes together.

Lin Jia thought that this idea was very good. It could not only win Liu Si to her side, but also make him her accomplice, killing two birds with one stone.

If Liu Si really ate the crane, then the matter would only be between the two of them, and no third person would know.

In this way, his whereabouts will be more concealed, which is really a clever plan.

Lin Jia knocked on Liu Si's door, and Liu Si opened the door to see Lin Jia, a little surprised.

"Liu Si, you haven't slept yet." Lin Jia said with a smile, "I have some good things here, do you want to come and taste them?"

Liu Si hesitated for a moment, thinking of the two cranes that Lin Jia was carrying just now, he felt a little puzzled.

But Lin Jia's sincere appearance made it difficult for him to ask questions directly, so he could only ask: "What good thing?"

"Things that are helpful to practice." Lin Jia blinked, "I promise, you will like it. Come on, you must try it!"

Seeing Lin Jia's persistence, Liu Si also became curious, and agreed: "Okay, then I'll go over there for a while."

Lin Jia said with satisfaction: "Then come quickly!"

Liu Si followed Lin Jia to the house where she lived. As soon as he entered the door, a scent wafted from his nose, which made his index finger twitch.

Lin Jia brought two deliciously roasted cranes to the table, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Try it?"

When Liu Si saw the crane, the alarm bells rang in his heart. He knew that Lin Jia must have an unstoppable plan, otherwise he would not invite himself to eat this rare delicacy.

But the candor in Lin Jia's smile made him a little unsure.

He hesitated for a moment, but at the instigation of Lin Jia, he tentatively took a bite of the crane meat.

The meat was tender, delicious, and Liu Si immediately forgot his hesitation and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

Lin Jia looked at Liu Si and smiled secretly.

Now, Liu Si has been fooled, as long as he eats this crane, he can no longer stay out of it.

The two gobbled it up and enjoyed the two cranes to their heart's content.

Liu Si took a big bite, exclaiming from time to time: "It's so delicious! The meat is more tender than ordinary chicken and duck, and it's so delicious!"

He nodded appreciatively, and motioned to Lin Jia, "Your skills are amazing, this crane is perfect!"

Lin Jia laughed: "Of course, if I call you here, I won't let you lose money."

Liu Si ate with gusto: "It's so delicious, you've found a treasure! I will often make a few meals like this in the future, and I promise to eat it every time!"

"It depends on your performance." Lin Jia said mysteriously, "If you cooperate well, you can often eat this kind of food."

When Liu Si heard it, he was slightly startled, and vaguely felt that Lin Jia's words seemed to have some deep meaning.

However, he was too intoxicated by this delicacy, so he didn't think too much about it. He just smiled and said: "With such benefits, of course I will fully cooperate!"

Lin Jia looked at Liu Si with burning eyes: "I believe it. Liu Si, it will be very pleasant for us to cooperate."

Liu Si nodded, but didn't notice the deep meaning in Lin Jia's story.

Now he only knows that the food in front of him is too delicious, and it is the happiest thing to be able to eat such a delicacy when he cooperates with Lin Jia.

Seeing Liu Si gobbling it up, Lin Jia smiled secretly.

This guy, confused by food, can no longer perceive his plot.

It's really "food to control people", and it couldn't be easier to defeat an opponent with delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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