Shading the sky starts with role-playing

Chapter 37 The Thief Shouts to Catch the Thief

The captain couldn't help being a little surprised to see Liu Si appearing on the patrol route.Liu Si usually seldom participates in this kind of patrol mission, he always finds various reasons to shirk.But today, Liu Si was obviously a little nervous and uncomfortable, with wandering eyes and a weird expression.

The captain looked Liu Si up and down, secretly guessing why he came here today.Maybe he sneaked out to find a girlfriend? No, Liu Si has always been shy and introverted, so he is unlikely to take the initiative.Could it be that he got into trouble and wanted to hide secretly? But Liu Si is usually well-behaved and honest, and rarely causes trouble.

Just when the captain was full of suspicion, there was a slight rustling sound in front of him. The captain sharply raised his head, and saw that there seemed to be something hidden behind the bushes not far away.He raised his bow and arrow vigilantly, signaling the players to get ready.Liu Si's face instantly turned pale, and he even trembled a little.

The captain glanced at him, and thought to himself: "No way? Liu Si won't really get into any trouble, right?" He speculated that Liu Si might have done something out of the ordinary. related.

Just when the captain was about to ask Liu Si aloud, a civet suddenly sprang out from the bushes! It turned out to be a psychic kitten with a small lock around its neck, which looked small.

Surprise and relief flashed across Liu Si's face, and the captain suddenly realized that it was the kitten that had slipped out. Liu Si was worried that it would get lost, so he sneaked out to look for it, and was afraid of being found and punished.

Seeing Liu Si's nervous look, the captain didn't have the heart to embarrass him, but said seriously: "Since you found it, take it back as soon as possible. Don't be an example! Don't run around alone again."

Liu Si nodded repeatedly, carefully picked up the kitten, apologized to the captain, and hurried back to the village.

The captain shook his head, but couldn't help but smile.This Liu Si is still the same, sometimes clumsy, but very polite and sincere.Seeing how nervous he was this time, the captain thought it would be a big deal, but it turned out it was because of a kitten.But the boy always has a great love for small animals, which is admirable.

Looking at the back of Liu Si's departure, the captain still felt a little regretful: It would be great if Liu Si could be braver and take the initiative to participate in group activities.He is introverted and often shuts himself in his own world. The captain is always worried about his integration into the group.But after thinking about it, Liu Si is usually helpful and kind to everyone. As long as he is encouraged, he will gradually get out of his shell and become an outstanding wizard.

At the moment, the captain led the patrol to move on to check whether there was any abnormality in the forest area.

Liu Si looked at the little civet that suddenly jumped out, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

At the beginning, he was afraid that the captain would directly ask him why he came here alone.To explain what happened to the kitten, he will inevitably be blamed or punished.This made him nervous early on, afraid that the captain would ask him as soon as he opened his mouth, and he had already thought about how to answer tactfully.

Who knew that such a cat would be killed halfway! Liu Si was nervous at first, but was startled and almost cried out.He didn't expect it to come to such a place, and it almost showed its secrets.

Just when Liu Si was at a loss, the captain had already turned all his attention to the cat.Liu Si breathed a sigh of relief, but also a little annoyed.I wanted to explain it to the captain, but this opportunity was interrupted like this!
Now the captain only thinks that he ran out for the cat, and doesn't care about his strange behavior at all.Liu Si looked down at the coquettish kitten rubbing against his leg, and really wanted to slap him - you stinky cat, you almost made me fail to achieve my goal!
If it hadn't come out suddenly, Liu Si would have faced the captain's questioning long ago.

When the captain was about to leave, Liu Si suddenly called to stop him: "Captain, wait a minute!"

The captain looked back at Liu Si: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Liu Si hesitated for a moment, and said, "I seemed to see someone running into the bushes over there just now. He looked a little suspicious. I don't know if it was someone who poached cranes."

The captain regained his energy immediately after hearing this, and quickly walked back to Liu Si: "Are you sure you saw it? What does it look like? Which direction are you going?"

The other team members also chattered and asked:
"Did you really see a poacher?"

"Tell me, where did you go?"

"Have you seen the face? Are you a local or a foreigner?"

Liu Si pursed his lips, trying to make his tone sound more believable: "I saw a figure running towards the woods over there. He seemed to be wearing a black cloak, and his face could not be seen clearly. But his movements were very agile. , seems to be running away, I think it's a bit suspicious, do you think we should investigate it?"

The captain pondered for a moment, then patted Liu Si on the shoulder: "You found it well! We must investigate it immediately, and if it is really a poacher, we must not let it go. Everyone immediately bring your equipment and follow me!"

After speaking, the captain took big strides to chase in the direction indicated by Liu Si, and the other team members quickly followed.Liu Si secretly breathed a sigh of relief, watched their backs drift away, and then followed.

The captain led the team members to walk carefully through the woods, carefully looking for the traces of the suspicious figure that Liu Si said.Everyone has raised their vigilance, paying attention to the movement around them at all times, for fear of missing any clues.

The captain held a longbow and walked lightly ahead to explore the way. The other team members followed behind him with serious expressions and ready bows and arrows.They pricked up their ears for every sound of wind and grass, and their eyes were fixed on the ground, looking for footprints or traces.

Just as the team was about to walk out of the woods, a team member suddenly exclaimed: "Captain, come and see!"

I saw him holding a piece of yellow bone in his hand, his expression was both shocked and frightened.The captain ran over in three steps at a time, carefully examined the severed bone, and couldn't help but gasp—it was clearly a part of a crane's wing bone!
"Is this the bone of the crane? Could it be that someone poached the crane here? This is the residence of Senior Brother Liu, and no one else lives here." The team member asked nervously.

The captain said in a deep voice: "Probably yes. We must immediately start a search to find out who did the good thing! That person must not have gone far, and he must have set the blame."

After speaking, he ordered the team members to search the surrounding area separately to see if there were other clues.The team members immediately spread out and searched carefully in the woods.

The scene became tense for a while. Everyone knew that cranes were a rare species. Their bones appeared here, which indicated that there were very likely crane hunters.They must find out the truth as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

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