The person monitoring Lin Jia came to Liu Yun's residence and knocked on the door three times with trembling hands.

He was careful when he knocked on the door, for fear of making too much noise and attracting other people's attention.After three times, he paused for a moment, listening carefully to see if there was any movement in the room.

The bar hanging on the door glowed with a faint purple light when he touched it, and the resulting fluctuations were immediately transmitted into the room.

Liu Yun in the room was practicing with his eyes closed, when he suddenly felt that the restraint was touched, he was startled, and immediately opened his eyes.

He concentrated on sensing the aura of the person outside the door, and quickly judged that it was the confidant he sent to monitor Lin Jia.

Liu Yun thought about it, guessing that this person must have something important to report, otherwise he would not take the risk to find him.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up, rushed to the door in two or three steps, and quickly opened the door.

When the people outside the door saw Liu Yun appearing, they showed a sly smile on their faces, and bowed to salute: "Lord Liu Yun, Lin Jia has already left, the time has come!"

After hearing this, Liu Yun's eyes suddenly shone with excitement, and he laughed loudly: "Very good! There is no need to delay, let's take action immediately!"

He couldn't wait to carry out the conspiracy against Lin Jia.

After Liu Yun heard the report from his confidant, there was a glint in his eyes, and he immediately took action.

With a flash of his figure, he moved several feet away in an instant, and came to the open space outside the house.This series of movements is so smooth and fluid that it is hard to catch.

Liu Yun formed a seal quickly, muttering something, and suddenly the five-color brilliance flourished, surrounding his whole body.

After the brilliance flashed, Liu Yun's figure had disappeared in place, leaving only colorful afterimages hovering in the void.

The confidant servant froze in place, and before he had time to react, Liu Yun had teleported away.

Only then did he come to his senses, and secretly marveled at Liu Yun's speed, which was several times faster than Lin Jia's.For a moment, I felt my scalp go numb and my back was sweating coldly.

Liu Yun's going here must be a fatal blow, and his confidants only hope that the plan will go well and he will be rewarded generously.

Thinking of this, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and then he turned and slipped away, for fear of being discovered by others.

Liu Yun was full of energy, and rushed towards the gate of the sect in a flash.

After a while, they arrived at the gate of the sect, but there was no one there.

Liu Yun frowned, this is not easy, maybe he has already left.

While thinking, he jumped towards the gate of the sect.

In just a moment, he jumped up the hundred-zhang-high steps of the Zongmen and came in front of the disciples guarding the gate.This speed is so fast that it is unimaginable like a glimpse of the sky.

The gatekeeper disciple was startled by his sudden arrival, and hurriedly cheered up and bowed to salute: "What is Senior Brother Liu Yun doing today?"

Liu Yun looked anxious, ignored the greetings, and asked straight to the point: "Lin Jia, has she left the sect?"

Upon hearing this, the disciple guarding the gate hurriedly replied: "Brother Liu Yun, junior sister Lin Jia left via the sect a few moments ago, and her whereabouts are unknown."

After hearing this, Liu Yun's eyes flashed coldly, and he asked, "Who did she bring with her? What kind of transportation did she use? Where did she go?"

The disciple guarding the gate replied in fear: "Junior Sister Lin Jia left alone, walking, and the direction seems to be east."

After listening to Liu Yun, he snorted coldly, knowing that Lin Jia must go to the ancient battlefield.He said in a deep voice: "Well done, you continue to do your business, don't mention this matter to anyone!"

The gatekeeper hurriedly responded, Liu Yun had already left in a hurry, and he was already thinking about how to intercept and kill Lin Jia in the ancient battlefield.

Watching Liu Yun's figure quickly disappear into the distance, the gatekeeper let out a sigh of relief.

Liu Yun came and went in such a hurry that there was no time for him to say hello, let alone exchange pleasantries.The gatekeeper disciple knew that Liu Yun's move was of great importance, so he dared not neglect it in the slightest.

After watching Liu Yun leave, doubts arose in the minds of the gatekeepers: Liu Yun obviously came for Lin Jia this time, and the question was only about Lin Jia's whereabouts.

Although the two are both sect disciples, they feel that their relationship is not very good.Liu Yun just looked like he was eager to pursue Lin Jia?
Could there be some feud between them? Or maybe Liu Yun was hiding malicious intentions and wanted to attack Lin Jia?
The disciple guarding the gate was worried that he might become an accomplice in Liu Yun's plot.But this kind of grievances within the sect, even a small outer disciple like him can't get involved.

Thinking of this, the gatekeeper secretly prayed that Lin Jianeng would be safe.He knew that Liu Yun's departure was bound to be related to Lin Jia, and he only hoped that the two would stop fighting in the sect and causing death.

The gatekeeper disciple sighed, shook his head to dispel distracting thoughts, and continued to bury his head in guarding the gate, doing his duty well.

Just as the gatekeeper disciple was thinking wildly, someone suddenly patted his shoulder heavily, which made him tremble all over in fright, and almost cried out.

The gatekeeper turned his head abruptly, only to see that Old Disciple Li had come behind him, staring fiercely at him with an angry expression on his face.

The gatekeeper's heart thumped, his face turned pale immediately, and cold sweat broke out on his back.He knew that if he offended Mr. Li, the consequences would be very serious.

I saw Mr. Li with a serious face, his face was twitching slightly because of anger, which made people shudder.The gatekeeper disciple shivered and stammered a greeting:
"Old Li, you, you are here. Yes, I did not do well, please, brother, please forgive me!"

Mr. Li frowned, grabbed the guard disciple by the collar, and shouted viciously: "Just now Liu Yun came to see you, what did you say? Be honest!"

The disciple guarding the door was frightened out of his wits, and tremblingly repeated Liu Yun's conversation just now, for fear of concealing something that would arouse Li's anger.

After listening to the gatekeeper's disciple's retelling, Mr. Li relaxed his eyes slightly, let go of the hand holding his collar, and pondered.

The speed of Lin Jia's cultivation must be due to her extraordinary aptitude, or the help of a chance.If it was the former, as an elder, he would definitely not allow Liu Yun to frame Cai Jun.If it's the latter, it's also beneficial for me to find out about Lin Jia's opportunity.

Mr. Li thought to himself about the news he had received these days. Liu Yun's move might be due to some old grievances or conflicts of interests with Lin Jia.

However, if Lin Jia is really talented, the sect should treat each other with courtesy and be strict with each other, and must not dismiss the talent because of personal grievances.I have to go and find out in person. If Lin Jiaguo has attainments, I will definitely help him with all my strength so that he can grow into a pillar of the sect.

Even if Lin Jia gets a chance to help, the chance should belong to the sect, how can Liu Yun monopolize it? I must meet Lin Jia, explore the origin of the chance, and if it is beneficial to me, I must try to get it.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in Mr. Li's eyes. He had to go there in person to find out Lin Jia's details and deal with the matter in the most favorable way.

No matter what, just adapt to the situation when the time comes, and you won't suffer a disadvantage.

Anyway, for discovering talents for the sect, the rewards of the sect will not be less.

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